This charger works exactly as designed. It's an incredibly compact unit, and it has built-in cables which can be wrapped right onto the chassis, which saves an incredible amount of space and makes it very easy to carry/move/store.
I had a riding lawnmower that was draining batteries and constandly needed to be jumped off of my truck battery, which was incredibly cumbersome. Carrying this starter out to the lawnmower, jumping it, and then mowing the lawn was 100 times easier than backing out my truck, popping the hood, untangling the cables, pulling the mower out in front of the truck, and then jump-starting it. I've since repaired the lawnmower, but am keeping this handy little charger around for my wife's car, just in case she needs it. It barely takews up any room at all, and it holds quite a charge. I've jump-started my riding lawnmower twice and the battery indicator didn't even drop (I would imagine a car would take a much higher charge and therefore drain the battery more), but it still shows how much this charger is capable of holding.
If you're looking for a portable jump-starter, this is the one for you. Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter
I have an remote starter on my car and after work I figured I'll start my car as I walk to it. The car didn't start but the headlights were on. I went inside the car and tried to start it with the key and nada. No noise or anything. My automatic starter must've glitched. I kept trying to turn the key to start my car in hopes by magic it'll turn over. NO luck. I stopped to think for a second and then figured I'll put the car in valet mode (it's for the auto starter) to see if I could bypass the remote starter. I did and nothing. My last option was to see if i killed the battery by trying to start it so many times. I took this out of my trunk that hasn't been charged in 4 months and connected the red to the red battery terminal and the black to a nut some where on the engine. The green light turned on telling me I had a correct circuit. I then turned the knob to power on the jumper. I ran to the driver's seat and tried to start it. A sign of life! It's trying to turn over. I counted to 4 and then tried it a second time and it turned right on. The scream i let out could have been heard in China (where it was most likely made). I can't tell you how awesome this unit is. I used it several times for my DC accessories and it last a very long time. This product has yet to disappoint me. 5 STARS! Thanks for reading.
My Mazda3 would not start, battery cells dried out or just getting old.
Had to call AAA twice and at the same time ordered this unit.
Sure enough, battery weak again, car would not start, a fully charged up Peak to the rescue, INSTANT success.
Drove the car on the highway for a while and it now seems OK.
With the Peak in the back, no longer a need to worry about getting stuck or calling AAA.
Its best features:
low cost
small size
recharges in home via AC or in car via DC, all cables included.
Two things to pay attention to:
When charging (and this is true of any such unit) make SURE ground is NOT touching painted surface, it MUST make contact with raw metal.
If ground is touching a painted surface, the units contact indicator can give a false reading of contact.
Use the battery terminal ground at your own risk, if you do so for whatever reason, be sure there is NO fluid or fumes coming from battery.
The built-in indicator showing the units strength must be used when unit is ACTUALLY charging, otherwise false reading may occur.
Highly recommended!
I don't understand the negative reviews. Unless it wasn't fully charged (really?), connected properly (wouldn't surprise me) or you have an inappropriate car (such as a large truck, SUV, van etc.), there's no reason why this wouldn't work. It wouldn't surprise me if there are customers out there giving this negative reviews because they attempted to use this with a truck, 18-wheeler or a Hummer. Ridiculous.
Anyway, I have a 2008 Honda Civic EX. After today's 2-3 inches of snow fall overnight, compounded by the fact that I probably left the vanity lights on (for two nights, no less) and we've had Arctic winds and temperatures, my car didn't start.
This has been fully charged since I received it as a gift on Christmas. I securely connected it the battery. Turned it on (which some negative reviewers probably didn't do) and voila. Car started. It worked exactly as advertised. Also as advertised, I'm going to charge this now. It's recommended you charge it after every jump start so that you have 100% juice for the next situation. This is also something negative reviewers probably neglect to do.
So what's not to like? It's small, compact, and fairly lightweight. It jump started the car. This also receives bonus points since you can charge it in the car and in the home (both cables are included). It's perfect for those that go camping with a group. You can charge it through the cigarette lighter (someone else's, obviously, since your battery is dead) to get you on your way.
My car battery was discharged due to the frigid East coast weather and a week of no movement.
After this jump starter was completely charged I followed the instructions and the car started flawlessly.
Faster and safer than the traditional car to car jump start, gotta have one.
I bought this jump starter locally, not from amazon, but wanted to leave a review to help anyone considering buying one. I have a small car, a Hyundai Brio (Accent); and this jump started worked great.
About two days after buying it, I found my battery dead at work where it was parked as I was heading out. I had charged it at home and left it in its box in the trunk. I popped my hood, hooked it up to my battery per the instructions that are clearly printed on the jump starter itself, and by the time I got in the driver seat there was enough juice to start the engine. I was thoroughly impressed.
Disconnected and drove off. Great product, but I caution you that this particular model is probably only made for small cars not much bigger than mine. They have other models that can probably handle larger vehicles for more money.
Just thought I'd pass this on. Fantastic little product, fast to set up and use, and worked great. Actually, since that time, I had to jump my car again. (Brake light was staying on and killing battery. That's fixed now.) This jump starter probably has about three good jumps in it before it has to be recharged but should be recharged after each time technically I think.
Outstanding. Did what it was designed to do. Highly recommended. - Portable Power - Jump Start - Jump Starters - Jumpstarter'
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