Just bought the model SJ621 (Same as the SJ620 except it has a halogen light at the front) at a big box club store. I wanted the unit with the light and Amazon doesn't seem to carry the SJ621, so I'll review the mechanicals of the SJ621 which are identical to the SJ620.
First used this little fellow earlier this week, and wouldn't you know it, we had our first snowfall last night...about 6" of wet, early season snow.
The Snow Joe did OK in clearing our driveway. It is a little small (18" width), which means you'll have to make more passes, and since it's electric, you might have to "double-pump" a bit, as in make a pass then make another one immediately afterwards.
Our snow was pretty wet, especially close to the driveway, so Little Snow Joe only threw it 10' at most, but using my head I was able to clear our 60x80' driveway in just under an hour. I'd imagine it will do better with drier snow.
Of course I had to go around after the Snow Joe with a shovel to clean up, but that's to be expected.
I wouldn't try wet snow any deeper than 6"...this morning I could tell this little guy was straining...this means any larger storms and you'll have to keep ahead of the snow in order to not overwhelm the Snow Joe. Note: see the 2/3/2011 update below for how this unit handled 20.2" of snow which was Chicago's third largest snowfall in recorded history...
I took the advice on the instructions and put some WD-40 on the pivot points of the chute and lever and it was easy to turn and aim.
Didn't need the light (again, only on the SJ621) 'cuz it's daytime, but after use I noticed it was covered in snow, so I'm guessing when I do use the light I'll have to keep brushing it off.
I used a 12GA 100' extension cord and this seemed to work fine.
All in all, much easier than shoveling by hand, and at this price, a very good deal.
UPDATE 12/20:
Well, this little guy just took care of another 5" of wet snow. In addition, the headlight came in very handy tonight as it helped me see where the extension cord was...even with a bright yellow cord, it's hard to see it when it's snowing hard and dark. Still very happy with the purchase.
Update: 2/3/2011: Well, I'll be darned...we just had 20 inches of snow, and the little Snow Joe handled it all, including a 4 foot drift across our driveway. Granted it didn't chomp the snow like a big gas blower, but I was able to completely clear our 30x60' driveway with the SJ621. To tackle the big drifts and areas taller than the SJ621 I had to "undercut" them by hitting them sideways, creating an overhanging corniche of snow, then this overhang would either fall on its own, or I would have to knock it down with a shovel, then I'd snow blow the fallen snow...
I ran it almost nonstop for three hours and it took everything I could throw at it.
I have to be honest...when I first wrote this review back in November 2010 I had no expectations that this little guy could handle anything more than a 6" storm, but I was wrong.
On a bad note, after finishing everything, I was using the Snow Joe to clean up some wind blown snow and it just stopped working. Suspecting a motor or impeller problem since I had just put the mechanicals through a big test, I unplugged it and looked around...nothing...so I plugged it back in...again nothing...so I pulled the plug out and saw that one of the two prongs on the Snow Joe's electrical connection had broken off into my extension cord...really odd since I had used the cord strain relief throughout the morning's snow blowing marathon and as far as I know never put any twisting torque or sideways stress on it...I have never seen this happen with any other electrical device...sent an email to Snow Joe to see about getting a replacement part, and unfortunately, after two days all I've gotten is a form reply....makes me feel a little less than confident that they're going to help me out. I will post back once things are either resolved or not.
Update 2/5/11: Spoke with Snow Joe on the phone today and they are sending me the parts and instructions to fix my unit. I expect to get these next week, and once installed, bring on the snow (again)!
Final update: 2/11/11: Snow Joe sent me repair parts, but they were for the 622 and not the 621. Looked almost identical. After an hour of getting the wiring fixed, realized the handle is not quite the right size...so I drill out my 621 and then the bolts fit. So I tighten everything and try the unit...nothing happens. Check all connections, still nothing. So I take the control box apart and realize the blade lugs on the new switch are slightly smaller than the old one, so the connection is intermittent. Toyed with the idea of soldering on new female blade connections, then thought: "Why am I going through all this - just get a new unit". Call Snow Joe and they say they won't have new units until next year, but might have refurbs in a couple weeks. They suggest I contact the Big Box retailer where I bought the unit. OK, did that, and will be getting a refund and now have to order a different unit.
After working so well, it's frustrating to have such a simple thing (the electrical connection to the unit) be its downfall. Reduced rating to 3 stars...could have been much better. Snow Joe SJ620 18-Inch 13.5-Amp Electric Snow Thrower
This is a great little snow blower! Bought it after reading several reviews from different sites and decided to try it. I am very glad I did. Amazon has one of the best prices on it and got it in 3 days! I was worried that it wouldn't cut thru the snow very well but others had said in their review they had no problems. Well it arrived today in the midst of another snow storm. It had already snowed 7 inches when it arrived! Got it out of the box and its super easy to put together...even your grandma could do it;)! Took it out and it cut thru the snow like it was butter! I even used it in some of the hard packed areas that had been shoveled and piled the last week and it handled it great! I love not having to worry about the maintance of a gas snow blower...you do have to get used to having the cord on there....but wasnt bad at all. I wouldn't hesitate to get this snow blower...WAY Better than shoveling! This is only Nov 30th and we've gotten 25 inches of snow already! Great Purchase! - Snowblower - Snow Thrower - Snow Blower - Electric Snow Thrower'
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