I have been using the HP12C for about 20 of the 25 years it has been around. I love the calculator, and this is why I have used it for so long. I would recommend a purchase of an HP 12C to everyone. I also recommend purchasing the HP 12C instead of this anniversary edition. I only have a couple reasons for this.
1) The keys of the anniversary edition do not respond as well as on the regular HP 12C. For example, when I turn on the anniversary edition, I have to check to make sure it actually turns on.
2) The quality of the anniversary edition is just not on par with the regular HP 12C. For example, the screen on the anniversay edition is already getting scratched up. I have a twenty year old and a five year old HP 12C, and neither of them has any scratches on the screen. Also the keys are just not as solid and they don't have the nice tactile feel of the regular HP 12C. The anniversary edition just feels cheap.
So I would recommend skipping the anniversary edition for the regular HP 12C. HP 12C Platinum Financial Calculator
The HP12c Platinum 25th Anniversary Edition (HP12cPAE) is the 2006 special commemorative limited edition model and the second official upgrade of the original HP12C. The HP12c Platinum (HP12cP version 1.0) has been improved since its released in 2003. Although the HP12cPAE is based on the HP12cP version 2.0,it would has its historical place as the 4th model in the HP12C lineage since 1981 and may be unofficially designated as HP12c Platinum version 3.0.
FIRST LOOK AND FEEL. HP has showcased this upgrade with an overall quality in both the looks and feel department. The "new" retro-styling and colours of the HP12cPAE closely resembles the exterior of the silver plated HP11C, a made in the 1980s HP scientific calculator cousin of the gold HP12C. As a bonus, HP had made this a special purchase for the fans and new owners by including a nice black 25th anniversary "PDA" style leather pouch with the HP12cPAE. The overall construction is firm and solid and the improved keypad buttons has a very nice tactile feel indeed.For better viewing, users can now adjust the contrast of the clear LCD display screen.
WHAT'S NEW? Since the HP12cPAE is faithfully and conservatively built on the time-proven functionality of the HP12C, existing users should not expect to see any major hardware and software improvements. However,it is evident that HP had listened to its customers negative feedback on its first half hearted attempt to upgrade the HP12C with the slow HP12cP version 1.0 released in 2004. HP had dutifully responded to its customers negative feedback on the HP12cP v1.0 and and demostrated their wholehearted effort with the HP12cPAE by incorporating all necessary enhancements which could be possibly squeezed into the package to expand the capabilities of the classic HP12C.
HARDWARE ENHANCEMENTS. The current upgrade is 6 times faster than the HP12C as claimed and probably 10 times faster than its slow early release HP12cP when performing certain TVM calculations. The improved speed is now up to par with cheaper products from its competitors. This upgrade has four times more data storage memory which is sufficient for input of up to 80 cashflows or 400 programming steps. With the HP12cPAE, advanced users have a more powerful tool which would enable them to store more keystroke programs into their HP12cPAE, to perform routine complex and customized financial calculations by executing the programs stored in its memory.
THE HP12C NICHE. Potential new users of HP12C series of financial calculators should be aware that the proven form factor of the HP12cPAE is quite a novelty product to get used to. Despite the age of its design, if new users are looking for the unique RPN input method and user programming capability, the HP12C series and the HP17B2 series are the only choices available.
AGAINST THE COMPETITION. It is difficult to compare the user programmable HP12C series against offerings by other manufacturers, simply because no HP rivals has ever managed to produce an equivalent product to challenge the HP12C series. Advanced "power" users of financial calculators would appreciate that complex financial calculation, such as the Black-Scholes European Option Pricing Model formula could be keystroke programmed and stored into any HP12C series. HP12C, HP12cP (versions 1.0 & 2.0) and HP12cPAE users could recall the program from memory to perform routine computations repeatedly.
WHO SHOULD BUY IT? A fan of the HP12C with some spare cash on hand would probably grab a HP12cPAE off the retail shelf without thinking too hard. From my personal experience, new users to the HP12C series would find that the HP12C actually glows on you and grows with you once you are familar with it.
WOULD IT BECOME A COLLECTOR'S ITEM? Savvy consumers should know that the HP12cPAE is mass produced and sold worldwide as a mainstream consumer product. IMHO, the HP12cPAE would have to be made with real titanium, platinum or gold plated parts and engraved with unique serial numbers if it were to qualify as a rare collector's item. Only time and actual HP sales quantity would determine if any collector-speculator would profit from an auction sale of a new and sealed HP12cPAE on e-Bay.
WOULD I RECOMMEND IT? Yes, definitely. By improving the on the HP12C, HP has again demonstrated in the HP12cPAE (and HP12cP version 2.0) that with the right effort even a good product design can be improved upon at the matured stage of its product life cycle. Now, there is a real rival for the much loved classic HP12C, and it is no other than its successor,the HP12cPAE. Realistically,it is difficult to keep improving a near perfect product such as the iconic HP12C. Judging by the high industry standard it has set, the HP12C would probably celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2031.
Thank you for reading my enduser review, hope it is useful to you. - Cfa - Finance - Finance Calculator - Calculator'
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