This is a wonderful product. All my friends get a kick out of it when they see it. It's lighter than I thought which makes me a tad uneasy with three cats who like to knock everything over and a little pricey for such a piece but it's nice overall.
The knives are even better than I expected. For the reviews who said they rusted they have obviously never been taught the basics of knife care. Even "stainless steel" rusts when left to soak or to air dry. Knives must be hand washed immediately and dried on a clean towel.
I would recommend the product. The Ex 5-Piece Knife Set with Unique Red Holder Designed By Raffaele Iannello
This is a wonderful piece of modern design. Iconic and hilarious. The holder is made of hard plastic. I wish it were made of something like shiny vinyl on the outside, though. I think it'd be more protected against falls if it were. The knives, in my opinion, aren't as great as the other reviewers are saying. Mine have already started to get rust stains in some places so the "stainless" in stainless steel isn't quite up to snuff. They keep their edge as well as an average supermarket knife would. I haven't taken mine to a knife sharpener yet to see how well they'll take a refinishing.
However, the point of this thing is the holder. And that is completely worth it. It always grabs attention in the kitchen. Even the construction guys working on our renovation laughed. If you're looking for a serious voodoo toy, this isn't it. The knives do not go in an out of the sheath holes so easily that you'd actually want to play with it.
The Ex 5-Piece Stainless-Steel Knife Set with Unique Holder, Red Looked great in the shop window in Paris, thought it was heavy fiberglass or ceramic... for 150 Euros I let it pass. Great price $69.95 on Amazon resulted in ordering one, despite reviews that warned of it's plastic flimsiness. Well it is flimsier & more cheapo hollow lightweight plastic then I could ever have imagined from looking at it. This thing couldn't possibly stand up to a month of normal use... cheap cheap cheap looking & feeling. Didn't even bother to unpack the knives before returning it. Great idea, terrible execution, if you'll pardon the expression.
This knife set is awesome. Everyone should have one, but if everyone did it wouldn't be as unique anymore. So please don't buy it! Haha. In all seriousness though, the knives are great for the price. It looks awesome. My only complaint is that the little man isn't made solid. It's hollow on the inside and kind of flimsy. I'm worried this won't hold up to years of use.
If you are like me, sometimes you feel a little bit stabby. Well this is the item for you. You can stab a guy and not have to worry about the SWAT team showing up. The knives work well and this beats a block of wood by far.
I've had one of these in red for about 3 years now and it has become an integral part of my kitchen. It's a nice visual break in the typically monotone kitchen landscape of pots, pans, and pantries. The knives that this set comes with are average at best and don't hold their edge too well, nor did they have a very good edge to begin with...but one doesn't buy this piece for the knives! Everyone who sees it loves it, and I haven't grown tired of using/seeing it. It is whimsical, but not overly kitschy (like say, if one were to make this using a unicorn instead of a stick figure), so it holds some artistic value.
I replaced the knives with a Calphalon set that my credit card provider sent me through their rewards program. I want to say that the knife holder looks more "evil" with better quality knives in place, as the knives it comes with don't exactly scream "KNIFE", and look more like T2000 protrusions/liquid metal blobs. This would be a great gift for fans of Showtime's serial killer series, Dexter.
The only weird thing is the plastic bits that hold the knives in the back of the man, but otherwise it definitely gets a lot of attention. I think my friend who had this might have removed the plastic things, but I'm not sure.
The knives are good quality, at least for a person who doesn't know the first thing about cooking... I followed someone's advice and I make sure to wash and dry them right after using, and they haven't shown any stains.
It is pretty big, and lightweight like someone mentioned, but I have it up on a shelf next to the microwave, and it hasn't fallen of it's own accord. If it were accessible by cats I would probably be worried.
Overall, I'm very happy with the item, I will probably buy a few for holiday presents.
I first saw this in a magazine at the Hair Salon I go to and it brought a smile to my face. Hilarious & I think people will get a kick out of this. This was gift to my daughter who loved it and said the knives are well made & the holder is a good size. Great conversation piece.
I received this as a gift, and I never return gifts. But I returned this knife set. The knives were junk and the plastic holder was flimsy. I couldn't see it lasting more than a few weeks. Although entirely not functional, it was funny to look at, but that's not what I need in a knife set.
I love this product and it's a great conversation piece when people come over. It cracks me up when I look at it. However, the knives are quite dull and that's really disappointing. I'm willing to go buy similar, but sharper knives to use in that. - Ex Girlfriend - Fun Gift - Ex Boyfriend - Knife Set'
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