Been a fan of this band for a few years, so this is a treat to get this sampler for free!
This collection has a several new songs from their last album, Heartland Highway, which I don't have and are sweet to get.
I like the sound of this band because they remind of an Eagles, Fleetwood Mac type of genre with a country-rock sound.
They also play a lot of their songs either electric or acoustic, which I like to hear.
The first songs that I heard that made me a fan are: Change Your Mind, All For You, and Mandolin Moon, which is included here.
Happy New Year and new fans enjoy! 11411 [Amazon MP3 Exclusive]
Last year it was the 20 songs in '10 collection and now this year it's more new stuff, and so far, the new stuff sounds outstanding. Last year I was a big fan of the collection they brought out, and so far this year it's more of the same. This is music I would pay to get, but Sister Hazel brings it out for Free and I appreciate them even more.
I just started listening, but my favorite of the new stuff here (Leaving out Vacation Rain, Sail Away, and the two others that they brought out last year) include Shame and This Kind of Love. Great songs to rock out to.
I'm not a music expert, but I have to say I really like these guys. I've been a fan for a while, have a few of their CDs, and was really happy to see this collection pop up for free. This band for me is a triple threat - great sound, great vocals, and great lyrics. Hope to see more from them soon!
For me, Sister Hazel dropped off the map a long time ago because I simply hadn't heard much from them music wise. So I find this album on amazon along with the -20 in '10- collection (an incredible SH compilation which is a good companion to this if you can find it) and I must say that this was a really good surprise. If your a Sister Hazel fan you cannot go wrong here, Vacation Rain makes it worth the download and since it's currently free you owe it to yourself to grab this really good album.
My wife turned me on to Sister Hazel a couple of years back, and they have become one of my favorite bands. Tremendous harmonies, solid guitar work and always interesting and engaging lyrics and song structures, SH is one of the most reliably entertaining rock bands in my collection. Heartland Highway and Release, their most recent two albums, are both outstanding efforts. We caught a live show in Rock Hill, SC, on a spectacular summer evening in 2010 and are looking out for our next chance to see the band. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS TERRIFIC FREE SAMPLER!!!
Sister Hazel is WOW good! I cannot believe I got this album for free on Amazon. They have a definite country sound, with a little bit of a Bare Naked Ladies touch and quality. The songs on this album are all good. I had never even heard of the group before downloading the free album. Typically, the free albums on Amazon are a bit of a mixed bad. That was not the case here. Every track is excellent. Now I look for all Sister Hazel music to download to my cloud. They are that good! Highly recommended.
I was very happy to see Sister Hazel listed in the recommended albums on Amazon and even better for free!!!! I grew up listening to this band and I own their first album on a CASSETTE which I need to convert to CD format!! :o) It's very nice to have another album of theirs. I saw them perform in 2003 at a summer concert with some other bands in Westminster, Colorado. Were any other fellow "Hazelnuts" there? :) That's a cool fan name! I wish I knew more about their other albums earlier, but I never hear them on the radio. I'll just have to go out and buy some more!
I have always liked Sister Hazel. This album is so Sister Hazel and it just takes me back to a simpler time. I liked all the songs the first time I heard them. Plus, I got them for FREE! Life is Good! Thanks Amazon.
I am slightly biased because I am a fan of everything that SH creates...and this is no exception. This is a great collection, including a moving version of my favorite song of all time- This Kind of Love. Enjoy. - Alternative Music - Rising Stars - Various Artists - Sister Hazel'
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