American Girl has always been one of my favorite magazines. I started subscribing when I was about seven, and I'm still getting it now, at age 13, in addition to the typical "teen magazines." This magazine has great craft and party ideas, and stories about real girls who've had different kinds of interesting experiences. From reading some of the Amazon reviews, I've gotten the idea that some girls are upset by the fact that American Girl publishes hardly any stories about boys, puberty, and makeup, and they have too many articles on crafts and parties. However, I think the fun craft and party ideas are part of what makes American Girl a great magazine. Although pre-teen life doesn't revolve around back-to-school themed sleepovers and Christmas ornament crafts, a girl doesn't need to shut crafts and parties out of her life the day she turns twelve. If you're looking for a magazine with advice on how to put on lip liner and deal with your crush, this may not be the magazine for you. But I think there are plenty of magazines with advice about makeup and boys, and American Girl is a great magazine, even if it doesn't talk much about those topics. I think many girls will enjoy this magazine, especially those between the ages of 8 and 12 (although there are eleven-year-olds who feel to old for the magazine, and fourteen-year-olds who still read it faithfully). American Girl
American Girl magazine is geared to girls aged 7-13. Much younger than that and many girls aren't reading at the appropriate level yet. Much older and they may be ready to move on. But honestly I'm surprised to read so many reviews by 10 or 11 year old girls who feel they're too old for this magazine. I don't believe girls that age NEED magazines based solely on makeup tricks, flirting with boys, etc. AG has articles such as dealing with relationships with friends. Like when you and your best friend start to grow apart. Or when she moves away. Articles like one about a girl whose family travels around the world on their sailboat for two years. Crafts that you can actually be proud to give at the age of 10.
Several reviewer have complained that the magazine is short and expensive. It is. But here's why: there is NO advertising (short of anything American Girl related). In many magazines, advertising accounts for easily half the pages. And advertising enables publishers to sell magazines for a low cost. AG has no advertising and so has to charge a fair price to produce it. I'm more than willing to pay for that kind of publication.
Parents ordering for your daughters, you know your girl. If you've got a 10 year old going on 16, this may not be for your child. If you have a precocious 6 year old, she might like it as well. AG is the kind of magazine I'm glad my daughters enjoy.
I am a sixteen-year-old former reader of American Girl who looked forward to it every month during elementary school. This magazine (as well as the entire company's products) encourages learning, thinking, creativity, independence, appreciation of the past, love of diversity, and self-expression. Finally in a world where half the women are encouraged to just be sex toys and the other half are taught that they should be obedient, unambitious, lower-class citizens and somehow enjoy their subhumanity, there is a voice telling girls to dream big, play hard, and explore themselves and their world. Educational, entertaining, and inspiring.
I ordered this magazine for my daughter for her eighth birthday, and she loves it! She is approaching her 11th birthday and she still loves this magazine. There is something in it for girls from every background. This magazine gets my highest possible recommendation.
READ THIS! READ THIS! ..American Girl magazine is good for girls who are about 8 to 10. But older kids 10 and up should read something else like New Moon or Girls Life. The reason for this: when kids are younger they really like American Girl, because it is filled with fun party ideas and crafts, which is what they are interested in. but when girls get older, (take it from me, I am 12) they want something a little more mature that has more things they can relate to. I mean, here's your average girl, who is changing and become older and probably scared. She is afraid to talk to other people about it, but is curious. she is starting to experiment with make-up and wants to feel grown-up, but all she can get is "how to make a christmas craft"!?! When I felt this way i started reading GL, which talked about girls that are facing the same issues as me. It made me feel a lot stronger and secure about myself because I knew that I was the not the only one out there who was curious about life. Beleive me, try another magazine if you are above 10!!! If you are below 10, AG is the mag 4 u!!!
I'm a magazine major in college, and I'm studying AG this semester. I actually wanted to thank you all for your great comments on Amazon- beleive it or not, they're really helpful for my research paper!
I was a huge fan of AG as a young girl, and honstly, even at 18 I'm finding that more than just researching the magazine, I'm really enjoying reading it. This is, in my opinion, the only respectable magazine left for young girls. It will never ask you to grow up too quickly or to change who you are. It will never tell you there's a certain way to act around boys, or wear your hair, or paint your lips. It doesn't insult with dribble about scandals and celebrities. AG glorifies girls. It asks their input, and really cares about the feedback (yes, I found out from interviewing the founding editor that they actually file every piece of reader mail for future reference). I urge you to get this publication for your daughters. It is truly exceptional.
Even though I am 14, I still think American Girl is a wonderful magazine. This magazine has absolutley NO ads. However they do include little tear outs to renew or subscribe.
In this magazine, there is a spot for about 4 or 5 letters from readers. They also teach you a new word, called the "buzzword" and they hide it somewhere in the issue and you find it. AG includes true stories, awesome ideas, polls, Art Gallery, quizzes, crafts and more.
Also, in each issue, there is "Heart to Heart." Girls can express themselves. The topics range from most embarassing moments to the nicest thing a friend has ever done for them. In the back, "HELP!" is when girls send in questions, like about growing up, frendship problems, and more and AG answers them.
The average issue has about 48 pages. I would recommend this for girls ages 8-12 most, but girls of any age would enjoy it. - Kids Magazine - Childrens Magazines - Tween - Ages 7 - 12'
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