I bought the Wii nunchuk and remote holders to use with games like "Wii Walk It Out" and Wii Fit Plus. It is a great and inexpensive way to "store" the remotes while you are exercising or walking to the games and have them out of the way but readily accessible. I have found that they work great with most types of pants or shorts, including jeans. The clips are a little snug getting them on, but that just means they stay put fairly well. My only complaint, which is why 4 stars, not 5, is that the nunchuk holder is a little snug. This means that sometimes the pressure pushes the top toggle switch to the nunchuk while moving (causing the game to mess up), and also makes it a little difficult to get in and out while walking. They have "stretchy" sides to them and canvas fronts. I am hoping with time and use they stretch out a tad so this problem is not as noticeable. I notice this the most when playing "Wii Walk it Out" and I am trying to search the maps. The screen "flips" due to the pressure on the nunchuk toggle switch/joy stick button. I have to take the nunchuk out during those times I am searching the maps and then put it back in during my walk. I have been able to deal with this issue. When playing the Wii Walk it out game, you have to place the nunchuk in a pocket and it works like a pedometer, measuring your steps. This item solves the problem when you are wearing pants that don't have pockets, or of your pockets are too tight. So in spite of minor inconvenience (which again, I am hoping will loosen up over time), I would still recommend this item. Wii Remote & Nunchuck Holsters
When it has came down to the Nintendo Wii, many new gamers young and old are definitely feeling the need to play from any age group, and master any game. But, while there are a lot of gamers out there, there also are new ways you can safely secure your Wii-Mote, and this is no acception. These Wii-Mote & Nunchuck Holsters easily snap on to your pants, and you can easily keep them safe and secure whenever you are on the go, and you can also easily use these with simple control, when playing games like Wii Fit while you're jogging through the game, or if you want to bring your Wii-Mote and accessories to a friends' house without worrying about any damage. It is easy to hook on to your clothing, and is very inexpensive. All in all, if you're a constant Wii gamer, you'll definitely want to get these Wii-Mote holsters.
Price: B 1/2-
Convience: B-
Overall: B- - Dance Game - Ea Sports Active 2 - Ea Sports Active - Dance'
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