I was initially excited about this product. It seemed to be the best 3 shelf wall mount system; it's not. Though I've not found an alternative yet, I'm looking. The reason behind my disappointment is that the shelves are unrealistically shallow. One needs to consider that the depth of each shelf is shortened when one considered the cables that have to come out of the back of the receiver. For example, an HDMI cable is a high end thick cableand it needs about 1.5" of rear room to be plugged in and bent down or toward it's souce. If you use good speaker cables like Monster, the same holds true, so one looses shelf depth because the distance that the cables use coming out of the back of a receiver wasn't properly accounted for. Perhaps for a home theater in a box it would work fine, but for anyone who has a regular receiver, forget it! Even my DVD player barely fit on it! With home theaters evolving quickly, the consumer needs a true multi shelf wall mount system that accomodates a regular receiver, DVD player & cable/SAT box, as well as a center channel shelf. Well, that and a couple of bucks will get you on the New York subway... OmniMount TRIAP Adjustable 3 Shelf Wall System w/ Cable Management
My biggest complaint would be that there is hardly enough room to hide the wires in the channel strip.I only have a hi-def cable box and typical run of the mill 'Sony theater in a box',so my cables were minimal but it was still tight .The shelves are a little shallow as well.I first saw these at circuit city for $199 and the pic on the box really sold me .Looks very clean and neat .Once I saw amazon had it for $125 I jumped on it .I have a 50" plasma mounted on the wall and was able to make it work by hiding some of the wires with accessories(dvd storage bins etc.) and tucking some up behind the TV .I was on a budget so this fit the bill,there's not a whole lot of options in this price range, but in hindsight I should have spent a little more money and searched out more options .good luck .
I needed something stylish but strong to go with a wall-mounted flat panel TV and this fit the bill perfectly. Installation was a snap as the wall stud was centered behind the TV, and I had installed the whole thing in less than 15 mins. What I don't like are the cable covers - they're OK if you only have 2-3 sets of cables and the shelves are distanced enough to give you room to install the covers. If you're like me and you have AV equipment with multiple cable connections, then there's no way those cables will fit in the space allotted for the covers to snap into place. The only thing I could do was zip-tie the cables, then place the covers between the shelf support and the cables - the pressure from the cable bunch held the cover in place - trying to snap it into place would be impossible. Overall though, an excellent unit. Highly recommend.
I ordered this 3-shelf unit to hold all the peripherals of a new wall mounted TV. The product is attractive, the shelves are glass, the perpendicular wide bars (which the wires hide under) are silver. My complaint is that we are unable to keep the wires hidden under these flimsy bars. They are too small, too plastic, not flexible, difficult to align with each other,and seem to come apart with the slightest movement of anything connected to the wires they are supposed to hide. Good concept, attractive look, bad execution.
The TRIA system per specs is not for someone who has heavy AV gear as each shelf is rated at 30 Lbs Our Yamaha receiver weighs in at high 20's and the shelf is adequate without any cause for concern. The system does do a very good job for those of us with just a few components in the system. The wiring covers are a little frustrating at first but once you figure out a couple tricks they are workable. Only system specs to check closely for your application is the shelf weight rating, and the shelf depth. The wiring cover takes about 1" of depth in the middle, Luckily for me the cover lines up with unused inputs on my receiver or I would have needed a bunch of right angle patch cords to keep the receivers front feet on the glass shelf.
Wire management tricks for this system:
Don't plan on just tucking the wires behind the covers. Install on the wall and set the shelves where you will want them and test fit your components. Once you have the shelves placed remove all your componets and start running the wires with just enough length sticking out at each shelf to allow you to plug them in to each device; keep the wire bundles tidy and "inline" as any weaving of the wires makes the bundle fatter. Bundle the wires with wire ties, or similar products. I personally recommend "spiral wrap" sold at radio shack (or at amazon) as it is easy to install, and is easily removable but still holds the bundle secure. Just use a couple inches every foot or so to keep it tidy.
Once you have your 2 bundles together (one on each side) I suggest you then determine where your cover pieces are going to go. The clips that the covers snap onto can be installed anywhere there isn't a shelf bracket. If possible try to install the clips near the end of each piece so the seams line up closely and firmly. The plastic channels on the back of the covers can be cut on the back to allow you to take wires across to the other side, you just need to ensure that a mounting clip won't be nearby. Likewise if you are taking a bunch of cables out the side at any given shelf, there is some plastic on the back of the cover that you can cut out to make that easier as well, all of this cutting on the back wont be visible when installed.
We are happy with the finished result, our main objective was to get our components up out of reach of our button infatuated two year old boy as he was constantly poking at the receiver and PS3. I would say to expect installation time with all the wire management involved and such to be around 3 hours to take your time and do it right.
Word of caution - Ominimount would not sell me an additional shelf, as they said the system is only rated for 100 pounds and a 4th shelf would allow the user to exceed the systems rating (much like putting more than 30 on a 30 pound rated shelf that they give you). So three shelves is it, but there would be nothing stopping you from installing more if you could get a hold of them. If the unit is stud mounted with good hardware I don't see where exceeding 100 Pounds would be an issue.
I was fortunate that our DVR was shallow enough on the shelf that I could put a small power strip behind it and only run one power cord up to the bottom shelf. The plasma and other devices then get to this strip which is on the back of the bottom shelf, hidden out of view by the DVR. - Home Theater Wall Mount - Wall Mounted - Audio-video Shelving - Glass Tv Component Shelf'
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