just recieved this unit today and was very pleased it was smaller than i thought but thats ok sounds great plenty loud and good bass comes with full function remote which works well its in my shop about 20 feet away i wish it had separete bass and treble controls but sounds great right out of the box could'nt be more pleased with purchace and would highly recomend it AudioVox Sirius SXABB1 Dual Mode Speaker Dock Boombox
This is a great little radio for the home, office or garage... anywhere you can access 110 volt electricity. Portable (i.e. battery) use is a problem as it uses a great deal of electricity. Eight Duracell "C" batteries (cost $10+) lasted only about 6 hours; this makes it too expensive for regular use at the park or the beach. All controls are electronic/touch/temperature & are located on the top of the radio. If there is a line power drop, the controls stop working & you must unplug the radio & "reboot" it to get the controls to again function properly. Also, as the controls are temperature sensitive, if you have been outside and have cold fingers, the radio won't respond to your touch; I've had to ask my wife (who was inside & had warm fingers) to turn the radio on for me. Finally, the "mute" control button is almost useless. If the phone rings & you wish to turn the radio down or mute it, the electronic controls are sluggish and difficult to execute quickly. It is easier (& much faster) to simply turn the radio off or to the "auxiliary" position. Still, this is a great little radio with good sound quality. Prices have been dropping, so go ahead and reward yourself with this great little radio... and get an extension cord for any outside use.
Batteries don't last long but I bought rechargeables and use the power cord most of the time. Well worth the money for just over $100. Best Buy wanted $140. I previously had the skyfi 2 boombox but it died after 6 years. Not rugged like the Skyfi box but is better suited for Kitchen, Den rather than outside.
We live in a rural area, and do not get many good strong radio stations. Also, we have a camp in central Pennsylvania where the radio reception is extremely poor, and no TV signal clear enough to watch. This portable XM Radio Dock is just the ticket. We receive excellent antenna at both our home and camp. What a wonderful difference. We play the radio dock almost continuously at the camp and receive outstanding sound - even inside the camp. Our house has dense trees in the front (south facing), so the antenna aims north, and we still get very good antenna. This is a great product - definitely recommended.
I purchased this for my husband for Christmas, wasn't sure if it was something he would enjoy but we have been so pleased with the purchase....he can listen to the xm radio when he is in the house and it is just the right size. Love it.
Nice quality sound. I transfer my ONXY from my car to this boom box almost every day. Nice, slick volume control. Antennae very good--picks up signal even 20 feet from a window. Very light and easy to carry.
For the price, this unit is great. It's not a 'blow your mind' speaker system, but it does the job very well. I love xm radio and I love that I can use this in any room and outside. I can have it in the kitchen with me and then take it to the treadmill for a workout, then out to the deck for dinner. XM is a great way to hear a variety of my favorite music. I can't stop saying "I LOVE that song". There's so much to listen to. I just love it.
I really am enjoying my AudioVox SXABB1. It is easy to use, has great sound qualities, and satisfies the "techie" in my 54 year old brain. I would recommend it to anyone trying to get more out of their expensive XM radio subscription. At least it doesn't have to sit out in your car when you are at home. - Sirius - Onyx - Xm - Sirius Satellite Radio'
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