I love this transmitter! When I first got it, I was disappointed that it seemed like you could not transmit in the best frequency of 87.9, but then I figured it out:
To change it to international mode (with the frequency 87.9 and so forth) all you have to do is hold the preset button for about 15 seconds, and the US will start flashing. Then you just hit the plus or minus to change to international mode, and voila! You now have the much coveted 87.9 frequency!
Since this transmitter will always be usable for any future mp3 player that I can imagine, (they are all going to have to have headphone jacks, right?) this means:
End of story. Get it. Now. Griffin iTrip Universal FM Transmitter and Charger for MP3 Players
As an iPhone owner it took months for us to find a FM transmitter that gave us the ability to use our iPhone's iPod music capability in the car. Yes, this item is compatible with iPhone. Please see pros and cons below... (reviewed updated 6/21/2008)
-iPhone and other MP3 player compatible (i.e. equipped with a "super minijack" headphone connection). Note: please don't confuse compatible with exceptional quality.
-Will power the iPhone and I think it can serve as a charger for it too
-Stores 4 pre-programmed stations
-Long cord could connect to a back seat lighter, not just the front (nice for those of you who have a lighter/socket in the rear)
-Acceptible broadcast strength, plenty loud as long as the iPhone volume is set loud.
-Price is reasonable relative to others on the market
-Buttons are flush with the front, fewer accidental button presses like I had experienced with my other (obsolete) transmitter
-In addition to buttons that cycle through the presets, there's up/down buttons to fine tune stations
-Socket has green LED when ready, turns amber when charging signaling that you are actually getting power
-Plastic case is less hard to open than others, the first that I can recall where I could pull it apart by hand (there's a tab in the back)... although a heavy pair of scissors are recommended
-Price is moderate, less than many (although not the least expensive either)
-Display is not backlit
-Broadcast strength and quality could be better
-Two cords, one plugs into the headphone jack, the other supplies power... a "quick and dirty" design (other competing models now use only one connector through the bottom connector, no separate connection to the headphone jack)
-You must supply your own USB-based power cable. Since this is a one-size fits all device, it would be unreasonable to ask them to give you one for every player on the market...
-A small display... a pro or con, depending on the situation
-Made overseas, where quality often suffers (however, so far so good)
-Between the cable and the power cords, that's a lot of cable. I used the twist ties that came with the unit to help wrap up the excess wire to minimize tangling, you may want to too
-For iPhone users: the iPhone periodically emits a powerful magnetic field that interferes with this unit. I've found this true with other devices like my clock radio and phone at work
Bottom line: with recent advances now 3 stars (Amazon does not allow you to change the rating for an item once it is ranked). There are better items now on the market, but a low-cost option, especially good for non-iPhone applications due to random iPhone static interference.
This device works really well... IF you change it from US frequencies to International as explained by Random Bimms in another review of this product. (Thanks Random!!) I was having trouble finding a clear frequency in the D-FW area until I found the secret of setting it to 87.8 MHz. Too bad this tip isn't included in the instructions. With the USB charging connectivity, this is truly a universal transmitter/charger. Don't lock yourself into a unit that is dedicated to a particular brand/model... this one works with all of them that have a standard stereo headphone jack and USB charging.
Recently purchased this "universal" FM transmitter. Using it for the first time I noticed a great deal of static as well as the "universal" connection was not charging the player.After making sure that all of the connections were done correctly and in working order I called Griffin tech support.They were helpful in telling me that they have recieved multiple complaints from Creative users and that the usb connection that recharges the player is not compatible.Thanks, you might want to put that little tidbit on your website.The one star is only because it sounded good when not using the sync/usb connection.So, if your a creative user who wants a FM transmitter that sounds good but can't charge your player go for it!Otherwise, I suggest trying another brand. - Mp3 Accessories - Itrip - Griffin - Car Fm Transmitter'
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