Here's what I found after trying a multitude of styluses (or is it styli?) after buying an iPad 2. I wanted to use an iPad as a sketch book and the pad like it's name...and go digital rather than filling up notebook after notebook. So the perfect stylus has to feel like a pen and work well enough on the screen to give the tactile feel of drawing or writing on paper.
I learned that styluses tips are of 2 main types - fuzzy fabric and rubber - with some additional quirky ones made of metal (O-Stylus)or the sausage stylus (sausage also works like your finger!)
--Fabric tips:
Pogo stylus- also used by Apple Geniuses - have a fabric tip that's great for typing or selecting or gaming even but not so good for writing or sketching anything more complex than a smiley face.
Sock Stylus: This is a conductive fabric sock stretched over a wooden quill, sold on etsy (can google it). This stylus was light and the fabric tip over a wooden pen helped reduce drag due to it's smooth but hard tip. In fast note taking this stylus tended to be easier on the wrist as it was less squishy than the ACase tip. However, it lacked sensitivity in some apps and I had to go over the strokes twice for them to register. Also since it's not rubber you have to hold it at a certain angle but once you do it gives you good results.
There are other fuzzy fabric styluses out there sold by small stores - like the ones by the guy who has been advertising on all Mac forums as stylusrus and posting pictures of his store in competitors' item images. They claim that they have the best yet but I haven't tried that one yet.
--Rubber tips:
The ACase in question (2nd Gen) has a rubber tip. Please check my uploaded pic for size comparison against some other styluses.
The rubber tip looks pretty thick but is still thinner than our fingers. The problem is that it does block the view when writing or sketching just like our finger. This 2nd gen ACase tries to eliminate some of that by creating a longer stylus than most others like Targus, Boxwave, Pogo and even 1st gen ACase styluses. The rubber tip is also thinner and longer like a pen to block less view. All good design choices.
Unfortunately it fails to deliver when compared to some others. If you've only tried the El Cheapos from eBay etc or even from Amazon this is definitely a step up but falls behind the Targus and Boxwave. The longer stem is lighter and feels hollow and does not have the good weight of the 2-in-1 ACase that I tested. The longer rubber tip seems like a good solution until you try to use it on the iPad. I tested a Targus, ACase 2-in-1 and ACase 2nd gen in conjunction on Penultimate and UPad writing apps on iPad and also on Sketchbook Pro. I also used it for general tapping to select mail and do other tasks on iPad along with the rest. It failed to deliver as well as the others all counts. The rubber tip had to be angled a certain way to write and it kept missing strokes, if you pressed harder it delivered but the thinner rubber tip felt squishy and unnatural inducing writers' cramp. If you have to worry about the angle you're holding it at all times it's certainly not a natural process of writing. I took off the cord that attaches it to the headphone jack immediately as it makes an annoying jingling noise when you use the stylus. As a workaround I took off the metal spring hook that attaches the cord to the top of the stylus and tied the cord back on using some sturdy black thread which made it quieter.
Using ACase 2nd gen on an iPhone 4: For the iPad 2 I did not find it the best stylus to use, but when using on a smaller screen like an iPhone 4 it allowed me to select those small type links or buttons more precisely simply because the tip is thinner and allowed me to see better, rather than the hit and pray when using the finger. So if you're primarily going to use the stylus for tapping on a smartphone rather than sketching or writing this stylus is a good choice.
The ACase 2-in-1 was much better, Acase 2 in 1 Stylus + Pen for Apple iPad 16GB, 32GB, 64GB WiFi + 3G, iPad 2, iPhone, iPod, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy, BlackBerry Playbook (Black). The weight was right and it felt balanced in the hand. The tip was more responsive when writing or sketching perhaps due to larger surface area in contact with the screen. However, I still prefer the Targus Targus Stylus for Apple iPad 16GB, 32GB, 64GB WiFi + 3G, iPad 2, iPhone, iPod, Tablet AMM01US (Black) overall for writing on iPad 2 as it is the most responsive of all and has a matte finish stem rather than ACase's smooth finish which makes it a little less slippery to hold. The iPad 2 is already so slinky, I don't want to worry about dropping the stylus too!!
I've also heard good things about the Boxwave and Alupen but haven't tested them so I can't say if they're better than Targus.
So there you have it, Targus was the winner in writing and sketching but still a 3.8/5 compared to the 3 stars for ACase 2nd Gen stylus. Acase 2nd Generation Apple iPad / iPhone / iPod Capacitive Stylus (Jet Black) Newest Model
I have been waiting for a stylus like this for some time. I bought the original version - the shorter version with the thicker point - and was mostly satisfied. However, this one is so much better! The tip is thinner, so it is slightly more precise. The body is longer, so you feel more like you are holding a pen. This is important to me because I use my ipad to take notes and highlight/mark up documents for school, and this stylus is ideal for that. Very responsive, and doesn't look dumb.
I received my stylus today. It is so much better than the Pogo or Targus models. The stylus is much smoother on the Ipad surface, is responsive, and is much more controllable. More importantly, you do not need to hold it at any funky angles to achieve smooth writing and responsiveness. This is a little more expensive than the Pogo, and a little less than what I paid for the Targus at BestBuy. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a natural writing experience. You may want to consider Noteshelf or Evernote for getting the best out of the experience. As a lawyer, I have been working on replacing the traditional yellow pad and this is a great step in that direction. - Acase - Touch Screen Stylus - Iphone Stylus - Stylus'
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