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Two roommates, a sick cat, and a life crisis all combine to offer an interesting holiday weekend. Joel is going home for a few days to see his mother and sister, yet worries that the scatter minded Ian will forget to take care of himself while Joel's gone. Despite Ian's assurances, Joel can't seem to talk about anything but Ian to his family who finally get Joel to question his true feelings for Ian - is it friendship or something more? When their cat becomes sick, Joel rushes home to be with Ian and their relationship moves to another level when their feelings deepen.
This short story is delightful, entertaining, and thoroughly fabulous. Joel and Ian are great characters with unique flavor and quirkiness that makes them memorable. Although the classic genius who lacks common sense is a familiar stereotype, Ian transcends that particular role with his caring heart and adorable actions. He's not perfect and makes mistakes, some worse than others, but I really liked how the author portrayed him beyond behind an incredibly intelligent but helpless young man. Suiting Ian well is Joel, a computer engineer of Mexican decent that adds some great dialogue and is the glue holding Ian's intellectual world to reality.
There are some questionable issues such as Ian not realizing he needed condoms for sex - can anyone be that clueless? - and Joel having no idea that he was gay - something he likely should have realized was a possibility long before being told by his sister and mother - but these are minor issues. The great writing, absorbing descriptions, and solid dialogue all deliver a story that is perfect for the length and satisfying. The ending is a good happy ever after and there is a lot of romance between the men - even before they realize it. The final resolution is very sweet as is the tag line, "If I must!"
For a short, sweet, and well-written novella, definitely spend your money on this one. It's not perfect but it's very close and the best thing about it is that you'll remember the characters even after you put the book down. As an introduction to this author, I was impressed and can't wait to read more. If I Must
Joel, a Hispanic computer programmer, moves in with Ian, an Australian math genius. Joel is very organized, practical and tries to keep Ian, who is brilliant, but has a difficult time functioning in the real world, out of trouble. When Joel goes home for Thanksgiving, he is worried about leaving Ian on his own for 4 days, but he feels like he cannot disappoint his mother and sister. However, while Joel is home, he realizes that he has deeper feelings for Ian than he realized before. Could Joel actually be gay? Is the attraction he feels for his scatterbrained, loveable roommate for real?
This is a cute short story about 2 men who are polar opposites, yet find a way to make a relationship work for them. Most of the story is told in flashbacks with Joel relating stories about Ian to his sister so you get to see little snippets of their life that help you get to know them faster. The couple does not get together until the end of the story so there is not a lot of sex in the book, but the little bit in there is pretty hot (and graphic). I liked the characters, I thought the author's writing style was really good and I enjoyed the book, but it is pretty short. It is only app. 50 pages in Microsoft LIT format. I feel like the price is kind of high for the small quantity of pages you get for the money. Still, this is a quick, fun, sexy read that takes place between Thanksgiving and Christmas so if you can find it on sale, I think it worth your purchase.
I download this book yesterday evening and read it in one sitting. It's that good. The author has a skill where she can make you feel as though you know these characters because she presents such vivid details that make you feel present. The story was so fun and sexy and in the end a beautiful love story. These two male roommates who are seriously polar opposites and you wonder what the hell are they doing being roommates, but in the end you are rooting for them and you walk away from the story feeling warm and complete. These characters were great and memorable and this is a fast read and you will thoroughly enjoy it. For those of you that like detailed love scenes, there is some spice in there and just enough. As an avid reader, there are some books you read and say I will read this again. I intend to read this book again to say hello to characters, relive the moments, and enjoy the sensual imagery.
When I heard Amy Lane wrote a short story for Christmas...I had to read it as I love all writings by Amy Lane...If you have not read her stories, you have been remiss dear reader...Her Little Goddess series is wonderful with book 4 coming out soon....Bitter Moon 1 and 2 is a wonderful story spanning 30 years of Torrant and Yari our young lovers lives....
Well on to "If I Must"....This short story of Ms Lanes is a first for me that I did not need a box of tissues for...It is a charming and poiniant story of Joel and Ian ,two male roomates who find true love....together. It tells of Joel who is totally straight meeting Ian a complete "blonde" only male and the relationship that grows.
Again Ms Lane weaves a story that is believeable and fun...and isn't that all the reader needs????I gave this 5 stars even for a short it was worthwhile of my time !!! Please see my reviews of her other endeavors...she is truly a very creative and talented young author and I await her next novel Rampant Book 4 of the Little Goddess Series
First we are greeted with an adorable kitten with holiday decorations on the cover. Then we meet Ian and Joel, polar opposites who are both endearing, sweet, and love. Mix this all together with Lane's strong writing and we have a great holiday story, especially if you're looking for something that is almost sappily sweet.
Use of flashbacks. The linear story line interrupted with flashbacks worked well here as we see the development of Ian and Joel's relationship as given to us by Joel via his sister. It allowed Lane to cover 5 months of time in a limited amount of space by just highlighting the important parts.
Characters. While it may be hard to understand what Joel sees in Ian, they are both great characters. Joel is sweet as pecan pie, organized and helpful; Ian is disorganized, honest, genius, and giving. I wanted nothing more than for them to find their happy ever after and they truly deserve each other (in the good way). Also, Joel is sort of the perfect man (at least in this circumstance).
Ian. I know I already said I loved the characters, and I do love Joel as well, but Ian just really touched me. Maybe it's because I'm socially inept too, but I could understand him and relate (to an extent. I'm incredibly organized!). His inability to pick up flirting cues, not realizing certain clothing is inappropriate for certain times. He and Joel also have an interesting dynamic since Ian has a sort of power (he is the money maker) while Joel obviously has a power as well (he keeps Ian fed and happy).
Talking Mexican. I was a little disconcerted by the use of "talking Mexican" and the actual words used. While I can logically understand that Lane was differentiating between Spanish, English and a second type of English that's spoken at home, I felt it portrayed the language as being a little "uneducated" and kind of stereotyped. It also took me a while to get a hang of what was happening. This language use didn't upset me, especially once it was explained in text, but some people may take more (or less) exception to it.
While not quite Insta-Love, the relationship does move rather quickly over a short period of time of both them being together and them knowing each other. It was handled well, but people who have major issues with thinks that taste of insta-love may hesitate to read this. - M M - Gay Romance - Novella'
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