It comes off as a great controller for 10 Measley bucks...but its exactly what it is: a cheap third party(if you can even call it that) controller that will work for a good week...if your lucky. This controller has a slew of problems, but 3 Major ones. First Off, a big problem with it--seeing as how it is for the PS3 it has no PS button, so no accessing the PS3's XMB (Main menu) while in-game or anything of the like that quick starts you to the menu while your not AT the menu, but I could've lived with that. Then theres a second problem: the buttons, they require you to press way to hard down on them to process a button hit and they feel very poorly put into the controller and that they can just fall right out. Not to mention the controller is an exact replica of a PS2 controller and not a PS3 one. A few of the minor problems: The joysticks, they just dont feel right, the cord is way to short a good 2 feet...if that. It is very very light...it literally feels as if there is nothing inside it. Dont expect sympathy if you buy it though. I took the cheap route to try and get a decent controller and I should have known better. Its only 10 bucks so its not exactly a wallet smasher, but most certainly dont look this way. I dont even think PS3 knows of this controller. It's so cheap that is actually says "Compatible with P3 game system" they probably dont have any right to sale these things on a real retail. If you look this way TURN BACK IMMEDIATELY, the only way to have a surely good controller is to buy an acutal PS3 Controller. PS3 Wired Controller
This is the single worst controller I have ever used. First off, it's so light and cheap in your hands that it feels like it will break. The cord is so painfully short that you nearly have to sit with the system in your lap (it's maybe 18 inches long; shorter than the recharge cable for the system). The buttons don't visibly appear to stick, but their functions inside do. When you press a button while playing a game, there's a fair chance that it will stick and your character will keep doing the pressed action, like jumping (for a face button) or turning (for one of the joysticks). If you press more than one button at a time, the controller barely seems capable of handling multiple functions and one of them just might not work. I was playing Trine and about 80% of the time I couldn't jump or move at the same time. I had to choose one or the other! Also, sometimes it would seemingly lose it's connection to the PS3 even with the cord plugged completely in; it would just lose the signal. I know it's not the PS3, because I just bought it brand new a week and a half ago and the Dualshock 3 that came with it and the second Dualshock 3 that I bought work like a dream.
I purchased this so I could have a third controller without shelling out $50 like I did for the second one, but no. No. This piece of junk isn't even worth $0.99. At least with $0.99 you could buy a burrito at Taco Bell and that would assuredly be the better value. Trust me when I say that you're better off with no controllers than with this one. It's a huge waste of money and will only serve to infuriate you. I am seriously going to look into some quality control issues on Amazon to see if you can get products banned, because this -should NOT- be on the market. It may as well be considered theft.
The one time I make a purchase without 1st reading reviews, and it really bit me in the ass. Can't remember the last I was so disappointed in an amazon purchase. Of course, the obvious complaint about the controller is the lack of the PS button, but it also plays stiff as hell!!! You practically fracture your thumbs trying to use the thing effectively. I'd love to have been able to send the thing right back, but I let my temper get the best of me and ended up shattering the thing in frustration...
I guess it's really my own fault for neglecting to read reviews, and being blinded by the cheap price. damn though, times are hard!!!
I guess the moral of the story is, if something looks to good to be true...well, you know the rest.
At first I was really happy with this product , I got it for my son for Christmas. it was priced cheap and was here in time for christmas..... But after my son started to use the controller, it has already fell apart and broke...... the thumb controllers will not work at all,,,,,, so overall was a total waste of money.
Granted the product is cheap...but you might be better of buying a sony branded wired controller or go with mad catz etc...This controller did not last even 2 days. One joystick was non-operational and wobbly. Disappointing!
I guess its true that you get what you pay for. I purchased this as a spare controller with the Family Bundle and this controller did not work at all right out of the box. Brand new, nicely packaged, could not get a single button to work or the PS3 to recognize the controller. Spend a bit more for the real thing, this controller is not worth the shipping cost let alone the measley $6-8 bucks it costs.
Although this controller is advertised as a "PS3" Wired Controller, it arrives as a "P3" controller, designed for "P3 Games," whatever those are. Bottom line: It DID NOT WORK with my Playstation 3. The instructions are lousy and unhelpful. I sent it back after a frustrating day of trying to get it to work and bought the Sony-branded controller. It's just not worth the trouble. It's a bad sign for your product when one of Amazon's suggested tags for the item is "garbage." On the upside, Amazon's return policy is fabulous! - Broken - Trash - Junk - Playstation 3'
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