Ok, it might seem dumb to call a pneumatic nail gun gorgeous, but when you pick up one of these pinners, you will understand. I have a couple lower priced pin nailers that teased me. When they worked, they were extremely handy and nice to have, but about half the time they would not set the pins, or would jamb. So I figured I would spend the money and pick up the Cadex.
First thing that jumped out at me was the overall quality of the gun. I am a professional and own multiples of every other gun. From framing guns, to roofers, siding, fine wire to 1" crown staplers, brad and finish nailers, heck even finish nailers specifically made to shoot in to metal studs and this gun is by far the highest quality gun I own.
So far I have a few hundred pins through the gun without a single jamb or without a single pin that wasn't completely sunk in to the wood. I have yet to try the new 23gauge slight head brads, but it is nice to know the Cadex can shoot these along with the headless pins. Cadex CPB23.35 23 Gauge Headless Pinner and 23 Gauge Brad Nailer, 1/2-Inch to 1-3/8-Inch
I recently wrote a bad review about this gun, and I think I might have jumped the gun a little bit. I also just realized, that it seems to have popped up under the store front to Woodworkern Specialties, and that was a complete mistake. First off, let me say that from day one, I really liked the look, feel, and features of this gun. I researched it on the internet for several hours. I looked at every brand I could find, and according to what I read, the Cadex brand was second to none. So, I looked for one, and the best deal I could find was at Woodworker Specialties. I originally bought mine from Woodworker Specialties' ebay store, and didn't realize he had a store here on Amazon, but that's beside the point. I can't say enough about the customer service I received from Bob at Woodworker Specialties. I had what turned out to be a small problem with my nailer after a little while, I was really disappointed, and felt the urge to write a bad review of this nailer on Amazon. Two days later, Bob from Woodworker Specialties, somehow recognized my name from ebay or something, I don't know how, and sent me an email, asking me to contact him to see if we couldn't fix the problem. And to make a long story (sorry) a little shorter, after a couple of emails, and a short phone call, all is well with the Cadex Pinner. I cannot stress enough how professional Bob from Woodworker Specialties was thru the whole ordeal, and how helpful he really was. Anyone else probably wouldn't have messed with it, but when he saw a customer with a problem, HE CONTACTED ME FIRST, and asked if he could help me! If every business had this kind of customer service, and were this personable, there would be very few unhappy consumers anywhere. So in closing if you are considering this pinner, or any other pinner made by Cadex, or any other item sold by Woodworker Specialties, BUY IT FROM WOODWORKER SPECIALTIES, and I assure you you cannot go wrong. I can also tell you, if you are looking at the Grex pinner, it is IDENTICAL to the Cadex, only minus the blower, it is green, does not have the swivel hose adapter, and doesn't shoot the small head brads. I know, because I now own both (again my mistake, and would only make the story longer). Thanks again Bob, (WOODWORKER SPECIALTIES) and I hope I didn't cost you any business with my first review.
Professional kitchen and bath remodeler
Cadex is the best pin nailer on the markiet period.I own another brand "GREX" and that was good for about 2 hours and then broke the piston tip.I try to replace it and the same thing happend to it,plus you can't get parts for it.Cadex is awsome,even has blow gun build in it.I use it for kitchen cabinets instalation and crown moldings.I highly recomend it.
This pinner is UNBELIEVABLE, talk about a quality tool, wish all my tools were built like this.. It's smaller then you may exspect but puts the pins in with ease.. funny cause I find myself polishing it before I put it back after use. had it for about 4 months now and looks like I never used it... I love to use this tool....and love to take it out in front of others. If your like me and have to have the top of the line , this is it, it sells itself, if ya can afford it buy the 2 inch one, thats next on my list.
Works great as a pinner and as a tiny brad nailer.
The only learning curve that I had was that I had several of the tiny brads bend in the wood and come out through the side when I was putting some oak edging on plywood. Whan you are shooting the small gauge brads or pins through a tough wood like oak, they will bend to follow diagonal planes in the wood. That is not a fault of the tool, just something you never have to think about when you are shooting standard brads.
I recently purchased this item to do some fine finish work on a cherry wood library. I have Porter Cable nailers and I thought they worked pretty well. This pinner/nailer is excellent. It's the difference between a Ford and a BMW. Beautiful took, all aluminum, light weight. Easy to clear a jam but it never jams. Also, very small so it is great for working in tight areas. Highly recommended and I will probably replace my Porter Cable nailer with the Cadex 2 1/2 version just because I don't want to use anything else anymore.
As mentioned by previous reviewers, the first thing that strikes you about this tool is the quality with which is has been built. Fit and finish is flawless. Additionally, right out of the box it was perfectly setting pins that are virtually invisible. If you do work with lots of smaller moldings, this is a must have tool. I debated for a while between this one or the CPB23.50. The primary difference between the two is the ability of the CPB23.50 to shoot pins up to 2" (for an extra hundred bucks). Ultimately I decided that if there was anything I was going to be doing that required a 2" pin, then it probably also needed to be larger than 23 gauge. I use this for pinning furniture trim moldings and picture frame pieces until the glue dries, pinning drawer bottoms so they don't rattle, and about a hundred other things I wouldn't have thought of before I bought one. The pins hold yet are almost invisible in the grain of many wood species even under a clear finish. If you are painting over the pins, you'll never have to use filler again because the paint will easily completely fill the small hole. The ability to shoot pins or slight headed brads puts the Cadex pinners ahead of all the competition (the Nikle also shoots brads but I was less impressed with it). I've seen some complaints about the lack of room around the dual trigger safety. I don't have large hands so it was not problem for me and the traditional type of nailer safety would be completely impractical with anything shooting fasteners this small. While this certainly isn't the cheapest pinner on the market, if you use one a lot, this may well be the best value. I wouldn't recommend spending the $200 if you'll only use it once then let it collect dust on a garage shelf but if you spend a lot of time in the wood shop, you won't be disappointed in this tool and you'll be surprised how often you find yourself reaching for it. - 23 Gauge - Grex - Micro Pinner - Pinner'
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