Item was described incorrectly by seller. This was exactly the opposite of what I was looking for. Item was described as "Shiny Gold" when in fact the paint was Flat gold with flecks of glitter. Not adequate for jewelry. Terribly disappointed. Krylon 1000 Premium Metallic Spray Paint, Gold
I have worked with genuine gold leaf, and this product comes the closest of any I have seen to a 'gold leaf' paint, and even better, it's a spray paint!
Make sure your product is ready for the product. Primer should be used, finely sanded, then lightly scuff sanded, then painted with product. Finally, let it dry, and then wipe it clean of any dust.
I bought this particular paint for the reviews and the "plated" look as opposed to just painted with gold paint look. I used it to paint hardware on our front door that many years ago had been brass...probably nice shiny brass, but after 30+ years, they were are pretty much black. I painted the mail slot covers..which I could probably have just bought a new one, but this one fit and I didn't want to worry about it fitting exactly the same or having to cut the door again. The other piece was a very OLD "peek-a-boo". They don't make anything like this ornate one anymore. The only ones you can find online are little jail bar replicas. The one we have the builder probably installed when the house was built over 70 years ago. I should have taken before pictures, but I didn't think to. I did take a couple of after pictures so you can see the results I got with this product. I don't know if it was the finish of the things I painted, or just the paint, but the look is more "just painted gold" than anything that might be mistaken for plating. Not bad, our door looks alot better...but I wish it had been a little more on the shiny side. Let me also say... I really shook it before I used it. Maybe some day I'll take the peek-a-boo and have it plated. But for now they do look much better than before. - Midas'
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