I bought one of each size band; Blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. I was quite disappointed when the blue band tore after 3 days of use, followed by the yellow one the very next day. Then, two days ago, the green one ripped. I now only have the red and orange ones in tact.
I want to make it clear that I was not abusing these bands. I was using them in a fashion commensurate with how they should be utilized, and I was not slip knotting them or anything like that. While tearing the band does not render it completely useless (as it can simply be gripped differently), I was nevertheless irritated with the shoddy quality of the bands.
Band training is something I think is a good supplement to a well rounded training routine, and I definitely subscribe to their use. In the future however, I will cough up the money for additional Jump-Stretch brand bands, and avoid cheapies like those reviewed here. Exercise Fitness Loop: Resistance Band - Yellow, Medium Resistance
I'm a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor, I bought about 50 of these in different strengths, I use them in aerobic class and with clients. They have gotten repeated use for the last year, not one has broken. I'm about to order more, it's a good product.
I blame myself for ordering this very poor and short product. I missed the words "12" relaxed". I do resistance band exercise at my senior center, twice a week, we use gray stretch bands, they are ugly looking,and are supplied by the city parks dept. I was drawn to the great colors of these bands, but this band is too short to do anything. If this band was sold for half the price it would still not be a value, I almost ordered all of them, because it said free shipping, and I am a sucker for free shipping.
I was sort of unfamiliar with what I was purchasing. It definitely does the job, but was a bit too short. I decided to cut it to make one long piece rather than a loop and now it is perfect for my needs.
WHen I had received the yellow band in the mail it had a very small pin hole in the band. I used it anyway for about 6 months and loved the resistance it gave. Unfortunately the hole continued to get bigger and one day snapped. I will buy another just because I liked the product but hopefully will last a little longer...
I needed a replacement band for my Brazilian Butt Workout by Beachbody. The original band I got with the workout dvd set broke after several months use. I was also to the point of needing a tighter band to get a good workout. I ordered the orange & green bands & really like them. I would recommend these.
This was exactly what I was looking for. Received a Exercise loop while attending physical therapy. It broke, so I was desperate to find a new one. This one is better than the original on I got from PT!
Love the bands. I use them around my feet during lower body resistence work. I had other bands and what bugged me was the bunching while you are working out. These seem to stay straight and in place. I think I will buy the rest of the set.
I have a membership at a gym, but sometimes I find it easier to do arm exercises at home. I have enjoyed having this resistance band, because I can use it while just sitting on the couch. The medium strength is perfect for me since I am only trying to tone up my arms and not add bulk. Great price, too! - Resistance Band'
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