If you're like me, you want to find great pens that you can just buy and stick with for the rest of your life. These are those pens. While a lay person might think I'm being hyperbolic and am exagerating the quality of these pens, I am not. These pens, especially the Blue 05 extra fine, are often difficult to find where I live (with the Black 05 extra fine and Blue/Black 07 being much more commonly available) so getting these 05 Blues from Amazon was a great find. Yes, they are a bit pricy and I'd wish that instead of buying 12 complete pens, I would be able to buy just the 12 ink fill-ins (as I buy tens of these pens every year and have plenty of actual pens), but given the seeming scarcity of the Blue 05 and the fact that just the ink fillins often cost the same or more as buying the complete pens, I'd just sooner get the package and hope I can find a recycling place for the stems. All in all, great pens for students and adults alike. Pilot G2 Retractable Gel Ink Roller Ball Pen, Extra Fine Point, Clear Barrel, Blue Ink, 12-Count (31003)
The title says it. These are the best pens I've ever used.
I've been using the 0.5mm tip blue G2's for years. All along the way I've been looking for something different, mainly because I don't like the retractable pens (I prefer caps) because I've actually ruined a couple of shirts and a pair of pants when I've accidentally put the pen in a pocket and it was either extended at first or ended up that way (user error, not mechanism failure).
The Pilot P-500 USED to be the best. Those pens started off awesome. But what I've discovered is they are sensitive to heat and you can't leave them in your car or they get air in the inkwell and start skipping. The G2's don't do this. They just work. They work until you run out of ink, which takes a surprisingly long amount of time.
So what you get with the G2 0.5mm is smooth flow, skip-free, essentially smudge-free writing for a long time. Works great with my small handwriting.
Only way it could be better is if there were a pen-cap version.
I love these pens. They write very smoothly and last a long time. You can even put Mont Blanc refills in them to create luxury pens. I've done both and I think these pens are so close to the expensive Mont Blanc refills, that I just keep the original ink in them. The only cons about these is that my wife swipes them and I can't find one when I want to write something!
The Pilot G2 Gel Ink Extra Fine Point pen is my very favorite of all time! I just love them. They are hard to get where I live, I cannot find them anywhere. So, I looked them up in Amazon, and voila! There they were. I will continue to shop for them thru this venue from now on. Thanks so much!
I've been using the G2 extra fine (05) point for years. I like the blues ones. I've tried the fine point (07) but they have too thick of a line for my taste. These are the best low cost commercial pens out there. Other companies only wish they could produce a pen this good. These pens are also better than most expensive pens. Why stores (i.e.) Office....Stap...don't carry a better supply of these extra fine point pens in blue is ridiculous. Try these pens !!! - Pen - Pilot - Gel - G2'
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