Between my wife and myself we own a JBL On stage, an InMotion IM3 and this Bose SoundDock. They each have their advantages and purposes:
The Bose SoundDock has, by far, the best sound of all three: Absolutely beautiful, clear and rich, with powerful base. Note that it's too big to easily throw in your suitcase for a 2 week vacation, but is small enough to easily move between rooms. If you want great sound, are OK with generally leaving this home, and are OK with the price, this is the one to get. IMO the remote is just the best for these kinds of systems: It has an instant off button that will turn off your iPod backlight and screen while it continues to charge (this issue is a bit of a hassle on the other systems), as well as buttons for next/previous track (or scan within track) and volume control.
The InMotion IM3 is the only one I have which will play on batteries, is extremely portable and includes a decent remote. It's the most cost effective and portable of the three, and it has really decent sound.
The JBL On Stage is a nice compromise. The sound is quite noticeably better than the InMotion, most significantly in the low end. For a very small room, this unit is so good that you might not miss the Bose. It's small and light, so it's very portable, but unfortunately does NOT play on batteries, and has no remote. Note, we did have a problem with this unit as others have described (don't put your iPod in its cradle while the sound-stage is powered on.) It went bonkers, and the nice people at the apple store replaced it on the spot. No problems since. If you want this kind of portability and sound but feel you need a remote, you can buy the $50 navipod remote, which works with the on-stage for switching tracks. (It works with volume too but not if you put your ipod in the dock cradle, instead you'd need to use the on-stage's separate audio cable.)
I think one could be happy with any of these, depending on their usage and need for portability.
Pete Bose SoundDock digital music system for iPod (White)
I did my own field review of all Apple iPod speakers (inMotions, JBL, etc)
Sound quality wise, the Bose clearly outperformed all other speakers
However, this unit is pretty big, so for portability, I wouldn't recommend it, in comparison to many others
However, if you're looking for a stereo replacement, then look no further - this unit will provide you with sound that rivals most stereos
The price is pretty high, but if you're big on music, then its well worth it
Despite user complaints, I have found the remote to work pretty well
And yes - iPod Minis work great in this thing
Before I write anything here, I'd like to say that I believe people should buy what they want, especially when it comes to sound systems. I've worked in a music store for over five years. What people do or do not hear musically varies widely from person to person.
I have to say my experience with the Bose SoundDock was not good. After about two weeks of owning mine, the speaker was rattling and the bass was (literally) nauseating even at low volume. I was told by a rep that it was broken and the frequencies were obviously out of whack. They promptly shipped me a new one.
Strangely, the imaging was actually better on the first one, the one that was broken. The bass was still overpowering, and changing the EQ settings on my iPod did nothing but make the overall sound quality worse. My Peggy Lee album sounded like it was recorded in the early '30's. I tried a Delius piece that's almost entirely for string orchestra -- all midrange frequencies. I heard static over the strings. I tried a flute piece. The highest notes actually broke up. A U2 remix from four years ago sounded one-dimensional.
To make a long story short, after spending an hour talking to Bose and Apple, Apple kindly gave me my money back. (Bose refused.) I was told by both that the problem was my iPod Photo. I have a hard time believing that. I know of people who have used their iPod Photo with the SoundDock and have not had problems, and there are published articles with quotes from Bose reps saying the iPod Photo will still work without the still-awaited new plastic adapter. Draw your own conclusions with that information.
After all that, I bought a new Sharp shelf system to replace my dying Aiwa (The loss of a stereo had been my motivation for buying the iPod). I bought that backup stereo *and* a pair of HK II Soundsticks for *less* than what I paid for the Bose. The sound quality of both betters the SoundDock, especially the HK's.
If you're a parent looking for speakers for your teenager's IPod, I genuinely recommend investing in the HK's. There is no reason to spend $300 on the Bose SoundDock when there are better speakers for half the price, unless you fall for the convenience factor and the design, which I did. So much for that.
Or if you've got line-out jacks, just buy an RCA Y-plug and hook up your iPod to an existing stereo. You'll be spending only $3.00 as opposed to $300.00. - Ipod - Ipod Speakers - Bose - Speakers'
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