I have many yoga DVDs and this one is definitely one of my favorites. I have lot of pet peeves when it comes to yoga DVDs:
1) Many DVDs assume you can see the screen when you're in down dog or in a twist and the verbal instructions are so vague you have to come out of the pose to see what we're doing next. This one is extremely clear in its instructions: this pose is next, and this is how we do it, leg goes here arms goes there.
2) Lack of flow in the workout(s). Some DVDs are pose by pose, getting you out of the 'zone' with every pose change (Yoga For Inflexible People and Yoga to the Rescue - Feel Good from Head to Toe come to mind). Some are all over the place with their flows: standing, lying down, back up to standing, etc. This DVD has a great flow no matter what workout you do (it has little transitional snippets if the end of previous module doesn't match the start of the next one, a little odd at first but I quickly got used to them). It goes from standing to kneeling/down dogs/lunges to balancing to seated to lying down, and no funny business.
3) Many famous yoga instructors have no memory of what it is like to be stiff and inflexible. There is no chance on earth you can do the pose like they do it, but they can't conceive of giving you some workable pointers on what you can realistically expect the pose to look or feel like. Sometimes they have some models in the back pretending to be inflexible, but that still doesn't look like anything you and I do. This instructor is not really Gumby herself. I think she started out like most regular people and has won what flexibility she has through hard work. She sure has lots and lots of tips on how to modify your poses. Even better, the two models on the DVD are regular people: they are not young, beautiful or flexible and when I can't do what the instructor does, I can for sure do what the middle aged guy in the back does!
The structure of this DVD:
1) Important information for anyone doing yoga with instructions on how to find your 'edge' to prevent injuries, how to breathe during the workouts, how to stretch efficiently. This is not standard information on most yoga DVDs, but after listening to this I think it should be! This is the stuff that makes a difference. It is a voice over over slo-mo images from the rest of the DVD so you're not just watching a talking head.
2) Pose breakdowns with modifications. Very thorough, very well explained instructions on how to do most of the poses in the flows. Not only about how, but also WHY to do a pose this way. Marleen and the models (4 this time) show the wrong way to do it, the right way to do it and how you can use blankets and pillows, chairs and belts to make the pose more accessible if needed. I also like the frequent pointers on how to do the pose safely when you have back problems (like 80% of us Americans apparently do).
3) The workouts. These consist of about an hour and a half total of different poses, cut to make 8 workouts of different lengths. Each module is shot in a different configuration, (probably to show different angles for certain sets of poses) so it jumps around a bit when going from one module to the next which is a bit strange at first but works for me. They range from about 30 minutes to 90 minutes. I love the workouts. Like I mentioned, the flow is good and allows you to get in the zone so that 50 minutes fly by! As the title implies these workouts are really good for the hips and the legs. The whole lower body feels strong and supple when I'm done. I also really like that there is an actual final relaxation after each workout (many DVDs lack this!). And it even varies in length! After a short workout there is a a few minutes relaxation and it gets progressively longer. The 90 minute one has about 15 minutes of relaxation.
So what are the draw backs?
It isn't actually filmed at the beach, as you might think from looking at the cover. It is obviously a more low budget production than that. So if you mainly want to sit and gaze at beautiful people doing beautiful things with their beautiful bodies in a beautiful landscape, this DVD isn't for you. If you want to actually do accessible yoga, it is.
The sound quality isn't great. The instructor also has a slight accent, but she has a pleasant voice.
All in all a great DVD that may be a bit hard for beginners at first while they're developing strength and flexibility, but both should develop rapidly if they stick with this.
I'd like to see Marleen Stam-Gibbs do a DVD for the upper body as well. Yoga For Beginners : The Essential Beginner Yoga Guide For Runners, Walkers & Desk Jockeys
I have been suffering with lower back pain for quite a while primarily due to my job. I sit at a desk, hunched over staring close at my computer screen, naturally this has taken a toll on my posture as well.
Someone recommended trying yoga to help alleviate some of these problems. I researched a few of the available titles and stumbled across this DVD.
Like anyone else that has had problems with pain or inflexibility for a while, I was a little skeptical. But I honestly have to say that I do feel better physically which has in turn helped my general mood during the workday. I was told that positive side-effects of yoga are an improved physical and mental state, I would have to agree at this point.
I was pleased that the poses and techniques were geared for people like me who have never tried anything like this ever before. I really liked how this video features a section where each pose they cover is clearly demonstrated step-by-step.
The pose breakdown section in this DVD was extremely helpful because a friend told me her experience with some videos were that they start right out of the gate throwing poses and terms at you "downward dog, warrior etc, etc". To someone who has never attempted yoga in their life, this can be a frustrating way to start.
The video had multiple workout lengths that you can choose from depending on how much time you had to devote on any particular day. It also had a nice section showing me techniques I can use while I am in the office.
I am now a believer in the positive effects of yoga. If you are brand new to yoga and looking for a great way to start, I would recommend this DVD. - Beginning Yoga - Exercise - Yoga For Runners - Yoga Dvd'
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