I tried this item today, before reading the reviews. What a HUGE mistake. I tried it on my upper lip, after following ALL the directions. It left tiny broken hairs, and after I stopped, my lip got very RED, and started to BURN. So then I put the milk soaked cotton ball on it as directed, and now my lip is swollen, and totally burns. I had to put neosporin on it and am fervently hoping that the swelling goes down before my hubby gets home from work. I have waxed, used Nair and never had this BAD a reaction! This product should be off the market! Don't waste your money, or time. If you want pain just poke yourself in the eye, at least that's free. Smooth AwayĆ¢"¢ Hair Removal System - As Seen on TV
This product does remove hair, from ideal locations like flat taught skin, ie your calf, shin or forearm. This will not work anywhere else!
And it really doesn't work all that well on ideal locations. You do have to rub quite a bit, and your skin will get irritated.
don't waste your $$
How has this product even made it to the shelves?? Who are these people that write those glowing reviews?! I fell for those good reviews and purchased this product with such high hopes, only to quickly find what a waste of money it was. This product does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I tried it on my legs first (of course) following the directions to a "T": Started with clean, completely dry skin, free of any lotions or powders, then gently buffed using a clockwise motion three times, then reversed to a counter-clockwise motion for another three turns. I did this for what must have been three minutes in one spot. The result? Nothing, except a dry, ashy residue - which they claim is the "exfoliated skin" but which is actually the leftover "crystals" from the buffing pad. All of my hair was still there. All of it. Desperate to believe that I wasn't totally bamboozled into buying this worthless product, I even attempted the same procedure on a small section of my arm hair, thinking maybe that my leg hair was too course. The result was exactly the same. Ashy residue and all my hair.
Don't waste you're money!
When i bought this, i bought it cheap on ebay because i didn't expect it to work very well, but i figured it was worth a shot. Wrong. It does remove the hair, but it does so by practically rubbing away a whole layer of skin! It took so long--probably 20 minutes--just to do ONE of my calfs, and it left my skin feeling raw and sensitive to the touch, no matter how much lotion I put on. Today my legs have still been sore all day, and my friend who used it who's skin is more sensitive than mine ended up with irritated bumps all over her legs! Shaving, in my opinion, is easier, and works better than this cheap thing. Don't waste your money, even if you only payed 0.06 cents like i did.
I purchased this item on a whim from the toll free number. It does not work. If you have very very fine hair it would work I suppose. I called the company and it took them FOREVER to refund me. They wanted me to pay $14.99 for shipping and handeling and when I went to the USPS to return it was only $4.00 to ship it. They INFLATE the shipping price!! I was able to make enough noise to get a full refund PLUS S+H but not the money I spent to ship it back to them.
I got the 2 for 1 deal off the TV and my mother was dying to see if it worked so I gave one set to her. She raved about how well it worked and admitted "it's not as close as shaving" but she enjoys the fact that she can remove her hair while watching TV or whatever else she wants to do (given that she has a free hand to "smooth away").
My mother has thiner, lighter hair than I do, so I figured it worked for her but wouldn't work as well for me. I tried it about a week after my mother did and was surprised that it did get rid of MOST of my leg hair. However, if you are one of those people who's hair grows in in all different directions (as mine does), it does not make your legs feel smooth when touched. Immediately after I used it, I touched my legs in a downward direction and it felt smooth enough; but going in an upward direction, my legs felt as if I had shaved them yesterday afternoon (very slight stuble). Also a note to people with dark body hair: you will still have those dark "dots" where your hair is under the skin (as you do with shaving, but more noticable). This product does not make and keep your legs "smoother for longer than shaving," I used mine last night (a little over 12 hours ago) and my legs already feel like fine grit sand paper.
I think this product would be ideal for someone with thin, light body hair who is not as concerned with their body being smooth so much as their body appearing hair free.
Like I said, my mother (redhead) loves it and has already asked me about ordering replacement pads; but for me (brunette) is not worth the money and effort. - Exfoliator - Hair Removal - As Seen On Tv - Hair Remover'
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