These are tough and finger-safe! I had one last 2 years with heavy heavy usage! It's appreciated that fingers are nowhere near flames on this, unlike many other inferior products I've tried which get too hot to hold after a while or they just break.
The built-in stand is a must-have to keep furniture and house-hold safe while it's locked-on in use.
The easy bottom click is quiet and nearly effortless.
HINT: Just bounce the entire torch's bottom off the table-top and instantly it's lit up. That way you don't have to move your hand off the flame adjustment controls and on/off switch.
The flame control is stable and if gas refills are good quality gas (no $.99 cheapies!) and the device is properly bled beforehand (let it run all the way out first!!!) you will not have "bouncing flame" problems!
I'm buying my second one now and can't wait to receive it! Blazer PT-4000 Pencil Butane Torch
The PT4000 is an excellent tool that can be used for many uses beyond its soldering iron intentions. Although the flame is not optimal when upside down, this little gadget is worth it's weight in gold. There needs to be a standard lighter option on this in case one doesn't need the intensity of the torch flame. Other than that... haven't found much better around.
This is an excellant lighter or focused mini-blowtorch for light soldering or welding, lighting candles, fireplace fires, charcoal fires etc, paricularly if windy. The focused mini-blowtorch ignights by pressing an ignighting button and stays on until turned off so it should be kept out of reach of children who might turn it on and drop it and start a fire or they could burn themselves. I love it.
First of all, I can't believe they still make this. Second of all, I'm glad they still make this. I bought mine in college, 16 years ago. It's been used in camping trips to start fires it's been dropped off the dock into a lake and it still keeps working. Lately it's had a slow butane leak, but I can't think of much else that has taken that much abuse for that long and kept working. I'm here to buy another.
Lights easy and burns great. The only complaint is that the flame blows out VERY easy, an A/C unit or very light breeze etc.will blow the flame out. If the shroud were even 1/16-1/8" deeper it would be perfect. I use outdoors as a pyrotechnic shooter and this is a very important feature. I have added a metal sleeve to increase the shroud depth and it now works just fine.
Please see the BUT below!
Original review: {This is a sweet little pencil torch. It gets hotter and lasts longer than any other teeny torch (I've tried) that will fit in my pocket. :) I mean, it is not the torch of choice if you mean business but it is great for a PENCIL torch! I am going to make a new course up just for this torch. Silversmithing on the run!
I like it.}
BUT - after using it for a little while it clogged and would not accept butane. It seems it is supposed to use ONLY Blazer brand butane because the other brands (like Ronson and Zippo) are dirty and cause this clogging. It is apparently a very common problem and not fixable. - - - There is no mention of this in the description for the torch. Who knew???
This blazer is an excellent tool for soldering or small brazing projects. Where I find it really shines is as a Cigar Lighter! It's easy to use, flame is controllable, has a large tank, fits in your "finger case" or other easily and can't be beat for "toasting" the foot prior to lighting. It's become my favorite amoungst a number of 2 and 3 torch units. - Mini Torch - Torch - Blazer - Lighter'
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