I bought this for my 9 yr old daughter. I thought with the higher pixel count it would take a decent picture but not so. You could have twice the pixels and would still take a lousey picture because there is no image stablization software. Even if she holds it as still as possible we have a hard time getting a decent image. Hello Kitty 87009 7.1 Megapixel Digital Camera
The picture quality on this camera is horrible! The flash doesn't stay on and you have to press the flash button and take the picture quickly before it automatically shuts off again. Luckily my 5yr old doesn't care about things like this and doesn't even realize this cameras short comings. The only bright spot of this camera is the interchangeable Hello Kitty faceplates. If not for that, I would be more apt to buy the 8.2 mp Kodak for about $20 more. If you or child actually care about picture quality though, spend the extra money and buy the pink Kodak! Fortunately I have a decent camera and can make up for the pictures my daughter thinks she is taking with this one.
I truly thought this would have been a better constructed camera for the price (58 something! That I paid for). It was a cheap $9.99 special! Which I did actualy came across at a local store. That sold it for $9.99 . You can say , I should have done my research first.
All in all , it was useless and my daughter found nothing cool about it. Learned our lesson for sure!!
This camera was from Santa for my 4 year old. So hard to explain to her why the elves made such junk. I spent hours trying to download her photos so she could take more, but the cord provided--of course non-standrard-either does not work or the camera does not work. Now we have a piece of garbage and a very sad and disappointed 4 year old girl. I wish that somehow companies who made garbage got extra fines for the environmental damage they do when we all throw this junk away. Yes, it's annoying I wasted my money, but it's really sad that I bought expensive junk that had no useful life at all and will not go in a landfill. It's so frustrating. Just because you make a toy for a kid does not give you the right to make garbage and waste parents' money. Of course, the reality is that the 10 people who have given this product bad reviews will never get their money back and company just made a bundle off us.
The camera shown in the picture is NOT the actual camera that shows up. The one in the picture is a 5.1 MP camera which I saw at Toys-R-Us, when I saw the same camera online for half the cost I jumped at item. When the camera arrived is was whatever the item description is and is NOT what is shown in the pictures.
I have a sad birthday girl here. Camera is not reading the 4GB SD card and the fresh triple A batteries are already drained.
Agree with other posters: Do NOT buy this... even if it's discounted! It's not worth the aggravation and disappointment. It's going back to the store now.
Picture quality is the worst I've seen out of any camera. Flash is always off by default, it doesn't save the setting. In fact no setting was saved, no way to set date. When using flash the pictures are really washed out. Stopped reading or writing to SD cards after less than a month. This is not worth the money, very cheaply made. - Kids Digital Camera'
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