I love this backpack has some extra room - so you can add essential items for your family that aren't included. Overall - a really good start. I added a Swiss army knife, some gum and hard candy, pull ups (I have small kids), sanitary napkins, and a few other odds and ends to make this a more complete bag for our family.
I used this as a start, then created my own bag (we have five in our family). I would feel very safe with just the contents that came in the bag though. The things I added were just "extras" that were important to me.
If you don't have a 72 hour kit - go ahead and purchase this one. It will get you at least moderately prepared and you can build from there. The bag is small, so it will easily fit in almost any trunk and I "think" would probably even fit in a motorcycle carrier. So, just like jumper cables should be in every trunk, this would be an easy way to be a little more safe. The food products and water are good for five years, so you don't have to think about it and rotate things out every six months as you would with something like bottled water. Quakehold! 70280 Grab-'n-Go Emergency Kit, 2-Person, 3-Day Backpack
This kit has almost everything you need for an emergency. It is compact, and easy to take with you. I only needed to add an emergency radio, flashlight and some batteries. It is a time saver also. It is easier than trying to gather all the products that are included in it. A real bargain!
I highly recommend this Grab and Go pack, just to have in the car or home in case of emergency. My comment about the size notwithstanding, it has everything to get me by for a few days should something nasty happen. I have supplemented it with my own first aid and fire starting additions, and it should prove handy if I ever need it.
This product makes no false statements. You get what it says. It is very much only for an emergency. The bag is small enough to make it a daily travler in any car. The first aid kit is just enough for basic cuts and such. The bag has about a 4" by 4" section to keep additional items like a multi-tool and flashlight. Do not expect a large bag for "survial" equipment, it is a basic emergency kit.
I order "Quakehold! 70280 Grab-n-Go Emergency Kit" for $45 but then also ordered "Deluxe 2-Person by SurvivalKitsOnline Perfect Survival Kit for Emergency Disaster Preparedness" for $99 and you get so much more with that puppy. The Quakehold pack is 1/4 the size and full. The SurvivalKitsOnline pack is larger with way more pockets and has room for other items to be added. I stuffed the Quake items into the SurvivalKitsOnline pack. Also added a knife sharpenter and military compass, 5-in-1 shovel, bowie knife, 150 feet of rope and cord, all-weather gloves, plus more to be added. It still has room. Sure the pack tops around 40+ #'s but you have everything in it. Prepare your bug-out kit bB4 you need it people!!
This is great for an emergency, the pack has the vital things like water food bars. enough for three days
I think this pack is a great starting point. I think it would be good to create your own grab and go. I put things in there that are not included in this pack. plus I bought my own back pack which is far larger.
This pack is small. Some of the items in my larger pack quality compass paracord leatherman 300 multi tool waterproof matches. magnifying glass. water treatment tablets extra emergency blankets flint starter. A small hammer
Extra bandages, I am not finished with this yet, but you get the idea things you may not be able to do without
in any emergency situation. I do recomend the quake kit!!!But also make your own you can never be over prepared.
I bought this for my brother, who lives in Florida. He really appreciated it and thought the assortment of stuff inside this handy pack was great. I spent quite a bit of time comparing different emergency packs, and this one does seem to be the best deal for the money. Hopefully he'll never have to use it, but it's good peace of mind for a decent price. I added a few items that I thought it needed, including a multi tool knife, an emergency radio/flashlight combo, and some other stuff. You can get ideas from emergency preparedness web sites.
I work in a public safety position and I am often reminded of the need to have a emergency "Go Bag" for 3 days of water food etc. I bought 2 bags which will accommodate 4 individuals. I feel better now that I know I have most of the basic items already packed in one place ready to take out of the door in case of an emergency..
This kit has a bunch of good stuff that would have taken me weeks to find, buy and figure out and probably cost me a whole lot more. I like the convenience and mix of products. I added some personal stuff to the kit and put it in my car. With all the threats of attack, earthquakes, fires and floods, I don't think you can ever be too prepared! The only thing I added were goggles because I remember the people from 9-11 trying to escape with all the dust in their eyes. - Disaster Kit - Emergency Supplies - Survival Gear - Survival Kit'
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