Ok, I bought this from a local store, but I wanted to review it here to hopefully help someone else.
I needed the following....
1. Ipod connection
2. Ability to turn all lights off on the clock
3. Ability to listen to the ipod to go to sleep (in this case, white noise) and then have it switch to the buzzer alarm.
4. I needed a radio.
This does all that, and looks really nice! I need my room as dark as possible, and so this was awesome for that. Also, I sleep with a white noise machine, but I wanted to get rid of it, and just have an alarm clock on my night stand for a clean look. I also wasn't a fan of the white noise that the machines made (i swear i heard voices in it). I was able to make my own on my computer and put it on my ipod as a playlist, so it plays all night. Then, when the buzzer alarm goes off, it shuts down the ipod and turns on the buzzer alarm.
Also, I can listen to the radio before going to bed, which is very nice.
Keep in mind, this is not some booming ipod radio and the sound quality is so-so, but for what I need, it was either this, or some $75-$100 iHome... Memorex Mi4390BLK Clock Radio for iPod
I love this little Clock Radio for the IPOD.
It sounds wonderful.
Even though it's a small, the sound it gives off when I use my IPOD is pretty LOUD. I was looking for a clock radio to connect with my IPOD and came across this one and I'm so happy I did.
The radio is only FM station ( no AM staion)
The clock numbers are a soft blue color which you can dim really low if the blue color bothers you.
You can wake up to the alarm clock, radio or your IPOD.
Everything is very easy to set up.
It's perfect!!!
For the price it's a steal.
I needed a clock/radio for our baby's room that could use my iPod Nano that I had bought in 2008 (but was quickly replaced by my Iphone). It comes with a remote that does basic functions (off/on, play, pause, next, previous, etc.)
I thought the sound quality was 3.5 out of 5 stars. I didn't expect much for the price, but I was generally surprised at sound.
Because the remote is limited you'll need to select your playlist, artist, etc. on the iPod's menu's first, then you can use the remote to toggle between the next song or previous.
Overall, this clock fit my needs perfectly.
I just received my Memorex Mi4390BLK. My comments about it as follow: Just few words to describe it; easy to set it up, digital clock with big numbers. Easily you can turn display off at nights, nice remote control and sounds good on fm radio and ipod.
I just dissapointed when i tried to hear my ipod touch 3rd Gen, after it was plugged there wasn`t charge and sound. After that I realized that Memorex alarm only works on ipod classic and ipod nano old generations.
The price is one of the best options.
Buy one so you won`t dissapointed
Works well - easy to set time (although I did have to look at the directions briefly). Sound quality from iPod is good; only have to have the volume on 3 or 4 to hear it well. Imagine that it could get quite loud. Connects to my 30G first-generation iPod video easily, charges it quickly. The blue backlight is quite bright at night, but can be turned off completely. Alarm works well, although you can't listen to your iPod before you go to sleep and then have it wake you up to a different playlist - have to set the playlist you want to wake you before you go to bed. Makes a slight high-pitched humming noise when you put your ear up to it in complete silence, but nothing that would ever bother me and my hearing is fairly good. Haven't gotten a chance to use the radio yet. A good, solid iPod clock radio, and nice and small as well.
Not bad for the price. I paid $20.00 for mine at $taples on Black Friday. Directions specifically mention using an iPod dock adapter "that comes with your iPod". (My 4th generation iPod Touch does not have one, so off to the Apple store I go.) Has 1/8 stereo mini input in as well.
I just got this in the mail today just a few days after ordering it! I just plugged it in and will compare it to my last ihome of 4 years. The ihome was great, with great features and sound, but the click wheels stopped responding and it would take me at least 5 minutes to set my alarm.
Anyway... this doesn't have quite the same sound quality as my ihome, however it is sufficient and FINE for an alarm clock. It's loud or quiet enough and I haven't used the alarm yet but i like how there aren't click wheels and it's quick to set. You can dim the light and the whole system doesn't take up as much space as an ihome. The remote is cute too. You can't have presets for radio stations like the ihome, but I didn't use those very much anyway. There is also only one alarm you can have set, unlike the ihome where there's 2. However for less than 1/3 of the price of the iHome I would say that this is a better value. Taking it to school with me in the fall!
For years I have been an insomniac, and waking up to an alarm clock has made life a miserable loop of insomnia, only to have to rely on a clock that will snap me out of bed- only to leave me jolted, irritated, and miserable before my head even leaves my pillow. I have always been hesitant of getting a new alarm clock for fear that it won't be able to get me out of bed.
I have almost exclusively been using the buzzer alarm- I put the volume at a fairly high setting.
HOWEVER- dream of all dreams, I have been slowly readjusting to waking up to a far less jolting and misery inducing alarm! The buzzer is an ascending series of beeps that aren't quite annoying, but eventually are loud enough and at a rate of speed that can't be ignored.
Not only that, but the sleep is set for 10 minutes and some days I only slap it twice, and other days I protest and use it 3 or 4 times. BUT- in the last few months I've been using it I have been gradually adapting to waking up to a quieter and less severe alarm, which has left me FAR LESS irritable and grumpy in the mornings.
The same with the iPod alarm, it starts playing the music gently, then if you don't attend to the clock right away it starts to gradually crank up the volume.
My ONLY complaint is with the backlight- there are 3 settings, well, four if you count that you can turn it off- however, it seems to be blaring, slightly less blaring, and not so bad. I am severely sensitive to light when falling asleep- I have to cover the tiny little power lights on electronics to fall asleep. So even in the lowest power setting for the backlight, I have to make a tent of the blankets to block direct light from the alarm clock.
Which leads me to my next complaint, if you hit the snooze button on the clock, and you have had the light off throughout the night- you can't immediately turn on the backlight. You have to wait a period of time before you can hit it again to turn it on, which doesn't help if you're trying to get the benefit of using the snooze button AND make sure that you're not over sleeping (I'm in SE AK, it's usually pitch black at 0630 from October-April)
BUT... otherwise, I'm totally happy with the clock, and LOVE the remote. Woohoo!
Thank you for a great product! - Alarm Clock - Ipod Alarm Clock - Ipod Dock - Clock Radio'
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