I read all the reviews and I still bought it. Fact is, I hate getting on my knees and scrubbing with my hands while constantly banging my knuckles against the tub. My wife hates it, too. This thing is a huge welcome relief as long as you keep a few things in mind.
Firstly, yes, the batteries will eventually run out. This is how all rechargeable batteries are. The most you can do is charge it fully for the 1st 16 hours, then use it until it's drained. Then repeat the process *forever*. Don't ever plug it in while it still holds a charge or you'll risk creating bad 'memory' in the battery. I just cleaned the upstairs tub in 5 minutes and it still has power.
Secondly, don't bother putting fluids into the fluid reservoir. I personally put water in it to rewet the areas that have Comet/bleach.
Finally, the thing works. It cleans and it cleans well. It's RPMs aren't that fast, but it's a strong, slow turning that will clean all that grime off. It's handle is extremely comfortable to hold and well thought out. Just watch out for the backspray while cleaning. After a few minutes you'll get the hang of it, though.
If the batteries die on this thing, I don't care. I'll buy another. Either way it has a 2 yr warranty so hopefully Black and Decker will own up. Regardless, I can't ever see myself scrubbing with my hands again. I found mine on sale at the local Tar get for nearly half the cost as this site.
As usual, be sure to keep an eye out for the idiot reviewers on Amazon. The ones that are never happy and expect perfection in everything they buy. And the ones that keep the thing plugged in every day, all the time and are surprised when the batteries no longer hold charge. Take care! Black & Decker S700E ScumBuster Xtreme Cleaning Tool with 3-in-1 Extension Handle
I've used it twice now - it's not bad. The handle isn't really long enough to be that effective. Sometimes the handle turns when the power of the scrubber yanks it to one side - but not bad on the whole. The whole squirting feature I gave up on. It works, but it's just easier to squirt with a bottle on the side. The product is shown scrubbing behind the toilet, which I tried, and it works great - except that after you're done scrubbing, you need to wipe up the solution - so you have to get down on your hands and knees anyway.
The whole purpose of the scrubber is to scrub - which it does just fine. I got so into it I scrubbed just about everything in my bathroom (cold and flu season, you know). I was extremely pleased with the results. It makes cleaning a bit easier, but it's still a chore.
The shape of the brush scrubber works well, but it's too big to get into corners well - I believe there are other brushes you can purchase and I'll look into that. The scrubbing pad is great for flat surfaces, like tile and shower doors.
For a guy, there's nothing like the satisfaction of using a power tool to clean your tub, especially if it's got the Black & Decker logo on it. I used it to cut through soap scum on my glass tub door in less than 5 minutes - a process that used to take 30+ minutes, and the less I'm exposed to cleaners, the better.
Fully charged it has LOTS of torque, and doesn't stop spinning if you press down on it, which is a big plus over many other "autocleaners" I've seen.
This great tool has two shortcomings, however. First, the battery cannot be removed, which is a big drawback if you run out of power. There's just enough power to super-clean your average tub and sink though, so overall this isn't too bad. But it also means that when the battery eventually wears out it's adios for your tool! Second, the built-in sprayer is a joke... just use the can and save yourself the effort.
By the way, the best cleaner I've used is actually a normal car buffer/polisher (any brand will do) with a scrubbing sponge hotglued onto the faceplate. Works like a charm and no batteries to worry about - just keep it away from the water if using in your tub!!! And once it's clean, WAX THE TUB and watch water and soap bounce harmlessly off the walls, making your next cleanup a snap.
This works well for me. After reading what others have said I have not tried the spray. I have a bad back and knees, so I cannot stretch far or kneel to clean my shower/tub. My husband is handicapped so he cannot help with it either. For this reason my tub/shower has not really been cleaned well for over a year. There is soap scum,etc that nothing with a handle has worked for. This reached well and did a good job. Finally, I can get the tub clean! As others have said, wish you could get a new battery when it is needed and not toss the whole thing. Not very good for the environment and a bit pricey for me to just toss that way.
I had the smaller Scum Buster unit in the past and I liked it. I like this one much better. I have a huge hard plastic garden tub that the brush attachment cleaned in a snap. The flat scrub pad did a wonderful job on the side tiles and the sink. The extension handle does help a lot.
Make sure it's fully charged before using and if you are using the handle extension make sure it is locked firmly into place by turning the clamp and all will be well. Unit holds power well and does not bog down too much with extra pressure applied. I'm very happy with it.
I hate cleaning bathrooms, particularly the tub. Our tub is probably 15 - 20 years old, so I wasn't afraid that the stiff bristles would hurt my fiberglass tub. We are a family of 4 and I probably clean the tub 3 times a year. So we are talking about a lot of black scum around the base of the tub. I have found that the best cleaner for a tough job like this is Easy Off Fume Free Max oven cleaner (No joke). Nothing touches the amount of scum I have to clean like this product. I don't know that I would recommend it for a new fiberglass tub, but I don't notice any harm using it on my old tub. I sprayed the entire tub and surround and let it sit for 5 minutes, wet the ScumBuster Xtreme with hot water and went to town.
I usually use a kitchen sponge with a plastic scrubber and do it by hand. This tool saved me a lot of back and wrist pain. It turns just fast enough to do the job without too much splattering (Can't avoid splattering with an open scrubber). The handle was long enough for me and could get to most places with its round head. It is aggressive and lasted about 40 minutes, but that is bearing down on it fairly hard to remove the scum. I wish I could have got another 10 minutes out of it, but if I cleaned my tub more often, I wouldn't have to use it for so long. I finished tight corners and the bath mat with the scrubby sponge. Now I need to find something to remove rust stains from the bottom of shaving crème cans and razors. I have two teenage boys, and they don't put things where they belong.
I charged it the first time for 24 hours and when it lost enough power to really do anything, I rinsed it and left it on in another room over night to really drain it. The battery it uses has the memory effect, so I highly recommend using it until it is dead and leave it in the on position over night to thoroughly drain it, and then turn it off. Charge it the recommended amount of time before you need to use it again, and run it until its lost enough power to be useless, and repeat the process. I use battery operated tools and I achieve the longest life using this method.
My next test will be to do the bathroom floor and maybe the kitchen floor if the battery lasts long enough. It looks like its shape will do fairly well around toilets, under base cabinets, and under the front of the fridge and stove. But to do it right, they should be moved out. But this would be good for a quick job if company is coming over at the last minute. Of course you have to wipe down after you use it. After all, it's not a mop. I used the long sprayer hose in my shower to rinse the tub and surround.
I did not bother with the built-in sprayer. I didn't need it for this application, so I can't comment on that. I could not find any problem with this unit after using it one time. It saved me a lot of hand scrubbing and lasted long enough to do the job (less the bath mat). But my tub is probably a lot dirtier that most.
I'm 5' 11'' and the handle seems too short for long periods using it to do kitchen floors, but I will give it a whirl.
If you are buying this product to scrub your tub and surround, bathroom floor, and around the toilet, and you don't wait too long in between cleanings, it should do just fine. The bristles are course, so if you are not thorough enough, it may miss some lines of dirt or scum. But I needed something aggressive because I wait too long between cleanings. I just went over the tub and surround in opposite directions to get everything.
I would have given it 5 stars, but the battery didn't last quite long enough for me. But like I said, my tub is dirtier than average. I think it would last long enough to do a tub and surround, and maybe the bath floor if you don't let things get too dirty. Like they say, you're your mileage may vary.
I've only used it once, so I can only go by that. I think I will be using it to clean the tub more often now because of my bad back and it makes cleaning the tub so much easier. My first impression is that I like it. It scrubs hard, and lasts just about long enough for a really dirty tub and surround.
Don't forget what I said about the Fume Free Easy Off MAX oven cleaner. It really loosens up the scum. That said, I have an old fiberglass tub, so I can't recommend it on a new one. I don't know if it would ruin the finish on a new tub or not. Best to clean your tub and surround thoroughly, let it dry completely, then apply a good car wax to make the next cleaning easier.
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