-I'm a puzzle lover, so when I saw this game for sale on Amazon.com I preordered it and it arrived yesterday Friday December 11, 2009.
-The game has over 1,000 different puzzles on it which will keep you busy for a long time.
-There are two different puzzle modes which are:
Challenge mode- where you are given a large scrolling menu that contains all 560 main puzzles and the bonus puzzles which are given to you after you complete each of the puzzles
Quick play- in this you could play all of the different types of puzzles except for the bonus ones, but they give you easier puzzles and will give you a hint of what you will see in the challenge mode
- There are eight different types of main puzzles which are:
Wordsearch- my favorite and one of the reasons why I brought this game. In this they give you a list of words and you have to find them in the grid
Fitword- another one of my favorites and why i brought this game. In this they give you a list of words and you have to fit them into a grid
Sudoku- I basically just thought myself how to do this type of puzzle- You have to fit numbers into the grid.
Link-A-Pix- I have no idea how to do this type of puzzle, but I think when your done it will make a picture
Crossword- I don't like them that much, but maybe I'll try them
Silhouette- this is kind of cool. In this game they give you a grid of different shapes, and you have to fill in the ones that have a dot in them and when your finished it will make a picture.
Spot the difference- this is another one of my favorites. They give you two images of a picture and you have to spot the differences
Codeword- I have no idea how to do this type of puzzle either. I think you have to fill a grid with letters corrsponing to numbers to make words.
- The bonus puzzles consists of:
Equate- which is a type of math puzzle
Jigsaw- you have to unscramble the pieces to make a picture.
Picture quiz- you have to look at a picture for 30 seconds and memorize all that you can and afterwards you are given three questions about it.
Chain letters- that give you six letters and you have get the correct sequence to make a word
Missing piece- a picture game where you see a picture with a missing portion and you have to pick the correct piece to complete it.
Overall I love this game and I also have other puzzle games for my Nintendo DS such as: USA's Today Puzzle Craze, Crosswords DS, Margot's Bepuzzled, and this one. Out of all the puzzle games I have on my DS I think I like this game the most.
I would recommend it for people who are puzzle lovers like me because this game gives you a lot of different puzzle types. Puzzler World
I'm a "senior" (over 65) and I bought this game because it looked like something I would enjoy, since I love doing puzzles. I was not disappointed, for the most part. In the beginning levels (I'm only at the 65th puzzle out of a total 560), some of the puzzles (especially the Bonus ones) seem a little too easy, e.g., Equate, Hangman, Anagrams, Wordsearch, but from some of the other reviews, I see the puzzles will get more difficult as I get to the higher ones. After each puzzle is complete, you get to pick a prize - which is usually 5 hint tokens, 10 hint tokens or a letter for the word PUZZLER. Once you get all 7 letters, you get 100 hint tokens as a prize. You can use these hints in increments of 5, 10 or 20, when you get stumped and need a little help. Currently, I have over 600 hint tokens accumulated, so you can see the puzzles haven't been too difficult and I haven't needed to use many!
My favorite puzzle is Link-a-Pix. It's a little confusing at first, but doesn't take too long to figure out. My daughter, son-in-law and grandkids have all taken my Nintento away from me to do this particular type of puzzle! It is everyone's favorite. One reviewer said there is no replay value once you've completed a puzzle, but that's not really true since the puzzles are timed and you can try to beat the "personal best" time for some of the ones you don't really remember after awhile.
I just wish you were able to link with another player so you can work on a puzzle at the same time to see who gets to finish quickest. However, this is not an option. You can set up three different profiles, but can't link up and work at the same time.
All in all, this is a great game!! In fact, I'm buying one right now for my daughter, so she will leave mine alone :).
Puzzler World is a MASSIVE collection of simple puzzle games. There are 560 individual puzzles of various types. When you complete one, you unlock a bonus puzzle, for a total of 1120 puzzles. The main puzzle types are:
- Wordsearch: find words hidden horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on a board full of letters. All the words are related to a particular theme, eg. dogs, marine animals, birds.
- Sudoku: self-explanatory.
- Crossword: self-explanatory.
- Fitword: the reverse of a crossword. Fit a list of words onto the crossword board.
- Spot the difference: find 10 differences between the 2 pictures. You can tap randomly on the screen until you get it right, as there's no penalty. Not much thinking involved.
- Silhouette: not really a puzzle. It's a paint-by-dots coloring book. Just fill in the shapes with a dot to complete the picture.
- Codewords: using a crossword board, but filled with numbers 1-26. Each number corresponds to a scrambled letter and you have to figure out the cipher. 3 numbers are filled out for you as hints. I find this very hard.
- Link-A-Pix: Probably the most confusing and ill-conceived of the game types. You get a huge board scattered with differently colored numbers (like Minesweeper). You're supposed to connect the same colored number with each other using that many squares. Example, if you see a red 4, it means to link it to another red 4 using 4 squares. The numbers go up to 14. The lines can snake around and bend to achieve the required number of squares. When you've connected all the numbers properly, you're supposed to have drawn some sort of picture. You can think of it like a knitting pattern. This game type is somewhat difficult, but only mildly interesting, as the resulting picture is doesn't really look like much, just a mess of big pixels.
When you complete any of these, you get to choose 1 of 3 gift boxes. They contain either 5 coins, 10 coins (used to buy hints), or a letter. Spell out "PUZZLER" for a 100 coin bonus. Then you can play a bonus game:
- Missing Puzzle Piece (timed): Choose the missing piece from the 6 jigsaw pieces presented.
- Equate (timed): Fill in math symbols to make the sum shown. eg: 1 [+] 2 [/] 3 = 001.
- Chain Letters (timed): Solve the anagram by stringing together the scrambled tiles.
- Picture Quiz (tied to the Spot the Difference game): look at the picture for 30 seconds and answer 3 trivia questions.
- Jigsaw (timed, tied to the Silhouette game): rearrange 9 tiles to form the original picture.
At higher levels, the puzzles get harder. For example, at lower lowers, the sudoku squares are only 6x6. At higher levels, they go up to 9x9.
In Quick Play mode, you get unlimited hints, which removes any challenge the game offers. Of course, you don't have to use hints, but there's no penalty, so you can cheat if you want to.
One major complaint: The DS buttons are all turned off. The DS's screen is already small, and interface buttons take up 1/4 of the screen on some games, competing with the gameboard for space. They really don't need to be that big, or even shown at all if the developers had left the DS's direction pad enabled. Up and Down are buttons on the touchscreen, but they could've saved space by letting you use the game pad to scroll lists, instead of having to use the stylus. There's no quick way to quit or reset a game. You have to push Start button then select one of the options. It would'be been better to let you push B, or X, two buttons commonly used in games for canceling.
The game can be set for lefties and righties. The handwriting recognition is a bit spotty, and requires CAPITAL letters for best results. For example, "e" and "y" results in "O" or "J", becoming a big problem if you're playing hangman, though you can train the game to recognize your particular writing style.
To sum up, this game is a good way to kill time for puzzle freaks, especially fans of the printed puzzle books. The large number of puzzles will certainly keep you occupied for a very very long time, though the quality of the games is of inconsistent difficulty and replay value is low. The puzzles and bonus games never change. Once you've completed each individual puzzle, there's no reason to play it again. The questions and answers will always be the same every time you play that puzzle. - Nintendo Ds Games - Word Games - Puzzle - Nintendo Ds'
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