A cousin of mine had one and loved it, so I bought one for my 3-year-old son. He loves it. Since then, several other cousins, after seeing ours being used, have bought them. It's catchy.
I just happened to throw it in, when we went to a wedding reception and that kept my son entertained the whole night. I had so many comments about how cute it was that he was taking pictures too. He taught the other kids there, how to use it. They took pictures of each other. It was really interesting to see what he wanted to take pictures of. And, I had some decent pictures of the evening to keep.
As far as the quality of the pictures....not real great. It takes ok in low light. You have to be at just the right distance for it to turn out. Many of the pictures are fuzzy. Part of the fault lies in that a 3-year-old is taking the pictures, but even when I take them, they aren't as good as my adult camera. But that's obvious; it is built as a toy and to withstand a kid dropping it. My son hasn't once asked for the pictures that he took. He doesn't care about that part. He just wants to take the pictures. Much to my dismay, he actually has fun erasing them too. I wanted some of those pictures!!
Don't buy this to get great pictures. Buy it because kids have great fun with it and it teaches them how to handle a real camera in the future. When they prove they are responsible and with your supervision, give them an old camera of yours. Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera - Blue - Kids Digital Camera - Kids Camera - Fisher Price - Toddler Camera'
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