There are many nice things about this product but I would not recommend it if:
- you do not have a drain lever on your faucet, it just slides off
- your bathroom is even remotely susceptible to mildew. Ours is, and the rubber inside Flo seemed to breed it instantly like nothing else. This wouldn't be an enormous problem - except Flo did not clean at all, even with Tilex and taking it apart to go at all its nooks with a toothbrush. Soaking it on the window ledge in near 100% bleach for 6 hours seems to be the only thing that worked. Sort of strange for a product designed to be used in a wet environment. Boon Inc. Flo Water Deflector, Faucet Cover With Bubble Bath Dispenser Watermelon
First the bad : we have a standard Moen tub faucet. The Flo doesn't *quite* sit right on the faucet, so we have to play with it a bit to get all the water to go down the slope, rather than out the back of the Flo. But it's not really a big deal, just takes a bit of adjusting.
The good : My daughter (11 months old) loves to play with the water coming from the faucet. The Flo allows her to sit a little further back (thus sparing me stress every time she gets a little tippy!), and she also really delights in the waterfall effect. When she gets older, I think the bubble bath dispenser will be more appreciated.
Speaking of which, other reviewers have mentioned the bubble bath leaking out -- I have seen a few drops in the "scoop" under the faucet, but nothing major. It's been on a week, and I've yet to need to refill it.
I haven't had any problems with mess with this either. Even when I didn't have it adjusted just right and water was washing backwards under the faucet, it didn't go everywhere, it just ran down the tub side (INSIDE the tub).
If it wasn't for the slightly finicky adjustment necessary, I'd have given this 5 stars!
If this would fit my oversized faucet, I'd be giving it all 5 stars! I think it's a great product, and my kids loved it...while I had the patience to hold it onto our faucet. Unfortunately, that grew old rather quickly, and now it's in the box awaiting our move to a new house--hopefully one with a more modern and dainty bathtub faucet. Go to the Boon Inc website, and you can find info on the faucet type that the Flo will fit. They have a new design that will fit more narrow faucets more tightly now (tighter spring); unfortunately that doesn't help me...
I gave it 4 stars because it's not entirely the fault of the product that it doesn't fit MY faucet.
The Boon Flo didn't fit right on my tub faucet so I bought some silicon tape (which does not leave a sticky residue) and went around the faucet over and over until it created a donut like shape around the faucet. Then I placed the Boon Flo on the tape. It worked during my testing so I'm hoping it will work permanently.
This is a really neat device that slips over your tub faucet to create a waterfall effect! It is good for rinsing out shampoo in the tub, and it's just plain fun, my daughter (age 6) thinks it's delightful. BUT on the first use it slid down and fell off of the faucet within seconds. Our tub faucet is an average-sized rectangular Delta, nothing unusual. We've rigged it with some rubber bands, which works. But it would be much improved with some kind of clamp to secure it, or way to tighten it on.
Would be a 5-star rating, but it doesn't fit perfectly on our faucet. It slides back when you try to push the bubble-bath button, but overall we're pleased with it. It's great for keeping the little ones from bumping their heads on the sharp faucet and all the rubber duckie faucet covers we had tried wouldn't fit. Would buy again.
I liked this faucet cover, but I recently had to throw it away. For a disposable product, I think it is overpriced.
-This spout cover it IMPOSSIBLE to clean. I even tried putting it in the dishwasher and it came out looking just as gross as it went in. Disgusting mold grows in every crack and crevice and it won't come off.
-The "soap dispenser" is pathetic. It never worked quite right, I thought it was unnecessary (really, how hard is it to dump in some bubble bath?) and it leaked. I was not that disturbed by it until after I quit using it. The flap on the top would come open on it's own and water would get inside and get trapped in there. Then, at bath time, old gross water would leak out on me or my son. Ew.
-While this cover did fit on my faucet (no pull up for the shower) it was very easy for my son to pull off which he frequently delighted in doing. If you want this cover for safety against bumps and bruises, this is not the best feature.
-Overpriced for the frequency with which this item would have to be replaced to keep it clean.
-I did like the deflector feature of this spout, which produced a nice "waterfall" effect in our tub and made shampoo rinsing with no cup and clean water easy. My son also liked to play in the waterfall.
-This cover stayed out of the way of the other handles in our tub.
Overall, I would not buy this product again.
Like most other reviewers, I found that this cover did not fit all faucets. It fit in my home just fine, though it was a little loose, and my daughter easily pulled it off. But it didn't fit over the faucet at my parents home, and it is not a particularly large faucet. That's only a 50% batting average for me.
But when it does fit, it provides a beautiful cascade of water which my husband, myself, and my daughter loves. And you can leave it on at all times, rather than other protective faucet covers which must be removed for filling the tub and placed back on. And because of the unusual shape, my daughter thrilled in pulling it off the faucet and bringing it into the living room to play with for the first few weeks we had it.
I love the concept of the bubble bath dispenser, but our pediatrician has strongly advised against bubble baths for girls as the soap dries out the skin and has been known to cause urinary tract infections or skin irritations in the genital areas. Just a tip for any other parents of little girls out there.
UPDATE 4 MONTHS LATER: Steer clear of this product. I regret that Amazon does not let me edit the original star rating, but this does not deserve any more than one star. How can a product that is DESIGNED to get wet not be mold-resistant? I had this sitting on my faucet for the last few months, I took it off one day on a whim and there is black mold growing inside. I dumped it in a bucket of bleach solution and used a grout scrubber to try to get it off to no avail. And it doesn't even come apart, so even if the scrubbing helped, I couldn't get into all sorts of crevices. These ppl need to go back to product research. - Baby - Bath - Bathing - Bath Safety'
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