Yeah I just got this thing to connect the hard-drive holder I should have used to migrate from my little HP-DV notebook failing drive to a much bigger Western Scorpio.
I have now found that I will be able to use any drive from either of my two old laptops and have all that data intact. Now I know how to copy a drive and put it in whole and save all the reinstall hassle, that is if the drive is the problem, and otherwis runs clean.
E-SATA is the way to go for speed and useability I find, and really stomps USB into the grass for gigantic jobs such as whole-drive migration.
Get the blue one! Link Depot Rounded eSATA to eSATA Cable (Blue, 6 Feet)
The cable is well built - fits nicely in both Esata ports (on my laptop and external HDD), and I get ~45 MB/s transfer speeds from my internal laptop hard drive (only 5400 RPM) to my external HDD (7200 RPM). This is maxing out the capabilities of my internal HDD, so I assume it's doing its job. It's plenty long as well.
Cheap, works flawlessly, much better than USB or Firewire since it's the actual interface that's on the HD, simply fishtailed over to my mobo.
Would buy again!
Great cable for the price, good sturdy contraction yet flexible. Has a clear "tube" sleeve. Works perfectly with my eSATA drives almost 4 feet away ;-) The color is blue, would have preferred black but it really doesn't matter since all cables are behind the rack.
Bought to connect external hard drive to computer. However, this cable is quite stiff (about 1/4" diameter and not very flexible), so puts a lot of strain on the connectors in the computer and ext HD. Also, cable advertised as having "Smart Latch". No idea what this is, as the cable pulls out of the computer/HD connectors with no effort.
Probably will need to look for another cable.
I had bought an external hard drive with an eSATA connection, but unfortunately it did not come with an eSATA cable. The first cable I bought didn't work, and I thought something was wrong with the drive. But since it's cheaper to replace a cable than a drive, I thought I'd try the Link Depot cable, which had positive reviews on Amazon. I was not disappointed. I haven't had any problems with the connection, and the speed increase over USB 2.0 is remarkable.
I needed to speed up a USB/eSATA external drive which I had hooked up as USB. I bought a PCIe eSATA adaptor to speed up the access time of the drive and needed the cable to connect to the drive. I bought this at a very good price and it was delivered quickly. Did the job well!! But beware, there are a LOT of SATA to eSATA cables out there. They won't work for this application. This cable is eSATA to eSATA and it is exactly what i Needed. - Cable - Esata Cable - Cables - External Hard Drive'
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