Like the other Case Logic CDW wallets, this one has removalbe pages, holds the discs securely, and has room for rather substantial liner notes. Those that won't fit in the sleeves will fit in the pockets up front.
Because of the unique design of the locking system however, inserting papges is not particularly easy -- the rings lock in front of the first page, so to insert a page, you have to pull out all of the pages in front of it. It would have made more sense to have it lock in the back -- that is where you would either want to add pages, or remove the extra ones.
All in all, we are pleased ... it is a great way to store our cd's, it gets rid of that major shelving system we bought only for our discs, and, frankly, the discs are more accessible, than in some of those fancy jewell cases.
My favorite aspect of the wallets is that we actually listen to our music more -- we were storing our discs in our library -- away from our stereo, so you actually had to make an effort to pull the discs if you wanted to listen to them. Because these books are so much more portable, they are where our stereo is.
I foresee the future holding all music electronically, on demand. But in the meantime, several of us own thousands of CD's and this seems to be the best way to store and protect them.
(PS I understand the hesitation of actually tossing the jewell cases -- all I can say is DO IT!!! It feels fine. And if worse comes to worse, pull them open and save the inserts.) Nylon 320-Disc CD Wallet (Black) plus 16 CD/DVD Fast File Holder
the first cd wallet of this magnitude i ever bought- was the fellowes one. (my review is in there somewhere) I have two of these case logic wallets now (i bought one on sale @ amazon and my friend sent me one from my wish list). I'm ordering a THIRD case logic case because they withstood hurricane Rita... well... actually there wasn't much of a hurricane in Houston - BUT i did have to lug all of three of my 320 cd wallets around during the evacuation. (house to car to 2nd floor apartment to car to house)
both brands are made well- neither of them broke during the evacuation- which is amazing seeing as how- with all my cd's and dvd's inside each wallet weighs 17 to 18 lbs.
I have decided to purchase another case logic cd case- for many reasons...
1. The Fellowes is made well- but you can't take pages out and organize them. The case logic case- you can- it's a pain in the butt though- especially if you want to change a section in the very back... but it's still nice to have the option- and still way better than having to move the cd's out of the sleeves.
2. The Fellowes is made well- but the construction doesn't have as much heft to it as the case logic. when both are empty and you're holding one in each hand- the case logic is a little heavier. the case logic- has nicer smoother nylon feeling fabric- rather than the coarse canvas fellowes. the case logic's has more seam reinforcement. the fellowes has a little bit more padding- but i don't really see how it makes any difference in protecting the media inside.
3. both are difficult to zip- and i'll probably have to rub soap or wax on both brands eventually---- but the thin fabric on the fellowes makes it REALLY hard to zip- where as the case logic - has more hefty fabric which instead of moving with the zipper pull- it stays in place.
4. the binder like quality of the case logic- allows you to use this case frequently without fear of damaging or ripping out pages- ie... flipping around for half an hour trying to figure out what dvd you want to watch.
i keep cd's in the fellowe's one- because it's just for storage. (I highly recommend the 4gb ipod nano opposed to the 2gb fyi) i would NEVER get a fellowe's to house my dvds. These two case logics get thrown around a lot... literally because they're heavy. the pages get smacked around- back & forth, back & forth... they've taken a lot of abuse and that is why this case get's a 5 star rating. i know if i used the fellowes case for my dvd's that thing would have been broken after the first month.
It is wonderful grabbing one of these cases and flipping thru the pages to find my CDs, rather than pawing thru jewel cases, knocking over the stacks of them, and giving up after a half hour of searching. I have 3 CDW-320's, each holding a different genre of music. In a fire, I could grab all three cases and go, where that would've been impossible before. By my calculations, the physical space used by my CD collection has decreased by 40%!
The way to do what I did is to get rid of the jewel cases entirely. To do that, do this for each CD you own:
1) Each side of each CDW-320 page has four pockets. Put the CD in one of the two top-most Pockets on a page.
2) Put the CD's booklet in the pocket underneath its CD.
3) Finally, pop open the CD case (it takes just a little force) and pry out the back-of-the-CD card. Straighten out the folds of that card, and slide it in sideways into the bottom pocket, behind the CD's booklet. It will stick up over the top of the pocket, but since it's in the bottom and the CD's in the top, it doesn't hurt anything. The back card will just cover up a little of the CD.
Continuing in this fashion will allow you to fill up the wallet with 160 CDs, since each CD takes up two pockets. Double and Triple CD cases work similarly, and just use up more pocket-pairs.
When you take out a CD to play it, you can take out the booklet too, and see the back-card with the tracklisting through the clear pockets. You never have to take the back-card out, which is good, since its straightened-out folds may be delicate and may rip with too much handling.
Finally, you can recycle the jewel cases, saving a few in case you want to lend a CD to someone.
One other plus to this one over the other Case Logic cases: not only is it the biggest, but it allows the pages to be removed and shuffled. Like another reviewer said, it's a pain, but at least it's doable. The smaller cases do not have this feature.'
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