I got this as a gift for my mother who does not whare much jewellery.
She really loved this pendant and said it is very speciale because it is from a daughter to her mother.
The pendant is very good quality. It's thick, heavy and the size is good as well.
very good value for the price. Sterling Silver "The Love Between A Mother And Daughter Is Complicated, Noisy, Tender, Strong, Affectionate, Funny and Forever" Reversible Pendant, 18"
We have 2 lovely daughters. I loved the writing on the pendant the words are so true. It is harder for older people to read but if it wasnt that small you would need a much larger pendant. Looks great and gets many comments from friends. I wear it a lot
This was a gift for my daughter-in-law on the birth of our first grandchild. She loves it. The sentiment on the necklace is so true. I did buy a sturdier chain for it though because she is a work out fanatic, and I didn't want it to get lost if the chain broke. An excellent gift for any new mother or to give to your own mother.
I bought this on a whim, thinking to use it as a ribbon on my daughters Mother's day present. It was heavier and much nicer than I expected, and she was touched by the words. I'm satisfied especially with the price.
I loved the neckless, just hated the chain it was broken when I got it.
I had a thick back up chain that the pendent look great.I love it very very much,
when buy this pendent get a back up chain my daughter baught it for me and it came one day before my birthday.The only sugestion is to buy a better back up chain
Though smaller than expected, the words are clearly legible and the piece itself well crafted. Can't wait to gift it to my mom who loves inspirationally worded jewelry, so i just know she will love this! Highly recommend. - Pendants - Mother And Child Jewelry - Mothers Day Gifts'
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