I was really looking forward to getting this game. I was really disappointed today when I opened my package and started the game. The graphics are absolutely HORRIBLE. They are an insult to 1998 graphics. I don't even know where to start. First, the crowd is completely flat. The graphics are similar to a game from the mid 90's, and for that reason it is almost impossible to play. Even the field looks terrible. Yes, there are a lot of stadiums to choose from, but with bad graphics, who cares? Ok, now for some of the specifics.
Yes, you can shake the wii remote to control certain actions, such as on offense, you can snap the ball, pass the ball and evade tackles by shaking the remote. Also on defense you can block the pass, give a big hit or rush the QB all by shaking the wii remote. Overall, I would say that part of the game isn't that bad, but the controls are very simple. (Note to EA, buy a copy of PES Soccer. Copy their player controls. You will have a lot of happy customers...)
There are several options available to start off. You can go right to a game, you can play a "mascot game" which is also pathetic. Why do you want an entire team made up of the same mascot? If you do want that, you can play, but it is nothing more than the players running around in chicken suits. And see my previous comments on the graphics, and you will understand it is not fun to play. You can also go right to a rivalry game, which seems like a neat idea...and you even see who is winning the overall series. There is dynasty mode available, but I have not tried that yet.
You can pick from over 110 teams, and there are a lot of stadiums to choose from. I counted at least 160, plus a few special venues, such as Mile High for CU-CSU, the cotton bowl for Oklahoma - Texas, and about 4 others for Florida - Georgia, Army - Navy, The ACC Championship Game, the SEC Championship Game and the MAC Championship game.
The only part of the game that I liked was the use of your mii character to track your results, and it shows your picture if you make a tackle or big play. I don't know if it will show your mii in uniform, but with the absolutely horrific graphics, I doubt you could tell who it was anyway. I don't know if there is the "locker room" feature available like there is supposed to be in the xbox and ps games so you can download all of the player names. I could not find it if it is there. It appears that you have to go in and edit every player to get the right names. Why not add the locker room feature to the wii version EA???
I am a big college football fan and was really looking forward to playing this game, but I am very disappointed. For the umpteenth time, the graphics were so bad, it rendered the game unplayable. Don't waste your money, I am returning it as soon as possible. NCAA Football 09
throughout the past couple months my expectations went up and down about this game. I have played the previous NCAA games for years now and since I own a Wii I thought the new controls would be a nice addition to the game because most of it is getting old (please record a new commentary track). Once I put in the game I noticed the shotty graphics. Now I know it's on a wii, but that should not be the reason it is this bad. There are games like Resident Evil 4 that look fantastic. The image seems to be made to look cartoon like on purpose. I decided to play Western MIchigan at Central Michigan because it is my home school. The stadium is not there. Even though it has been in past games, I guess EA sports figured only some school can have their own stadium, the rest get a generic one. The crowd is flat and the grass is just a sea of green, like Tecmo Bowl for the original Nintendo. I quit to then see what extras there were. You have Dynasty mode, Rivalry game, and Mascot game. No Create a team, Create a character, or Historic games. I click on Dynasty mode because that is the most important part and start up as Michigan State so I know I will have a real stadium. I had to quit my first game twice out of frustration because the sensor bar is not reading the Wii remote movement. Kicking was nice with it depending on how the Wii remote is turned and the speed it is swung at, but everything else seems to not read well. Even the playbook is empty. You have about 10 plays that consist of zone, deep zone, man, blitz... etc. with no formations, and this is in the Non-All play mode. Lastely, I can understand in the All-Play mode to have it be cute, but when I turn it off, I expect that too as well. I could not get into one game with it showing me a smily face for a good play, or filling the screen with stars when I get a touchdown. I am sorry EA sports, but I will be returning your game and I hope you make you 2010 line for people who enjoy the game, and not for family fun.
This game lacks 90% of what makes it great for experienced players, and lacks the reaction time of the Wii remote for new users.
Wow. What can I say about this game? It's basically exactly the same as NCAA Football 2005 that I have for Gamecube. Right down to the two man commentary word-for-word. Except, the Gamecube version is actually better. This doesn't even have a create school/player option. The graphics are really basic. It doesn't show anything on the sidelines (players/coaches/fans). It doesn't even show the fans in the stands, like the Gamecube game did. The only other difference is using the Wii remote for gameplay, which is really tedious, and almost too easy. Simply flick/shake remote to pass/rush/catch etc... Yawn. No thanks.
Do yourself a favor and spend the 10-20 bucks on the Gamecube version instead.NCAA Football 2005
I really dodged a bullet with this one. I'm glad I rented it first.
I understand where many of the negative comments are coming from. The graphics aren't fantastic and the game play isn't very complicated. But as a college football fan who is more or less inexperienced at gaming and really just getting into it because of the unique nature of the Wii, I really enjoyed this. I likely would not have used much more complex controls (I have Madden 09 and probably don't get nearly the functionality out of it that I should). Of course I would have enjoyed better graphics but if I played games for graphics I would have a different system. I may not be the typical gamer but this game works for me and it might work for you too. - College Football - Bomb - Ncaa - Football'
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