Just purchased this and writing a quick review. I'll do another later if any problems show up.
So far very pleased, upgrading from my old Kodak Easyshare. Couldn't be easier to begin using, plugged it into power and put my USB in and pictures began to roll.
Pictures bright, clear with much less cropping off the bottom of my pictures and controls on the top of the frame very intuitive.
A bit worried when I opened it because of the size then realized the larger frame could be removed leaving just the actual picture with 1 inch rim around which works great for space on desk at work. The frame I removed was very nice however and would look great on a wall, frame would also be easy to shift out to change styles.
One great upgrade it does have a shuffle switch on the top so no more needing to shuffle the pics before loading on the USB. No remote but never found it necessary on my old one, controls on the top and easy to use, even tried the copy pictures to add a few in case my USB or card wasn't with me and very simple.
Now I have had a chance to actually use this product all week at work upgraded from 4 to 5 stars. Absolutely perfect for my desk at work, picture crisp and clear. Especially love the option to watch pics as organized on my flash drive and then switch to shuffle mode and let it choose for me. I also decided to test it with how many pics it could store (stated 4000) 512 mb didn't seem like much but easily copied my 2000 pictures into the frame, quality might be slightly less than off the flash but not enough to make them unwatchable, like going from HD to regular on my TV. Also find the top of frame controls much easier to use than the remote since I can just tap the pause and it will stay on single picture until I come back to desk.
Best thing I've bought since my flat screen HD TV. Kodak Easyshare D1025 10-Inch Digital Picture Frame
I bought this for my elderly relatives and it has been a family joy! If you put enough pictures on it and let it cycle through the snapshots, it's really better than most TV shows!
Before I purchased it, I saw this frame side by side with several others at a local retailer. This was by far the biggest, clearest and brightest.
The pictures display on a huge 10" screen which is bigger than most digital frames (easier on the 'older' eyes), and the picture display is clear and frame is nice-looking.
I spent a couple of hours organizing and copying all our digital photos to an SD card. I slipped the SD card in the back of the frame and set the frame on auto-play. So easy and a joy for the family to see years and years of memories!
This frame does NOT have music or a remote, but frankly, that is exactly the kind of unnecessary complication that an older couple does not want. It's simple and easy to use.
I made the mistake of starting with an HP. I wanted to give it to my elderly parents, loaded with pictures of their lives. The HP was challenging for me. After I got it loaded, the remote was dead. Did an exchange, and the next one was slightly different in not having any resident memory. I was ready to give up and then I stumbled onto this. No remote, enough resident memory for a lot of photos - over a thousand but I don't know where the end is. It down sizes jpegs automatically, loads easily enough for a small child to handle. The pictures are stunningly bright and clear. There are three choices for transition speeds. The only negative for me was that on mine, it had a transition for the middle speed where it would kind of zoom a small amount as it transitioned. Looked a little weird, but not a real problem. Others might enjoy it. My review: excellent value, bright beautiful picture, extremely simple operation, good internal storage, well positioned and simple controls, easy to add more pictures. My parents love it and with all their friends and the rest of the family they can sit for hours just watching the pictures and telling stories. They laugh and cry and just love all the memories it recalls.
This was probably the most appreciated gift I ever gave, and I'm scanning and working on more photos to add to the frame now.
Seriously, if I had started with this frame my aggravation factor would have been so much less. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have taken this in a heartbeat. I'd give this one six stars if I could. Fooey on HP with those pain in the neck remotes and complex controls.
I looked long and hard before I decided on this model. The main thing that drew me to this item is the Kodak name. All of my digital pictures were taken with a Kodak easy share camera and its quality is excellent, so I figured the digital picture frame would be more of the same and I am not disappointed. First of all, this frame has internal memory for several thousand photos. This is a main selling point for me as who likes all of the pictures on their memory card? This lets you pick and choose which ones you want to save on the frame as opposed to looking at the entire memory card. If you want to view the entire memory card on the frame, you have the option to do that as well.
Next, the picture quality is excellent. What else would you expect from Kodak? This frame replaced a 7" Pandigital frame that I had and the picture quality is like night and day. The kodak frame shows vivid color and sharpness. Also, the Kodak frame shows a large 10" photo. This is perfect for my office as I can actually see my photos now.
This picture frame does not have all the "bells and whistles" that some newer models offer such as music and a remote control, but quite honestly I did not want them. It does give you the option to switch out frames, but I am happy with the nice one that came with the purchase. I simply wanted a larger, quality, easy to use picture frame with internal memory and that is exactly what Kodak delivered!! - First Choice - Kodak Easyshare'
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