This is my first time taking a prenatal vitamin, so I have nothing to compare my experience to...but I have to say that I love these vitamins! I spent a lot of time reading reviews for different brands/types of prenatal vitamins, before deciding on these. I love the fact that they're all natural, & made from actual food/plants rather than synthetics. And I love the fact that they haven't added any unnecessary dyes, or artificial ingredients, etc.
From my research, this prenatal vitamin seems to have just about all of the nutrients that you'll need to have: before, during, and after pregnancy, (while breast feeding). Except that you'll have to get extra Calcium from another source, and if you really want to play it safe you can always increase your iron intake...but these are minor details. I think that the price is great...even if they are a little more expensive than some of the other prenatal vitamins, they are worth it for the quality, & can you really put a price on having a healthy baby? :)
I have been taking these vitamins for a month now, and I haven't suffered from ANY side-effects, at all. Nor have I noticed an after-taste, or any other kind of adverse side effect. They haven't given me heartburn. And they don't cause me to feel sick, or nauseous...which I was worried about, since a lot of women complain that prenatal vitamins *in general* make them feel nauseous. But I haven't had any problems, what-so-ever. And these vitamins contain natural ingredients that will actually help with your morning sickness...so that's a bonus! :)
They are a little on the large side, but with all of the healthy nutrients packed into them, I don't really see that as being a bad thing! Plus, as far as I can tell...most prenatal vitamins are large, unless you're taking multiple smaller doses each day. If that's what you're looking for...Rainbow Light has another prenatal vitamin that you can take 6 times a day, & they are smaller. But I haven't had any trouble swallowing these. Some people have mentioned that they have an easier time taking them with Orange Juice, but I haven't had a problem taking them, with whatever I happen to be drinking at the time. And I've taken them with & without food, so that hasn't been an issue either...they don't make me feel sick, either way.
They also don't prevent me from sleeping, & the bottom line is that I would highly recommend these, since they have made the whole experience a positive one for me! On a side note, my husband has been taking the Men's One a Day multi-vitamins, also by Rainbow Light, ever since we decided to conceive...since they promote a healthy reproductive system in men. They're a lot smaller than the prenatal vitamins, obviously...& he also hasn't suffered from any side effects. So I would recommend those as well, for those of you who are planning on conceiving anytime in the near future! Rainbow Light Just Once Prenatal One Multivitamin, 150 tablets
I do "HATE" large vitamins, so I started a fight when my pediatrician/husband bought them for me... Now, I'm online trying to purchase more.
CONS: It's true, they're on the big side. But strangely, I don't have any problems swallowing them (I did with other ones). Also, they leave an aftertaste--as another reviewer said. But it goes away easily (juice, cracker, etc), and I usually take them with meals to improve absorption.
PROS: They're easily digestible (I didn't have any of the sickness or heartburn suggested), it's once a day, and above all, it's all NATURAL--which is important for me.
THE POINT: I didn't find any natural vitamins that were as easy to take.
If you want any regular pre-natal vit, I'd go for the prescription ones: You take them once daily. They are small, tasteless, safe and very-very affordable.
I suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which causes infertility and has a multitude of syptoms and other conditions associated: obesity, diabetes, cysts on ovaries, infertility, either severe periods or no periods, and also an over production of Testosterone leading to excess hair in places like a woman's chin, while hair loss is also part of it. It's easily treated with medication and healthy diet, when caught early. When caught early the fear of infertility is mitigated somewhat.
Since I'm now medicated and starting to move into a healthy diet and my health is in order to the point where I am fertile. I am not intending on getting pregnant any time soon, nor have I ever had a child. But when I was looking for supplements to compliment my more healthy regime, I found out as a PCOS sufferer I had special needs such as an increase in a few vitamins more than others. I didn't want to sit there taking 8 pills in a day, so I was looking for an all-in-one remedy (a multivitamin) which met my needs, such as an increase in biotin, folic acid, selenium, vitamin E...there are a few more, but these were the most vital. Since PCOS is directly related with fertility and when I looked at prenatal vitamins ---prenatal vitamins were basically the remedy I was looking for.
After deciding I needed to find a prenatal vitamin as they are in the range of supplements I'm looking for, I searched reviews on baby websites, about three of them. Rainbow Light was hands down the most popular of them all. I decided to give them a chance after reading the reviews, going to the official site, and also looking carefully at their supplemental precentage and ingredients. It met my needs and then some. I was then concerned on the pill intake. I'm not one to schedule my life around my pills or vitamins, so I wanted to find a one-a-day prenatal vitamin. Bless you, Rainbow Light!!
I have all I need to compliment and aid in managing my PCOS even if it's mainly directed to those pregnant or looking to be pregnant. This is the best product out there for me and my condition and I do recommend any other PCOS sufferers to think of adding this vitamin to your regime.
I've also complimented this with Nordic Naturals Complete Omega 3-6-9 and Vitamin Shoppe's Psyllium Husk with Acidophilus. The Vitamin Shoppe product is used because I am on a high protein diet considering I'm allergic to gluten and need to eat low carbohydrates. It's a God send in keeping me regular.
To get back to Prenatal One...this is not only for the pregnant ladies or those trying to get pregnant. It will be beneficial to any woman, it's easy on the stomach. It is daunting to swallow such a big pill, I think only of the benefits and gulp. ^_^ - Pregnancy - Pre-natal Vitamins - Rainbow Light - Vitamins'
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