I have dealt with chronic back problems for many years. As I have grown older the occurences are more frequent and last longer. OLD AGE ? Had back sugery cortisone injections and alot of visits to the chiropracter. Lately none have offered much help. I have been using the belt for a month. When I get up in the morning I cannot straighten up. I put on the belt for 30 minutes and I am good to go. I do another 30 minute session before I go to bed. Try different modes. I find the P2 with the alternating pulse gives me the best result. So far it is quite amazing as I can do my housework and take care of the yard without alot of pain. The pads work fine,have not changed the yet. The adhesive is not as sticky as when I started but I sit in a chair with a firm memory foam pillow behind me and I get good contact.So far so good. Best $100 dollars I have ever spent. Zewa Body Relax II Back Pain Relief System
All I can say love it, love it, love it. Like many people I have lower back pain and I tried several things to get some kind of pain relief. Nothing worked so far, but this product is great. Even after the first use I felt much better, it really works! I will definitely keep on using it and already recommended it to my friends that have similar problems.
I have breast cancer that's spread to my spine, generating great back pain. I tried this product as a desperate attempt to relieve some of this pain. It has worked. My condition makes it impossible to relieve all the pain, but the Zewa definitely makes the pain much more bearable and I'm almost off all the pain meds. That means I can be a little independent by being able to drive and shop again! This product is worth every penny!
Zewa Body Relax II Back Pain Relief System The electrode stimulation does feel good and help the back. However, the 4 adhesive TENS pieces that connect to the electrodes do not stay on very well, and once the battery has been worn down a couple of hours, the 8 different programmable modes, as well as, the timer stop working, and all you get is one mode of off and on, which weakens with the battery;so either get a rechargeable 9 volt or lithium battery or prepare to buy a large quantity of batteries to keep it going and allow the timer and programmable modes to continue working. Also replacement adhesive TENS will be very useful.
I bought this product several years back when it was still sold at Sharper Image. I was inspired because my chiropractor would use electro stem to relax my muscles. It works great. I use program P8 which cycles through all programs. Now I only need it occasionally if I pull a muscle. After some days using this device the pain goes away. I cured my back pain with yoga and gym but this tool was a big help. - Relief From Low Back Pain'
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