Stop wasting your money. This is electronic snake oil!!! I'm an engineer with over 35 years experience in RF communication. Trust me; this device will do nothing to improve your reception. In fact if it does anything, it might actually detune your cell phones internal antenna and decrease its performance.
The cell phone industry is extremely competitive. Cell phone manufactures spend tens of millions of dollars designing their phones for optimum performance. They employ some of the finest engineering minds in the world. Doesn't logic tell you that if a few bits of foil could dramatically improve a phones performance they would have already incorporated it into their designs? Cellular Innovations A-BOOSTER Universal Cell Phone Antenna Booster
These things are just a confidence trick. They don't do a thing. They can't do a thing. If you believe these make your phone work better then you probably find the stripes down the side of cars make them go faster too.
Folks, this is nothing more than a sticker with a design on it.
It can in no way, and does in no way improve reception at all.
They were selling these for $20, now I see they are down to $1, and even that is a rip off, unless you are a collector of quack devices, in which case, you must have this for your collection of quack devices from this century.
I am keeping mine in it's bubble package and display it on the wall near my test bench.
One day these will be worth something as collectors items, but don't get one beleiving that it can actually do what it claims, because that is physically impossible.
I bought a pack of these years ago thinking that it might do something for me.... There is a reason it is so cheap. It is nothing more than a sticker made to look like some kind of super thin circuit board. You are better off putting one of those smiley face or star stickers from the kindergarten "good job" board on your phone.
Bought this in conjunction with an actual WiFi booster device, which for me was equally worthless. But at least this one was like only $3 whereas the Z-Boost wifi booster was considerably more. They should stick these things in Cracker Jack boxes because it's nothing but a gimmick. - Signal Booster - Antenna Boosters - Cell Phone Accessories - Cell Signal Booster'
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