From the inventor of step aerobics. You know that Gin knows what she's doing and how to do it. She invented Step Reebok so she does know a thing or two. I love this workout. It's all the step classics here. She doesn't use fancy dance steps, but the intense moves you do in this are designed to maximize results. She makes this fun with tempo variations and directional changes. It's really well designed and her cueing is clear and precise as always. There are straddles and repeaters etc etc. All the good moves to make you sweat and fit. Enjoy. You'll feel this for a day or two afterward. Simply Step: Classic Moves
Don't let the "simple" fool you: Gin's choreography may be straightforward, but this work out is anything but "easy." By the end, you will be fully energized, and drenched -- just in time for Gin to joke about whether your "hair and makeup" still look good - LOL! This DVD is an excellent refresher if you're re-joining the step world, or if you want a break from all of the dance-y intricate choreography other instructors provide. That is NOT to say that this workout is boring -- far from it! It includes all of the classic step moves, and some great floor work (get ready for jumping jacks and other good old fashioned cardio). Also: Gin provides plenty of explanation and opportunity to "get" the steps; repetition of one move in this routine provided and "A-HA!" moment -- I was able to master a step that showed up as and "Add-On" in another routine. This will be a fine workout to add to your step rotation. Master this classic work out, and then see if those dance-y workouts don't come a bit more quickly! Highly recommended!
Ok, this DVD is worth the money. It kicked my butt today! It is 51 minutes of cardio with separate warm up and cool down time. I was about 8 minutes into the beginning (already sweating) and Gin Miller says ok, now that we're warmed up, let's get started. Then I knew I was in for a great, challenging workout. Don't be fooled by the title...it's a definite work-out. Loved it!
After completing physical therapy for a 2-yr old ski injury to my hip & leg, I was hoping this might be a good workout - and I was right. It's a no-frills, easy-to-follow workout that allows you to make it as intense or low-key as you like. I went simply on Gin Miller's reputation, already owning a number of her workouts. Her cueing is faultless and her commentary keeps it fun - she had me smiling the whole way through. The workout is rated intermediate/advanced, so a true beginner may not be happy with it. It does, as Gin suggests, help quite a bit to watch the entire workout at least once through to familiarize. I dumped all my Karen Voigt workouts after her "Hollywood" makeover (new breasts, hair, make up) and am sending back the first Denise Austin tape I've ever ordered (her goofy, breathy voice makes it sound like she's trying to seduce someone - and her class has better moves than she does) and sticking with GIN MILLER - cuz she's the real deal, baby!
I am a new step aerobics instructor and I have been studying different aerobics DVDs to prepare for my classes. This was my first DVD by Gin Miller and it will definitely not be my last. Her teaching style is very refined and the workout is well designed. She maintains a high level of intensity while delivering an interesting choreography based on classic moves. This DVD is excellent for beginners or anyone wishing to revisit the fundamentals of step. It is also a great idea for new instructors who would like to observe refined techniques for teaching step aerobics.
She does it again with this video. Basic moves, lots of repetition and her funny commentary to go along with it. It's over an hour long but you feel great afterwards. Some of transitions from each move gave me a little trouble (I am a seasoned stepper) but once you get the hang of it, it's great. And, though its over an hour, not boring and dragging on. She keeps you moving and that heart rate up. I own several of Gin's videos/dvds and rotate them throughout the week. I recently had a baby and not only did I lose my baby weight but I am in better shape than before. She is consistently good and gives good instruction. In this video she is alone in a studio, I liked it way better than her being in a warehouse with all the TV monitors, the band, etc. Lets you concentrate on the step and keeps you motivated. Would highly recommend!!
At my age, 53, I have seen the fads...floor aerobics, stepping, running, walking. Stepping, so 80's, did get the heart rate up. With extra weight to loss and limited space to work out, I bought the DVD to find out if I could learn how to use my step. Yes, you CAN! There is not too much fancy footwork. moves well-cued. Gin shows modifications for beginners and advanced and leaves it up to you to get that burn. No chatter and no funny camera angles. A classic and will get you on the weight loss wagon.
I haven't done a step class since college. This workout is a great reintroduction to step for someone who is already in shape. If you are a beginner to exercise, you can grow into doing the whole workout over time. I thought I was in go shape and I still can't complete the whole class. It's very flexible.
I've done this workout about 5 times now. When I started doing it, I was a total novice to stepping and was discouraged by how challenging it is.
I'm glad I didn't give up. This DVD made me realize how out of shape I am; this morning, I was finally able to do it all the way through. It is not easy but definitely gives you a great cardio workout.
I'm an avid home DVD workout person and have to say that Gin Miller is so unique from other instructors in that she has a great personality (no whooping and hollering here) and is very good at cuing you to the next move. Very important to someone uncoordinated, like me! - Aerobics - Step Aerobics - Step - Gin Miller'
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