I have my Powershot A2200 for about two weeks now. I was a little concerned about the mixed reviews but I thought I would take a chance. I have and love my Canon G10 but did not want to carry it everywhere with me. I needed a little camera to carry with me and not worry about. I purchased my Powershot A2200 for 129. and could not complain about that. I liked how you can move through the different modes quickly and I especially liked the live mode. I am an artist and it is very important for me to control color and contrast and I can easily do that in the live mode. I understand the problems some of the other reviews complained about especially the blurriness. I too had blurry photos when I first started using it. This camera has a learning curve - it is a very sensitive camera and you have to become familiar with it and choose the mode ( program, live , auto ) that is best for you. Also there are several options to control in the focus of the camera. I suggest you become familiar with it to improve your results. This is a good camera for someone like myself that is familiar with using cameras and want options for controlling images. If you just want to point and shoot and not think about it - this may not be the best choice. I am really impressed with the photos I have taken. I mainly use the live mode - it is a very flexible mode - shooting well in low museum light and even out of a fast moving car. Given what I received for this cost I am very pleased. I love my little light canon camera. Canon Powershot A2200 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom (Red)
I purchased this a few days ago to replace an older camera, and I love it. All of my test shots have turned out beautifully when I uploaded them, and the new fish eye and miniature settings are fun to play around with.
My only concern is that the flap that covers the a/v out ports now opens in a new way, so that the pieces holding it on are under a bit of strain when it's plugged in to your computer.
Canon cameras have always been the best for the money, not this one. Although the camera has numerous features that are attractive there are two issues that detract, Lag time and battery life. When the battery is freshly charged the lag time is comparable to the SD line of cameras. After ten to 15 shoots the lag time gradually gets too long. I would not recommend using it for shooting pictures at a sporting event. The battery is a lithuim-ion, same as the SD series. However, it is rated at only 740 mAh compared to 940 mAh on the SD series. On a recent trip the battery died after seven hours of usage. Today the battery monitor said I had used 1/3 of the capacity in 2.5 hours. Unfortunately, I did not use it extensively and learn of the battery problem until after the 30 day period or it would go back to Amazon. I recommend spending the extra money on the SD series or buying a different brand.
I had a heavy DSLR and wanted a smaller camera to take to the park or just on small trips. I found this one at the store for a really good price, and bought it. I have never had a Canon camera before, but let me tell you this... I love it! They have won my sastisfaction! It is a good "beginner" camera, and takes wonderful photos. I love all the effects like fisheye, minature, poster ect. Its a some-what small camera I can fit in my pocket and take just about anywhere. I would reccommend it to anyone interested.
I just recently bought this camera for my mom on Mother's day and it was a total waste of money! The first time she used, she loved it and the pictures came out great! We went to a concert last week and brought the camera (second time using it) and right when we turn it on THE LENS JAMMED and now it won't work. We keep receiving a message that states lens error and restart camera. Mind you, we have NEVER dropped the camera and there was no dirt or anything on the camera. It was in perfect condition! I decided to do some research to see if I could fix it myself and it turns out that a lot of their Powershot cameras have this issue and people want to charge $100 just to fix it! Might as well buy a new camera. But I'm definitely not going to buy a Canon!
This is exactly what I expect from the Canon brand. The pictures look great, and the camera is super easy to navigate. All of the photo options are fun to tinker around with. If you don't like to mess with settings, then there is an auto mode that takes pretty good pictures. For those of us that like to have more control over the picture, there is a mode for that as well. You can't really change too much beyond shutter speed, iris, and other such basics. If you want to get really in depth, then you shouldn't be shopping for a point and shoot camera. The camera is light weight and compact. If you want something to fit into a pocket while you're out and about, then this is definitely the way to go. The last Cannon I had has held up for years. The only reason I bought a new camera was for an upgrade. Cameras have more oomph now than they did six years ago! And this one was worth the hassle of upgrading! I expect another six years of picture taking with this one. - 300hs - Hd Video - Point And Shoot - Elph'
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