I would like to add my support for this product but would also like to inject some reality into the reviews. Some reviews I've read make it sound like this machine is "responsible" for their getting pregnant or having a healthy baby. I know noone thinks that is true, but it's important to remember the sole function of this machine: to help you know when you're ovulating. This is particularly critical if you have irregular periods, like I do. This monitor really did help me know when the "peak" days were, and I just found out that I'm pregnant (yay!).
But, this is an expensive machine, and I think that not everyone needs it. If your cycles are regular there are other low tech ways to know when you're ovulating, e.g. charting your temperatures (read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", a very empowering book) and looking for other biological clues which I won't get into here.
I like the monitor itself but am really not fond of the company who makes it--they are really trying to shake women down for every last penny. There is no way this machine should cost as much as it does, considering how simple it is. Also, they tell you that you need to use sticks only from the same package in case there are discrepancies in quality from package to package--technically, then, you will be throwing away a whole lot of (expensive, polluting) unused sticks. If there are quality discrepancies, that is their quality control problem! Yet, they want to pass this cost on to you.
Also, they tell you that you cannot pass your machine onto another person when you're done with it because a) it "learns" you and b) might be contaminated with bacteria. First of all, it also says that it only retains 6 months of info before erasing the data month by month as more data is recorded (i.e. it only "remembers" your most recent 6 months of info). This means that it could in fact "learn" a new person. Also, the bacteria b.s. is just to cover their heinies in the case that someone does pass on disease, but urine does not really come in contact with the monitor, only the strips. Also, urine is an antiseptic! So, it's not going to carry disease in that manner. In other words, they want every woman on the planet to buy their own monitor.
So, for women with irregular periods, I do recommend this. But, give yourself some credit to know your own body and its powers as well. If your periods are regular and you use this thing and get pregnant, don't act like this machine did it for you--you and your man had something to do with it too! Let's not glorify technology too much here.
[Postscript: I miscarried on that pregnancy. Again, not the monitor's responsibility. ;) However, I have again gotten pregnant, by making sure to take advantage of the 2 fertile days per cycle that it identifies for you. It solidified my confidence in this product, since I tried to "wing it" for a few months without the monitor with no results. Also, my friend who has an irregular cycle got pregnant very soon after using this. I still believe it is overpriced, but if you're really having trouble with timing, it might be worth it for you.] ClearBlue Easy- Fertility Sticks and Monitor Package, 1ct
This monitor works great!!! My doctors gave me less than 5% chance of getting pregnant due to premature menopause. With out using this monitor I would have no idea when I would ovulate because my cycles are so different. The first cycle I did not hit peak fertility till day 20 the second month I hit peak on day 13. I was a little nervous when first buying this machine because its a lot of money to spend on something that may or may not work but I got pregnant on the second cycle of using this machine so I can say its the best money I ever spend. Its worth every penny.
Just like many of you, once I decided I wanted a baby I wanted instant gratification. Well, there is no magic pill, device or method to insure that happens. I had been ttc #1 for a little over a year when I stumbled on this device. I also chart my basal body temperature and cervical mucus and use "Pre-seed," a sperm-friendly lubricant, on my dryer fertile days. My doctor put me on Femara which is a fertility drug similar yet different than Clomid when I went for my first infertility workup at 8 months ttc. My doctor diagnosed me with a hormonal imbalance and he wanted to correct that with the fertility drug. I was convinced that it was too early to be on a fertility drug but tried it anyway. On my first month of using this monitor I noticed that I had 15 days of high fertility and no peak - keep in mind, I was using Femara at that point. I went off the fertility drugs at that point, started an organic diet and herbal regimen to naturally correct my hormonal imbalance. The second month, I was stressed out and ovulated very late (CD 22). By using the monitor and taking my bbt every day, I realized that my body ovulated late and the monitor was very helpful. On the 2nd month, I had 3 days of high and no peak. I continued with the herbs and organic diet in an effort to balance my hormones. This is now my third month of using this monitor and I finally have had a normal cycle off fertility drugs with 2 days of high fertility and 2 peak days. To sum this up, anytime you are ttc, you need to have some patience and learn how to interpret what your body is trying to tell you. For me, I think this device gave me peace of mind and it is very helpful when you combine the information with your basal body temperature. I give this product a 4 because it does a great job for most women if you give it a chance. The reason I did not give it a 5 was two-fold: 1) customer service is terrible (the 1-800 help line) and 2) the company will not tell you how the product works (it's top-secret). After 3 months, I am still not pregnant, however, the high and peak days on my fertility monitor have let me know that I am ovulating and my hormones have returned to normal. This gives me peace of mind. For any woman reading this that is having problems conceiving, do your research and keep trying until you find something that works for you! Below I've pasted two links to products that have helped me.
Pre-Seed Intimate Moisturizer - Free Shipping and 2 Free Early Pregnancy Tests
The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies - Fertility Monitor - Ttc - Conception - Ovulation'
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