Assassins Creed 2 - Circa 2009
- A good story mixes elements of historical fiction and a Sci-Fi epic.
- Really impressive graphics and first-rate animations, that looks just as good as games like Uncharted 2 on PS3 and Gears of War 2 on 360.
- The game world is even bigger then the last one (it really rivals games like Fallout 3) also IF taking a horse across the land still takes too long some times don't worry there are warp points now as well.
- In the first Assassin's Creed there was about 5 different mission types (chase someone, pickpocket someone, save someone from getting beat up, spy on targets, and then stealth kill, ect) in Assassin's Creed 2 there is like 15 different mission types now from all out battles, trailing a targets, beating up unfaithful husbands and lots of different types of stealth killing also all the old types in Assassins Creed 1 are here as well.
- You have a better opportunity to be a more cunning assassin now due to newer weapons, techniques, and skills.
- You can now swim, no more letting water be your foe heck you can even drive gondolas if you wanted.
- like the first title this one has great sound track too that mixes music of the era during the clam points of the game and more modern type of music during the chase points of the game.
- Some small problems from the first are still there - although they are a lot more minor now like some times roof top running (parkour) can be a tad sloppy in a tense situations and you'll get killed (small camera problems). (I didn't really see this in my play through but some people have told me it happens so I am letting you know here)
- Losing that cool sword: you have the ability to disarm enemies and kill them with their own weapons now (this never gets old) - BUT - you also drop you own original sword in the process making you having to dig among the bodies to find it again and hope it's not lost. ::UPDATE:: I put this wrong it seems, you never lose your weapons when doing a disarm attack (it yes it never gets old); you only seem to lose your weapon when a stronger enemy (usually a knight in a suit of armor) knocks it outta your hand, and this is still a bit rare. Then you would have to find your weapon though or pick up a new one later.
- Too much Money? When you first start the game money is a bit hard to come by and weapons/armor are pretty expensive, while this can be a bit frustrating at first it builds gameplay and gives you goals outside of the missions to work towards. Now after you play for few hours and missions give you better pay and you fully upgrade your villa/town (this will automatically give you tons of free money; sorta like owning property in Fable 2 or GTA: Vice City) money becomes a non issue. Then getting paid at the end of missions seems pointless as well as doing Templar Secret location missions, which while fun, the entire point is to find a treasure room for yet more now pointless money. Anyways a few hours into the game and the in-game economy is broken to the point were you feel they should have done like Assassins Creed 1 and never had in-game money and just give you all your weapons/items based on mission progress.
- A Stealth/action game set during the late 15th century and early 16th Italian Renaissance. You play as a man who becomes an Assassin in order to carry out revenge of his family.
- You spend more time in the Animus and less time as Desmond over all.
- The control is broken down mainly into two areas of gameplay there is a passive action and an aggressive action to almost everything you can do in the game. For example you can lightly tap people to move out of your way while walking down crowed the street (hold the B button to do this) or shove people as you run down that same street (hold the R button and the B button to do this). This duality applies to all your actions and it becomes necessary because during the game you must be able to move freely between these two states (passive and aggressive) to run and then hide from people the out to get you as well as to sneak up on and kill your victims.
- You can now hire help like as body guards to protect with you might or street-walkers to use their bodies to distract armed guards.
- Lot of what you will be doing is climbing and jumping from buildings this plays similar to the Prince of Persia games also made by ubisoft (the sands of time series). Although in this game the controls are more streamlined and user friendly as you can climb way more effectively as well as more realistically (even more then the first game).
- In the first game most of the gameplay is not so much assassinating people but gathering Intel on your targets. This game retains some of that but expands on the concept so much you'll never think you're doing busy work (like the first) and you have a lot more big kill targets as well.
- Combat has been refined by adding things like hammers, clubs, smoke bombs, and the hidden (now dual) assassin blades of course, plus you can steal enemies' weapons and use it against them too. The combat has a bit more over all intelligent flow from the first game, although it builds on that idea.
- Mix up you clothing colors by buy buying dyes for you outfit (in colors like red, green, and black) as well as unlocking new capes for your character. Also buy things like health potions, poisons, new weapons, new armor, and even treasure maps and famous paintings for your villa.
- You even get a villa (which is basically works like a small personal town) which you can upgrade by renting out space to local store owners and then getting goods (the main house seems to be the only place you can swap weapons and armor apparently).
- Assassins Creed (360/PS3/PC)
- Grand Theft Auto 4 (360/PS3)
- HitMan: Blood Money (360)
- Prince of Persia (Xbox/PS2)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
- Ezio the star of Assassins Creed 2 is related to Altaïr of the first game and Desmond is related to both of them
- Assassin's Creed: Lineage, a small set of mini movies (with real actors and CG effects) telling the story leading up to Assassins Creed 2 about Ezio's father (who was also an Assassin). These movies are made by Ubisoft and are found on the internet for free - so go see them.
- Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (starting Altaïr of the first game) is a PSP game with Connectivity with the PS3 version of this game that can unlock six exclusive and unique weapons in Assassins Creed 2.
- The game skips chapters 12 and 13 - These chapters come in as two downloads for this game. One called The Battle of Forlì and the other called Bonfire of the Vanities. There is also a version of the download Bonfire of the Vanities which comes with the three bonus missions (more Templar Secret locations) previously only found on the limited edition version of Assassins Creed 2.
- At the start screen of Assassin Creed 2 (and also in Splinter Cell: Conviction) you'll see an option of something called Uplay. Uplay is a systems set up by Ubisoft to give players who unlock achievements/trophies in this game bounces for playing Assassins Creed 2. Some things you can unlock in Assassins Creed 2 are a theme for your Xbox 360 or PS3, more throwing knifes for your character, or even unlocking Altaïr's assassins robes from Assassins Creed 1 (which is really cool), and even a new secret assassins tomb under your villa/town. Assassin's Creed II - Assassins Creed - Video Games - Assassins Creed Ii - Ubisoft'
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