We have a 1 acre back yard with lots of trees and shrubs, and for a while I'd been thinking about getting a chain saw. But when I started using this Corona saw, I realized that this will do just about ANY job. I've cut through huge tree trunks with this thing in a couple minutes. It throws the sawdust while the strokes take minimal effort. This is a razor-force-multiplier and not your grandfather's "traditional" saw. I also often used it like a machete for smaller branches. Corona makes at least 3 models, and this one is sized in between. I use this one most often, followed by the largest one with the wood handle, and then least often I use the small folding razor saw. If you buy just one of them, then this is the best size to get for a quick grab-and-go tree trimming escapade. Corona Clipper 14-inch Curved Blade Razor Tooth Saw RS 7395
As the name implies, it cuts like a razor. Too bad that there's not a cheap way of resharpening the blade. The Corona 7395 was chosen over other brands and models after a lenghty research (I hear the Japanese saws are also impressive, but haven't tried any so far. They are a lot more expensive too). It's a well designed, well balanced tool that always attracts curious looks from bypassers when I use it. The curvy blade makes it more ergonomic. Needless to say, keep it clean after use. I bought another one as a gift to a dear friend and avid gardener and she loves it too.
At an annual cleaning/beautification project my club sponsors every year, I took my Corona 7395 with me. Lots of volunteers had brought pruning equipment as well and I was told my saw would be unnecessary. After work began, it was easy to notice they were all struggling with their tools. Then I reached to my Corona and was able to accomplish more than everybody else. Suddenly, people began to ask if they could try it. To make it short, my Corona 7395 outperformed all the other pruning hand tools available there, even the more expensive, and was the most requested piece of equipmente that morning.
This is my second one of these saws. I drove away with the other one on the back of my car and I drove around for miles trying to find it, that's how much I love this saw. A real work horse. comfortable and the red handle helps find it in the brush. (not necessarily on the side of a country rd though.)
All I can say is FANTASTIC!. This made short order of 3 Christmas trees. My brother was using the old bow saw, and this Corona Clipper 14 inch saw was really made well. It is light weight, strong, super sharp. I will never cut a Christmas Tree with anything other than this.. (Ok maybe a chainsaw) Where has this been for the last 20 years. I highly recommend this saw to anyone. No project to small or big for this. FANTASTIC
Only downside: No blade cover. Once you pull it out of the cardboard cover you don't have a real good way to store it safe.
This saw goes through trees and limbs like nobody's business, of course (see other reviews), but one day I needed something quickly to tackle some pressure-treated lumber. You know - the heavy stuff with thick chemicals that binds up a saw about every other stroke.
This thing chewed through it like butter. If you need a saw, you need THIS saw.
Great saw. Frighteningly sharp....will cut any limb, bush, etc. in my yard. I used to think my bow saw was great but this puts it to shame.
I also bought a Corona pole saw with the same blade on the end....and it's terrific.
My gardener recommended (and personally uses) both.
This saw cuts through tree limbs so incredibly fast - it is unreal. I have a ~35 fully size pine trees on my property, and I always reach for this saw when I need it. I have small electric powered chainsaw too, but honestly this Corona hand-saw cuts through 3, 4, 5 and 6-inch diameter limbs so quickly with such a small amount of effort that I hardly ever reach for the chainsaw. It cuts on both the push and pull strokes to double the cutting speed, and the curved action really helps the forward and back strokes "catch" even better. On the forward stroke, the back part of the blade closest to the handle really digs in, and then on the backward stroke, the curve makes the front teeth on the blade really dig in. I have had mine for about 4 years, and can't tell you how much use it has gotten all-the-while the blade seems as sharp as the day I got it, and I have done no maintenance to it whatsoever. I've never sharpened the teeth, and I have given this thing a beating and it hasn't declined in performance at all! Even with pine sap along the side of the blade, this thing hasn't had the slightest amount of rust anywhere on it. It looks like I will probably get another 20 years out of this incredible saw, as it's holding up better than I could have ever imagined.
Seriously, it's 20-seconds and probably 20 full strokes to rip through a 4-inch diameter limb.
It travels so well too. It is as light as just 1 pound probably. I kept the cardboard blade cover. You can grab this saw and walk around the yard with hardly even noticing that you're carrying it. The shape makes it well balanced, and it isn't awkward at all while climbing ladders.
I have used it cutting for hours straight, regularly just throwing it to the ground after a cut, and the red handle makes it so easy to find among the cut brush.
This Corona Razor-tooth saw is absolutely the best hand saw I have ever used. I am so very pleased that it continues to be available from amazon.com at a reasonable price and with rapid shipping, as it can no longer be found locally in my area at either Home Depot or Lowe's, where I originally discovered it. This has been my favorite tool for cutting and trimming trees, limbs, logs, shrubs, etc. for at least 20 years or more, and I have owned many of them. Currently I have four on hand, two new and two that I still use which work very well. My property consists of about five acres of trees of all kinds, oak of several types, maples, hickory, dogwoods, pine, sourwood, gum trees, etc. And I have used it many times to help friends with work on their properties. Although I'm now 73, I have no difficult cutting down medium to small trees with this saw and large dead logs and smaller stumps. In fact, this saw cuts so well that I prefer it to my chain saw except for larger trees, because it's so lightweight and easy to use. Plus, I like the physical exercise and enjoy the peaceful quiet without the loud roar of the chain saw. Also I have a Corona pole saw with handle extendable to 14 feet in length with the same razor-tooth blade, which is great for reaching high limbs. Usually I take no special care to maintain the Corona saws and they last for years. The red handle makes it easier to find if left behind in the woods or inadvertently dumped with an armload of cut branches. If there's a better lightweight hand saw available anywhere I'd like to know about it. In fact, this one would be very hard to beat. I heartily recommend it - Pruners - Handsaws - Hand Saw - Gardening'
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