My husband and I just went thru our first round of IUI (finger's crossed) and was instructed by the nurse to start using the ovulation kit (of our choice) on day 10. After reading all the reviews, this seemed to be the easiest to use, and had the best feedback, so we went with these. On Day 10 - cirlce. Day 11- smiley face. We called the nurse and the next day they did an ultra-sound showing that I was in fact ready (ie. the test was accurate) and they went ahead with IUI. We're trying to stay very optimistic that one round is all we'll need (so think good thoughts) but if not, I have total confidence in using these for the following cycles. Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count
I love the smiley faces on these - no more comparing line darkness! I also like that these are the best deal I can find anywhere - you get 20 sticks, and they are individually wrapped so you don't have to use all of them in one month like some tests require. I would definitely recommend these!
Like many women, I had trouble interpreting the two-line system on the standard dipstick OPK's. A friend suggested that I try the smiley face digital sticks, and I'm glad I did! It's very clear to see when you've had your LH surge, because the smiley face is unmistakable. I also use the ClearBlue Easy ovulation monitor, because it measures both the LH level and the estrogen level. It gives you 3 levels of fertility (low, high, and peak), so it provides a lot more information than just the LH measurement. I use the ovulation monitor in the morning and the smiley face sticks in the late afternoon, and oftentimes the afternoon test is the one that turns positive first. This two-test technique has definitely helped me pinpoint my LH surges and plan my BD sessions accordingly!
I have been TTCing for over a year now without success, expended time and money in IC's and never got a positive (I have long, irregular cycles after the contraceptive injection). I decided to invested in this product, the first month on CD33 and CD34 I got the smiley face, 10 days later I am pregnant with my first baby.
It definitely worth the price.
What sold me on this product was that I didn't have to figure out if a line was darker or lighter. It was a very obvious happy face or circle. After trying for many months, I didn't want to analyze or overthink anything. I bought a box and started using them on the proper day. They are super easy to use and to read. On the 5th day of usage, I got a smiley face. Now, a few weeks later, I'm pregnant.
They worked for me!
I used the ovulation test strip in Nov 2010 & Jan 2011. When I 1st used them in Nov 2010 I was under a tremendous amount of stress with both work and the holidays. I ovulated a week late but I kept using the test strips. When I ovulated a week later then whatI was expecting I was in shock. My husband and I were together once after we saw the smilie face. Needless to say, I got my period in December.
I almost didn't a new box in January 2011 but I had 2 friends swear by this product. So we tried again in January 2011. I'm now 5 weeks pregnanat. I realized that in November I was in no state of mind to try to have a baby. Come January, life was back to normal as was my cycle. I will share what worked for me. I am very lucky because I am VERY regular. I expected I would ovulate Monday or Tuesday. We started to have sex on Saturday and low and behold I got the smilie face on Sunday! I was in shock. So we had sex through Tuesday & next thing you know..I'm pregnant! So I would definately recomemnd this kit. It was great & easy to use. Totally takes the guess work out of that very small 24 hour period of ovulation! We even used the digital home preganacy test and it was great!!
I would highly recommend this product. Don't get frustrated, it does take about 1-2 months. Definately my 1st month I had no idea the frequency we needed to have sex and I was in no emotional and mental condition to think of having a baby but once I realized that its imporant for the sperm to be waiting for the egg and not the other way around, January was a pure success! I was lucky that we had sex on Sat. and ovulated on Sun. and thanks to this product it really helped us and it totally worked and I'm 36 yrs old! Good luck & be patience!
This is the second Clearblue easy ovulation digital kit I've been trying and I will NEVER buy another one again. I wasted about $66 on these two boxes (7 strips) and what a waste of my money! I thought since these are digital, they would be easy to read and highly accurate, oh boy was I wrong!. The first time I tried it I thought maybe it was a bad batch because I never got a smiley face and I was parallel testing with CVS brand and Answer (both detected my surge and I was also being monitored because I was on Clomid). So I decided to give it a second chance. Again this cycle I have been testing with Answer, the CVS brand and clearblue easy. AGAIN both Answer and CVS brand detected my surge on day 14, but NOT CLEARBLUE EASY!!. It can't be my urine because I used the same urine for all three tests. So my conclusion is clearblue is not accurate. Personally I really like the CVS brand and it is much cheaper. I am also planning to try some of the online brands that are much cheaper than the store brands. My advice is to skip the digital and go with the strips and they are easy to read (in my opinion). If you are not sure if the test line is dark enough, most likely it is not a surge because a surge is obvious and you will know when you see it. Good Luck to all the ladies out there trying to conceive and I hope this helps! - Fertility - Ttc - Opk - Conception'
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