Like many other droid users out there my main problem was my battery life. I wasn't pleased with the reviews on the extended batteries i had seen and it seemed on any site i went to it was about 50/50. Half of the people loved it and said it worked great. The other half wrote that the extended battery was a piece of garbage and to not waste your money. Really wasn't any middle ground. I'm pretty certain a problem people were having is the installation.
More than a few times i read when you install this new battery you do not touch your phone for a good 8 hours leaving it plugged in to charge. After that you should run your phone down to nearly nothing lets say 5% and then put it on the charger again, and after that you can charge and use your phone like regular. Just keep in mind your new battery takes longer to charge because it is bigger. A few people argue that you can use an app called "battery left" to fix the problem with the droid software that only recognizes an initial 1300 mAh charge leaving the battery in your bar at 10% and an annoying blinking red light. The app is pretty pointless in my opinion because i never really even look at the battery widget they give you. I recommend just powering down your phone and turning it back on. Once you do this the phone reads the initial mAh again and your back around 100 to 90% battery life. You can essentially do this 2 times after you take your phone off the charger with the last time giving you approximately 70% battery, and then when you run out of juice your battery is dead. The thing that drains my power the most is searching for signal. I live in a poor service area so my original battery would only last me maybe half a day if i was lucky. With this battery i have no problem lasting an entire day with a little left and having moderate phone usage.
The bulkiness that the battery creates wasn't really an issue for me. Actually felt better holding the phone with the new battery than without, although it did take away from the phones sleek and sexy aspect. I've been running this battery for about 4 weeks and have had no issues. Seidio has made a fantastic product which does exactly what it's supposed to do which is extend battery life. If you don't mind powering your phone down and back on a couple times a day then this is definitely for you. Seidio Innocell 2800 mAh Battery for Motorola Droid with Replacement Door (Black)
Proper procedure to get it to work
1) get this new battery in mail.
3) at bedtime, take old battery out, put this new one in.
4) install "battery left" from market
5) Next day, do your best to run this beast down.
AMAZING! It's said 5% since noon (firmware problem with droid) but it's still going strong. I've had it overclocked @ 1100MHz all day, playing games, using wifi and GPS at max brightness, no problem.
I've had quake 2 running (at 1100MHz) for the last HOUR in demo mode and I still can't run the battery out (the phone has been unplugged for over 12 hours as I write this!)
The 5% thing will take care of itself over the next few days, I hear, thanks to the "battery left" app.
Buy it, well worth the money. OH! Added bonus! LOVE the slightly larger droid. Easier to cradle in my neck, easier to hold (you'll see) and easier to pull out of my pocket. Get this and the game grip to have an all day SNES fix. :)
The price was right and the shipping time was as advertised. My experience is similar to most other reviewers, the Droid (original) does not recognize that it has an extended battery in it, so it will give you the same "low battery" warnings and sometimes even shut itself down when it still has over 50% battery capacity available. You must reboot the phone in order to let it see it still has a "full" charge left. Sometimes, the phone will show a "?" in the battery symbol... not a very smart "smartphone" if you ask me. The way I understand all of this works is that the battery itself is somewhat smart, and is supposed to let the phone know how much capacity is left; if that is the case "What a stupid battery!". If it's the phone's responsibility to know how much capacity is left in the battery, What a stupid phone!". Either case, someone needs to step up to the bat and end the guessing game.
In the end, yes the battery does have double the capacity and charging time is not appreciably longer than with the regular battery so I give it an average rating.
The other con for this product is that since it's bulky (ie: heavy), it does tend to unseat itself if it is jarred which will cause an unrequested reboot also. I guess this means the back cover supplied with the door should be more supportive of the battery so that it doesn't allow an unintended electrical disconnect. Maybe a small bit of foam inside the back cover would do the trick.
Bottom line: Does what it says, but has problems.
This battery is overall marvelous. I now can get through a 24 hour day easily and with relatively heavy usage watching videos, listening to music , using the internet texting and phone calls.
Your phone however doesnt recognize it as having the 2800 just 1300 or so. So the pohone will tell you you are running low when you actually arent. Simply restart the phone and it will show charged again or just ignore the fact it is saying you are low.
I do think it is a lil too expensive but I guess they can get away with it because with the smart phones such as the droid the regular batter y just won't due. I do notice my phone sometimes gets a lil warm but not sure if that is related to the new battery or the newest 2.2 update for the phone itself which has been a lil quirky. Also the door you have to use with the extended battery makes your phone thicker making it harder for me to get in in the case i have which is really just a leather pouch that I originally had for a palm pilot. It actually makes it easier to hold the phone tho while talking . It still fits in my shirt pocket of my uniform shirt.
All in all I totally reccommend this battery. I received mine in a very timely manner. Note you will want to try and charge this overnight or at least for 6-8 hrs as more power means a lil longer to charge up initially. - Motorola - Extended Battery - Motorola Droid - Droid'
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