This fabulous series of books helps parents be proactive in their kids' education. However, this 1st Grade edition may be too easy for kids who had an excellent kindergarten that taught basics such as reading, phonics, simple math, etc. I've found it to be a good review of what my son learned in kindergarten, but am going to buy the 2nd grade level to prepare him for 1st grade in his school. First Grade Big Workbook! (Ages 6-7)
I bought this book for my son who will be starting first grade in the fall - I am very pleased with the content. I bought the book so he could keep up with his learning through the summer and get a head start in the areas he was not taught in kindergarten.It is the perfect book for the purpose intended. I will continue to do the same every summer with the next levels of this book.
This fabulous series of books helps parents be proactive in their kids' education. However, this 1st Grade edition may be too easy for kids who had an excellent kindergarten that taught basics such as reading, phonics, simple math, etc. I've found it to be a good review of what my son learned in kindergarten, but am going to buy the 2nd grade level to prepare him for 1st grade in his school.
If you were intending to use this workbook as a homeschool curriculum you will be disappointed. If your child doesn't have background knowledge such as an understanding of historical occurrences such as the pilgrim voyage than they will be lost on some pages. The workbook provides a few sentences of background info on some topics such as mammals but it is obviously meant to expand current knowledge and not provide the lesson itself. Another `flaw' is that these workbooks tend to be 1 grade or more behind. I recommend buying one a grade or two above the level at which your child works.
My daughter is struggling in first grade. We're 3/4 of the way through the year and I picked this book to help her catch up. It's a fantastic price for what it is. Around 300 pages of full color decorated pages of school work.
The first section is letter formation focused. And then the sounds. Her favorite thing is where you color the sections that sound like a long e, or similar sounds, so that when you're sound you have a picture.
Some other categories include: addition and subtraction practice. Money. and Time. Those last two will be more challenging for her.
It's a great tool. I don't mind skipping things she's already learned, but mostly I use them for review. She really loves doing this. More than her homework from school.
Some is easy for her, some is challenging. The authors were wise to cover all the things a first grader should learn. If you have an advanced student, take the advice of other reviewers, and get a later version. BrainQuest and Summer Bridge also have excellent workbooks which we may purchase in the future.
I grabbed this at Target one day as a way to keep one of my kiddoes busy while I get a few chores done every day. It filled the bill and more. I liked the writing practice, but this book really surprised me with some great content.
+ Making plurals and adding -ing to verbs
+ Time review
+ Money review -- VERY VERY good section
+ The math section started fairly basic but was full of story problems and graphing -- again, an unexpectedly good section.
I have a high opinion of the BrainQuest series -- not to be snobby, but I figured this would not be as good. Glad I was wrong!
I would buy more in this series.
I bought this book for my 5 year old. She actually hasn't gone to Kindergarten yet, but she already has accomplished everything in our school system's Kindergarten curriculum. We're in Montgomery County, Maryland, so I think that our standards are pretty high for Kindergarten. The book offers plenty of writing, reading, and math practice. I would say that it is pretty simple in the beginning, but progressively gets harder. I think it might be best suited for the summer between Kingergarten and first grade, not for AFTER first grade.
This book is probably good summer activities to reinforce what kids have learned during the school year, but there is a big gap between what is taught in the BIG Kindergarten and the BIG First Grade. I wouldn't use this book as an exclusive curriculum--it is not intended for that, I guess. The phonics does not slowly build from one skill to the next; it is just two pages about silent e, two pages about long a, etc. Same with all the subjects... much too brief to be used as a curriculum. I use this book just to tear out a fun page about a topic my daughter already knows.
My son is really enjoying this workbook. Not too hard. Not too easy. Just right for keeping up skills during the Summer. The best part, for me, is that the pages tear out easily (perforated). So, he can work on a page and not have to deal with a big bulky book. I also got the Brain Quest book and he doesn't seem as drawn to it. Also, the pages of the Brain Quest book do not tear out. - First Grade - Elementary - Curriculum - Education'
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