Caveat emptor.
Desiring more rugged protection for my primary violin, I purchased this sturdy case.
There were several critical issues with this case.
1. This case was too narrow to accommodate either of my two (dimensionally typical) 4/4 "real" violins or my (somewhat slim) electric violin.
2. The bottom bow holder wasn't deep enough for a full sized bow (manufacturing defect?)
3. The "lining" of the case, while soft, was a shaggy substance, certain to capture rosin and eventually damage the violin's oil/varnish.
4. The top bow holder, while deep enough, exerted _sideways_ pressure on the bow (which will ruin a wood bow). Gator Cases Deluxe ABS Full-Size Violin Case for 4/4-Size Violin - Case - Lightweight - Case Violin Light Weight - Violin Smart Case'
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