I really didn't need this - while not as addictive to me as the Kindle version of Scrabble (at least not yet)- after playing it several times I see it as yet another thing that is going to take me away from reading on my Kindle <sigh>.
If you are familiar with the Windows version of Minesweeper, you will quickly grasp how to play as they are very similar. Mark where you think a mine is with the "A" key and click the 5-way button to expose the block to see if you are correct or not. I failed a few times by pushing the wrong key, but that was my fault and not the game's fault.
I'm glad to see Amazon is easing us in to the apps world with these free offerings, and wonder what will be next? Hey, this is free - why not download it and try it today? Mine Sweeper
Okay folks. If you like playing Minesweeper on your PC, you will recognize this game when you get it for your Kindle. The operations are the same and it can be just as challenging.
If you have any hopes of besting your PC times at any of the levels, you will be disappointed. Using the dreaded cursor on the Kindle, it takes a bit to move around. Of course, an added element of excitement comes into play because you never know when the Kindle is going to interpret a cursor "move" as a cursor "push" blasting you out of existance.
Not as much fun as EveryWord but it is a free download so you can't beat that.
I have been a MineSweeper aficionado for many years, so I was naturally skeptical to see that there was an implementation of MineSweeper for the Kindle. Without a touchscreen or mouse interface, could the game be as playable as I always remember it in Windows? I can assure you that the game is not only playable, but quite enjoyable.
There are 3 levels-easy, medium, and hard-each of which picks the number of squares. Squares get much smaller on the hard setting, but they are still quite easily visible. You use the 5-way switch to move around the screen and select squares to look for mines. Just like in classic MineSweeper, you will get a number indicating the quantity of surrounding mines. You can use the "A" key to mark suspect mines or push "A" twice for a question mark. If you have marked all suspect mines, you can also click "Z" on an already revealed number to automatically check all surrounding mines. If you've marked the suspect mines correctly, all of the squares around the number will be instantly "clicked". This "Z" feature makes gameplay a lot faster on a device without any sort of pointable interface (like a mouse or touchscreen). It's a great idea and addition to the gameplay.
The game also loads fast and seems to be very stable so far---no crashes or hangups on my Kindle3.
Amazon is offering this game for free, but I would gladly pay a few bucks for it as well. Definitely worth the download!
To be honest, I'm not a huge minesweeper fan. However, since it was free, I decided to give it a try anyways. I think that I'm actually beginning to enjoy minesweeper.
This game is a huge improvement over the built-in minesweeper game (alt shift M) It has 3 different game modes and keeps track of your fastest time for each. The "quick reveal" button makes the game more accessible for a Kindle keyboard.
My one complaint is that it can get somewhat laggy in the middle of a large game, which can be frustrating when trying to beat a previous time.
I've gotten bored with Every Word and Shuffled Row, mainly because I'm not really good at either game. I've killed off countless hours playing Minesweeper under Windows and it was pretty neat to see Mine Sweeper for the Kindle.
It's a free game, so I can't complain too much. It works well with my Kindle 3 and I can play it for a few minutes when I need a break from reading.
Ignore the negative reviews for this game. It's free. Try it out - and if you don't like it, delete it. Problem solved.
This is a basic but clean implementation of MineSweeper that is very addictive to the point that I'm starting to wear out the A and Z keys on my Kindle! Unfortunately, it's crippled by a major bug that causes the responsiveness of the game to suddenly slow way down for about a minute, thereby making it impossible to get a decent time on the hardest level. I'm really surprised that a fix for this hasn't been released yet...if you play for speed then prepare to be frustrated until it is. Email the developers at reflexive.com and insist they do something about it!
What more can be said about a classic game that has been around since Windows 3.1 or 3.11? (Can't remember) Anyways you click on a blank grid space to see if you get blown up. Rinse and repeat. Can you beat my best time on Hard of 3 minutes and 12 seconds? Good luck.
I didn't buy my Kindle in order to play games, but the games make the Kindle even more valuable to tote around with me when going to a doctor visit, or other place where I might have a really long wait time.
Certainly, due to the way Kindle operates, the game control functions are not quite as easy as on a computer. However, it is not so unwieldy as to detract from enjoying the game. You will find the full array of game functions, such as Quick Reveal - the game functions are not truncated, which is really nice.
If you like Mine Sweeper, this is worth getting.
When my husband started playing this game, everything on my kindle loaded slower. He tried to load it last night and the kindle locked up, I had to perform a hard reboot to get my kindle back. I deleted it!!
Play this game on your pc!
The actual game is fine. - Kindle Game - Games - Kindle Games - Puzzles'
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