I am appalled at how insensitive this product is to Leonardo DiCaprio's family. This is too soon after such a horrible tragedy. To see the realistic ice ship crash off the glacier in my Gin was brutal. To make matters worse the ship melts and disappears into a sea of Gin as if the event never happened. I accidentally swallowed a half melted ship and it was like swallowing death.
Too soon Fred and all your friends... Too soon. Fred and Friends Gin and Titonic Ice Cube Tray
A play on words, that any punster will appreciate, "Gin And Titonic" is charming and high quality, as all products from the FRED line are.
You get a mold that makes four "ships" and four "icebergs", in a cool ice blue sillicone. First class, all the way - the package is easily 'giftable'.
Be aware, the product is NOT big - if you are planning a get together with with more than 2-3 people you will either need to prepare before and make up a few (or many) set's, or perhaps buy a few molds.
I bought 2, for personal use, and have been quite happy, you can make up a few set's quite quickly - faster than a traditional icecube tray.
The molds are easy to un-mold by running warm water over the silicone bottom, or even easier with a very LIGHT spray of non-stick(such as PAM) or olive oil.
The product is super-easy to use, just fill with water and freeze it. If you crave crystal clear results, try distilled water.
As suggested by the package, the product is best used in a clear "old fashioned" (short) type of glass.
The 'sinking' effect is seen with Gin or Vodka!
TITANIC fans will love this, but....so will POSEIDON ADVENTURE fans!
Call the 'icebergs' cubes, and you can have an SS. POSEIDON drink too!
Poseidon fan's would agree that this item would be "Linda Rogo Certified COOL".
This item is is just fun, and unique, all around. The price at Amazon is better than what I have seen at boutique stores, too.
This is NOT to be missed!
There comes a time in everyone's life when they need ask themselves, "What am I willing to give up for novelty ice cube trays?" Alright, maybe not everyone's life, but you're reading this review, so it's probably on your mind.
The tray only comes with four boat molds and four "iceberg" molds, which means they're not really practical if you're having a party or if more than two people want ice at the same time. (Although, who am I to say that two people and little frozen boats isn't a party?) It's also a bit of a pain to release the ice from its silicone mold. But once you do, you can have minutes of fun re-enacting the tragic voyage of the SS Titanic until either the ice melts or your fingers go numb.
If you're the type of person who, like me, lives alone and is easily amused, and enjoys reaping the attention-getting rewards of posting photos of these types of things on social networking sites, then by all means, you could do worse by your $[insert whatever price the Amazon algorithm fairy has come up with for today].
Handy ice tray with 4 ships and 4 'icebergs.' My kids love the shape and I have to admit that I think it's fun too. The ice can be a little tough to extract because of the amount of articulation on the ship (it has four little smokestacks) and the nearly round shape needed to make the 'icebergs.' The material is durable and I haven't noticed any splitting, warping or odd flavors.
I needed ice trays because my in-fridge icemaker freezes ice too quickly. When that happens a lot of air is trapped inside the water and when the ice melts it forces the carbonation out of sodas faster than credit cards raise interest rates.
These trays make great ice and with so much surface area, they cool a drink quickly. I've never had one of the little smokestacks break off but they won't last long in a drink.
I would have given it a fifth star if the tray was about twice as big. It's a mite pricey for the size but it is fun.
The tray makes neat ice. It's a bit messy to load, but using a small cutting board for stability it can be managed fine.
The problem is that it taints the ice with a bad taste -- a plastic / rubber chemical taste. Perhaps it can be avoided if the ice is removed from the tray and stored in another container immediately after freezing, but if you leave it in the tray for more than a day, your drink will taste bad.
I bought this and have made a couple of sets and I think my experience differs from many of the other reviewers.
The ships and icebergs are reasonably difficult to get out of the tray. I noticed one reviewer mention you need to run warm water over the back of the tray. I'll have to try that. If you just follow the instructions and pull on the sides of the tray, it'll get you nowhere. I ended up prying at the sides of each individual ship to try to get them out and the first ship I was able to get free flew through the air and crashed to the ground because I had to pull so hard and it slipped from my grasp. (Yes, it was like a scene off a sitcom.)
I also found that in order to get the full effect you either need to have pretty wide glasses or not fill your glass over two fingers deep. That means if you're using this with, say, a glass of water or something, it's not going to be as effective.
I like the product, it just takes a little more patience than I was expecting.
I never thought I would be so excited for ice cubes in my life. ever. everyone in my family absolutely adored them! it was a bit smaller than expected though. but everything else was fine! definitely something I'd get as a gift for someone.
bought these for my sister for christmas and i just couldn't wait, i had to make some cubes with it before i gave it to her to try it out. it was so much fun, a little tough to get out of the mold but worth it. she loved them! - Titanic - Humor - Cocktail Accessories - Fun Cubes'
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