I received the TuneBand and thought the instructions very clear. Once the iPhone 4 was inserted in the case, it felt very secure. I also thought the case looked nice enough that I removed the strap and kept the phone in it for the rest of the day. The strap fit me well and I was impressed to see that the company can provide a longer or short strap if required.
Initially I placed the device on the side of my upper arm but then shifted it to the front of my upper arm to give the GPS better view of the sky. I also started with the device strapped around my shirt sleeve. Eventually I attached the device directly to my upper arm and covered the device with my sleeve. I don't think any of these changes really affected the quality of the GPS signal. I'd definitely recommend attaching the strap directly to your arm and not over the shirt.
As for the performance of the device, it couldn't be better. I've logged about 75 miles running over the past couple weeks and I've been very comfortable wearing the device. Once I attached the strap directly to my arm, it hasn't slid around or down at all and I've not worried that my phone would slip out or off my arm.
I'd definitely order one again. Tuneband for iPhone 4, Grantwood Technology's Armband, Silicone Skin, and Front and Back Screen Protector, Black
Disclaimer: I'm a repeat customer. I used the Tuneband on my 3G iPhone, as well. So while I haven't needed any customer service from Grantwood Tech with regard to my iPhone 4 they did provide great service for my 3G case (free updated case for 3G iphone and really quick response to email. My emails were answered by the co-owner of the company!)
So, on to the Tuneband for iPhone 4
Great little case! Apple had already sent me a bumper, which in a way is pretty slick -- but the bumper really bulks up the iPhone 4. Initially, I thought I would use the Bumper for daily use and the Tuneband for running/working out but I use the Tuneband exclusively now.
Fits the phone really well.
Isn't too bulky
Very easy to put on and take off
Fits the hand nicely
Protects the phone from minor drops
comes with screen and back protectors (I haven't tried these yet)
Nice, comfortable armband
Very secure when running
A little grippy, but still slides into a pocket
Slim fitting--slips right into my belt holster (Grantwood Tech QuickFlip Case *****)
Several colors available
Great support if needed
Not terribly pretty
So that's it. The only con is that is's just a rubber slip cover. I had thought I would be taking it off because the iPhone 4 is so nice looking I hated to hide it. But I really like the protection of the Tuneband. I would hate to let a minor drop ruin my iphone.
Oh, as an example of how slim fitting this case is: My iPhone 4 w/Bumper didn't really fit into my QuickFlip case (belt holster). I could jam it in there, and did, but was difficult to get back out. (I emailed Grantwood about the tight fit in the QuickFlip Case with the Bumper and they responded that later production of the QuickFlip would have a little more room for the iPhone w/Bumper.) With the Tuneband on, the iPhone slips easy in and out of the QuickFlip case. It is really much slimmer than the Bumper.
I used a Tuneband for my iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and I will now use this one for my iPhone 4. This is a simple design that gets the job done at a good price. It is comfortable and durable. I've tried at least 4 different brands of arm bands for the iPhone and this is by far the best one. Highly recommended.
I was thrilled to upgrade to the iPhone 4G but not so thrilled to find a new running case. I wish so badly that someone would make a good case that can ATTACH and DETACH from an arm band!! Since I couldn't find one...I'm left using 2 different cases, 1 for everyday use and 1 for running. Err! Daytime use: OtterBOX Defender Running use: TuneBand
Pros: Easy to take on and off, stays in place while running, good looking
Cons: would NOT protect your phone from a fall/drop (b/c its very thin, similar to ear buds), no real screen protector...just a clear "sticky" shield that you have to attach to your phone (I didn't do this b/c I use another case with a real screen protector during the day)
**Overall, it does the job but I really wish that OtterBOX had a running case.
This case nicely fits the iPhone4, and holds it securely enough. It's better for walking or low impact sports like skating than for running, where the weight of the iPhone4 is noticeable. Can't blame that on the case.
Overall Use:
Ran with this for about 1 month several times a week. Works great. The screen is exposed which is what I liked the most...I hate having to fiddle with plastic coverings. Even the home button is open so you can touch the actual button...sweet.
Perfect Velcro strap for all sizes. My wife has used this as well with much smaller arms. I have an above average sized arm (as long as I am going to the gym regularly) and it still works great. In the package it says that if the band doesn't fit they will send another one to match your arm size...that's what I call service-but it should fit unless your 40lbs or on steroids.
None, I sweat like a crazy person sometimes and I never had issues or sweat get on the phone.
Material Strength:
Soft and flexible yet very strong. I have been running pretty hard at times with this arm band and never experienced issues. It holds the phone secure, very well. I don't even worry about the phone falling out.
None, UNLESS you prefer to run in the pooring rain. It has an open design on the face so this is not advised. Someone advised using this case as your primary case on another review however thats just dumb, dont be cheap - leave this one for running/walking/swimming. j/k about swimming. - Exercise - Armband - Running - Iphone 4'
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