I'm a college student so carrying all my books gets to be a chore. I like these hybrid binders because they are lighter and take up less space than traditional binders. There are clear tabbed folder/pockets inside which are great for organizing handouts and worksheets. You could keep multiple classes in one binder. They seem to be sturdy also, no signs of wear yet. They are kind of expensive but I think they are worth it! Five Star Flex Hybrid NoteBinder, 1.5-Inch, Black (72403)
I have been a fan of these light weight and space concious binders since their introduction. Their only downfall seemed to be their 1 inch capacity, so I remedied that by purchasing one for each subject. When I saw the 1.5 inch option I was so excited, finally I could have it all! Sadly, after only a few short days into the semester it has been my experience that the expanded size falls into to the bigger is not better category. The flimsy plastic rings are too flexible to hold anything even close to 1.5 inches of paper, resulting in lost pages and notes sliding all over the place because they won't stay closed once you store the binder in your bookbag. The connection method for the binder rings needs to be greatly improved before I will invest in this model again. On the bright side, I shouldn't have too wait long as Mead seems to roll out a new and improved version of this line each fall. I'm looking forward to the next version of this revolutionary line of binders living up to its full potential.
I LOVE these hybrid binder-notebooks. I am completely addicted. I like that I can fold the cover over and have it fit neatly on a desk. It is flexible and easy to fit into bags. You can organize it like a binder and insert/remove papers as you please. It has the tactile appeal of a notebook with the benefit of a binder. I hated getting notebooks because they never have the right amount of paper - either you have a lot left at the end of the quarter or you run out part way through. I was using binders, but they are too big and awkward on desks. This is the perfect solution!
This NoteBinder has two big problems. First, it is bulky. Second it is really difficult to pass the pages, i.e. you can not go smoothly from one page to another because of the way the rings are built. At the end it will break the paper after couple of weeks.
I've been carrying one of these for a couple of years and have added a set of five job folders to the five that came with it. I also carry a full load of notepaper. I carry business cards, receipts and other small notes in the little pockets of the job folders. I can sort my work papers by task/department and access them wherever I am, while the fact that the cover folds all the way around to the back allows me to take notes in cramped quarters (a seminar, my car). The fabric that covers the ring area seems flimsy but is only now beginning to fray a little. I probably carry too much in the notebook and, consequently, sometimes I have to wrestle to get to the folders in the back. But this has more than paid for itself. I just wish it was a little more attractive - the colors are pretty awful. And an "executive" version, with a cover of more attractive material (fabric over board?), would be ideal.
I use a lot of notebooks of various brands for several disciplines. So I thought I'd give this puppy a try when I saw it in the drug store. This notebook gets a thumbs down from me.
Too hard to turn pages and navigate. I work blazingly fast - and this concept stopped me dead in my tracks. If you have lots of time on your hands, this notebook might work for you.
Life's too short to struggle with a notebook!
I gave this one away - and am sticking with wirebound notebooks and 3-ring binders from now on.
I bought the large one two years ago. I am placing my review here so people buy the smaller ringed one rather than the large. I bought the large one and was excited since I'd be putting a RIDICULOUS amount of organic chemistry notes in it. It's nice because it bends and there's no problem with fitting the binder in your backpack BUT once you open and close the ring a few times and THEN put it in your backpack the rings get a gap. Once this happens, turning pages is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. I have to go slow and carefully because my pages would rip constantly. If your slow and careful not to let the pages get stuck in the gaps, then fine.....but it's more of a hassle than convenience! I had students I tutored in orgo and they had the smaller ring binders and they didn't have the same problem I did. So I'd get one for each subject because the big one IS NOT WORTH IT! - Organizing - Binders - Organizer - Five Star'
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