The only 'problem' with the Fushigi ball is that they're effectively marketing a skill- which requires tons of practice- by telling the public that the result is yielded by the product itself.
It's called 'contact juggling' and it's a really cool thing to watch. There's a gal on Youtube who takes an orange and achieves the very same illusion you see done on Fushigi ball commercials.
Maybe it's a bit mean-spirited of me, but I do kind of snicker at the enormous number of people who think that the Fushigi company has overcome the principles of gravity and put it into some magic ball. This thing is a classic, classic example of 'fools and their money..." Anyone who bought this thing truly believing that it somehow magically floated in the air is a colossal sucker; life for them will be a lot more disappointing than their Fushigi letdown.
I suppose it's a fine contact juggling ball, but just understand that you can do the same thing with any solid sphere and when you buy the Fushigi ball, if you're expecting the results to be as-seen-on-tv, you'd better be prepared to invest an awful lot of time and practice in learning the art itself. There is nothing magic about the Fushigi ball and you will not be able to 'make it float' just by buying one. Fushigi Magic Gravity Ball
I bet everyone has said this, but it's just a ball. Since I contact juggle, everyone asks me to buy it cause it'll float better (it defies gravity, etc.) I haven't bought one, but I know people who do. Ok-
It's the worst ball you can buy. It's extremely unstable, pretty fragile (it can break into pieces,) and not to mention it wobbles. Yeah, that's right, it's a ball with a terrible center of gravity. If you roll it on a table, it will probably roll haphazardously before falling off. It's JUST A BALL, and it FAILS AT BEING A BALL. If you don't believe me, look up Fushigi videos about it's durability and quality. Just saying.
It looks amazing. The only problem is the people you see on the TV advertisement have all praticed for countless hours to make this thing work. If you like to juggle then maybe its for you. If you want something that you can take out of the box and make it work be prepared to do alot of pratice. The DVD is good to show you how they make it appear to be floating. But it is just an illusion, maybe a good gift for a magician or circus performer. Probably not a good choice for anyone under the age of 10.
This is not a toy, must be purchased for people older than 15 years. Lots of practice to get the best from it. Good as a different kind of amusement and be sure the one that receives it has the patience and interest with things that are not easy to handle but can provide satisfaction when learned.
First off it's called contact juggling not fushigi. Contact juggling is a difficult thing to master. (I don't even think I've mastered it yet) Don't expect this so called magic gravity ball to do anything amazing on it's own as the illusion of levitation is created by the juggler not the ball. I did get one of these to mess around with out of curiosity and found it to be a poorly made contact juggling ball. First off it isn't a regular acrylic ball. It has a smaller metal ball inside it. imperfections on the metal ball inside make "tell" marks and completely spoil the illusion. Whats more ball inside the one I have is off center further ruining the illusion when performing an isolation move. Don't be fooled by a company trying to brand and market this performance art for quick profit. If your interested in contact juggling, great! Invest in a real acrylic ball or stage practice ball, But avoid this cheap insult to the art.
I warned my 10 year-old not to buy this, but she insisted it would magically float based on the commercials. It's a ball. That's it. Total waste of money. She's very disappointed she saved up her allowance and used it to buy this ball. It's a shame that advertisers are able to market things so deceptively.
Wow, the t.v. ad for the Fushigi is so effective and every kid seems to want one. It was at the top of my 10 year old's birthday wish list and I almost bought one online because he had to have it and I had no idea where else to get it. In some cases, shipping was outrageous. Luckily, I came across the Fushigi at Walgreen's for 19.99. I had read reviews and knew the risk but thought I would get one at that price. Well, as it turns out it was a waste of money. This may be a legitimate item for older kids who truly want to learn the craft of contact juggling, but it was far too difficult for my 10 year old, not to mention the ball is way to heavy and big for his hands. I don't think I am going out on a limb to say that the vast majority of kids will not have the interest or skill to really use this and they will do what my son did with it-- give up after the dvd and trying it an hour and display it on a bookshelf. My son's friends have become so excited to spy this on his bookshelf and try it but, sadly, not one has been able to manage to do anything with it. And the ball is very heavy and you run the risk of kids dropping it on their toes, tossing and breaking your t.v., etc. Overall, it was a waste of money. But if your kid must have it, then you should look at the local drugstore rather than pay a premium.
I bought this at best buy for my 10 year old nephew.
He tried the tricks on the DVD and dropped the ball more than he held it.
The ball is too big for his hands or any child under the age of 13 I'd say.
Was very frustrating for him, so he lost interest in it.
I found it to be nothing more than a pretty ball that takes many hours if not years to master it as a juggling ball. The "Magic" is in the placement of the fingers or hands. It's NOT a take out of the box and show your tricks immediatly!
So if you want to buy this and show off your stuff like they do on TV in hours or days... Forget it.
And don't buy this for a child with small hands. It's about the size of a baseball, and you need to wrap your fingers around it in strange positions to do the tricks.
If you want to practice without the $20 ball, get an orange or baseball and go look on youtube to see how the pros teach you for free :) - Mind Control - Toys - Junk - Too Expensive'
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